1) 5G is dependent upon fiber optic cable both is cities and rural areas. Concerns were raised in Ohio about laying cable as well as “smart” developments.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Letters on Environmental Impacts and Recommendations for Smart City Development and 5G Related Fiber optic
“Environmental Health Trust is sharing two letters from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources regarding environmental impacts from Smart City Development and 5G Related Fiber Optic Deployment. Both letters detail the various environmental issues and the Fish and Wildlife Division recommends “that impacts to streams, wetlands and other water resources be avoided and minimized to the fullest extent possible, and that Best Management Practices be utilized to minimize erosion and sedimentation.” ”
2) An interesting article from Fiber Broadband Association telling how fiber changed a county from one with poor or no internet service and an unattractive commercial future to one with a high percentage of homes, businesses, hospitals and schools having internet access via fiber optic cable. Granted, there is still some wireless aspect, but cable is the future for many rural communities.
Douglas County, Oregon: Building a Fiber Pathway Forward
“This case study profiles how one rural community in Oregon closed this digital divide. By leveraging a fiber backbone facilitated in part by the incumbent electrical service cooperative, residents of Douglas County launched Douglas Fast Net (DFN), based in Roseburg, Oregon, in 2000. DFN became one of the first Internet service providers (ISPs) in the state to offer symmetrical 1-Gbit/s Internet service. As of this writing, DFN is planning to install 10-Gbit/s service through a backbone upgrade, continuing a pattern of bringing value to local business, education, healthcare, and government agencies….
Fiber optic facilities continue to provide specific benefits to the key regional hospitals and schools. The days when medical images had to be hand-delivered are long gone, and emergency room physicians have immediate access to consultations with offsite experts. Schools have been able to support remote learning and homeschooling in the wake of the recent pandemic. And the local community colleges have a thriving online program. The future looks even brighter. With renewed funding, DFN plans to expand its network footprint significantly while offering 10-Gbit/s symmetrical services in the near term. What began as a grassroots alternative has become a source of regional opportunity.”
3) Given the recent situation in Toronto, it might be interesting to find out if there are accommodations made for housing in the USA that are not made in Canada.
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“The US National Council on Disability will have a presentation on Chemical and Electromagnetic Sensitivities Thursday May 12, 2:45-3:20 pm at their quarterly meeting.
“The National Council on Disability makes recommendations to the President and Congress, and promotes policies affecting Americans with disabilities for all levels of government and for private sector entities. The Chair is appointed by the US President….
We hope you’re able to join us for NCD ‘s Quarterly Council Meeting May 12, 2022, 12-4 p.m. ET.
The virtual meeting will take place on Zoom will include Council business, a presentation on chemical and electromagnetic sensitivities, and a public comment session.”
Please register at:
or https://tinyurl.com/4teszn5v
This is a free event.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“This is a planned world being created by technocrats totally ignorant of the reality of our biology, an ignorance fostered by the existing thermal-effects only standards/guidelines.” Dr. Don Maisch