1) The 2nd edition of this nursing textbook has a chapter about EMF and RF, I believe for the first time. Medical professionals need this information to protect themselves and their patients.
Environmental Health in Nursing (pg. 143/377)
“A New Form of Environmental Pollution: Wireless and Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields”
or https://tinyurl.com/45534whj
2) Running fiber optic cable to and through the home provides the fastest internet speed possible, but it can be expensive. But copper wire is in place already and connecting it from the home to the FOC could make fast internet available at a cheaper price.
Ordinary copper telephone wire could carry gigabit broadband speeds
“Fibre-optic cable is being laid across the UK at great expense to speed up people’s internet connections, but researchers claim that the copper telephone wire already in use across the country can achieve data rates three times higher than currently seen at a fraction of the price, at least over short distances. Their technique to boost speeds may help to ease the transition to nationwide fibre optic, and may also be of use in countries that use similar twisted-pair copper wire.”
or https://tinyurl.com/3wsv6xmh
3) Part of an new “innovative” way of learning, young children are being exposed to radiation via goggles that are sending RF waves through their heads. How is this being allowed when there is so much evidence of the dangers? Where are the knowledgeable parents? This is being promoted as part of advanced learning opportunities.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Elementary Students Using VR Goggles “funded through the district’s education foundation” Despite Health Risks
“The first graders also used the VR goggles to see octopuses camouflage themselves to avoid their predators and learn how crocodiles’ tough, scaly skin can protect them from most bites.
Earlier that morning, a class of fifth-grade students used the same technology lab to create computer codes that would dictate a robot’s movements, create stop-motion videos with clay figures, draft intricate designs that a laser cut on wood panels or plan the next item they wanted to construct with the 3D printer.
The immersive iINNOVATE Lab at Sinsheimer Elementary is one of 10 across each San Luis Coastal Unified School District’s elementary school in the county. It’s part of a new initiative funded through the district’s education foundation.“
Do VR Goggles Emit Radiation – What you need to know
“We know for a fact that VR headsets emit large amounts of radiation. It is necessary because that is how it communicates with the main console (be it your gaming console, cellphone, or TV from where you’re streaming content).
Most of that radiation is RF, being used to encrypt large packets of data for the real-time relay. The VR headset sends and receives thousands of such radiation packets every second it is connected.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” Leonardo da Vinci