1) Part of EH Trust Jackson Hole Film Series. available to watch for free.
Almost 24 Hours Left to Watch the Film
“A Fierce Green Fire: Battle for A Living Planet“
Stream Anytime Until 7 pm MT May 5, 2022
Then join us Thursday night at 7 pm for a LIVE Q & A with Director and Producer Mark Kitchell. Here is the link for the Q & A at 7 pm:
2) The topic of Wi-Fi in schools, and trustees fiduciary responsibility to protect children and teachers in their districts is a concern being addressed by groups such ART (Americans for Responsible Technology). In 2011, many parents and other advocates made attempts to educate various School Boards in BC about RF, but most were like Victoria’s School District 61. They didn’t want to know. In fact, they refused to allow experts such as Dr. David Carpenter to provide a 3 min. presentation via Skype — we were told he had to come in person. And when the late Dr. Martin Blank did attend in person, they gave him 3 minutes and then “dismissed” him. The topic could not be discussed at PAC meetings and flyers could not be given to parents on school grounds.
At the link below is a letter written about 10 years ago from a parent asking to address his concerns to the committee considering Wi-Fi (this is a decision made by the School Boards, not the Board of Education.) Today, SD 61 has 18,000 students and employs many teachers, all of whom are exposed to Wi-Fi without choice, or even being told, every school day. The evidence was available 11 years ago that children are especially vulnerable to RF radiation but it is much clearer now. Fiber optic cable is readily available in older schools and probably is available, at least in portions like the offices, in newer schools. It’s time to push this issue with School Boards and to let the Trustees know they are not doing their jobs, are not fulfilling their oaths, and likely are not protected by Directors’ Insurance, meaning each Trustee could be held liable for endangering/harming those in their care.
You could ask that packages of information be sent to the Trustees of your school district.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Can You Help Us Protect Kids from Wireless Radiation?
“The TechSafe Schools program is based on the legal obligation of school administrators to provide a safe environment for kids. Their “Duty of Care” includes the duty to be aware of any possible hazard, and to take steps to reduce or eliminate it.
Under our “TechSafe Advocate” program, any parent or concerned community member can request a package of information be sent to their local school. Over the past week, more than 100 individuals have signed up, and 100 schools have received legal notification.”
3) In last night’s update [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2022-05-03-fiber-optic-cable-reaches-hartley-bay/], I shared an article about a woman in Toronto who is requesting assisted suicide because of her inability to have a home where her health problems, including MCS, could be accommodated. Several of you have asked how you could help. Here is a gofundme page. I know the organizer, David Fancy, and he is very credible and trustworthy. I asked him if Denise could move away from Toronto to a cheaper, cleaner place but he said her various health problems require medical care that is available only in Toronto.
4) Qualicum Beach people are still fighting valliantly to prevent an unneeded, unsafe, illegitimately approved cell tower from being erected. Please share this widely with friends and family in the area. Let’s help set a precedent here in BC — where a community is able to fight for fair and just treatment for the sake of their friends and neighbours. A press release was sent out today:
Citizens up in arms in Qualicum Beach over 160-foot 5G cell tower being installed without due process: Calling on Town Council to retract its consent in light of serious breaches in public consultation process

To our Cell Tower Team: [Our last Attempts]
Cell Tower is here, being erected across from church.
1] 5G Protest Rally, 160 foot cell tower,
Sat. May 7, 2022 at 1-3pm
Park at Christian Fellowship Church,
825 Village Way, Qualicum Beach
Come. bring family, children and friends!
2] Zoom link for Meeting
Fri. May 6, 2022 at 5pm
3] Please send the suggested message in “letters” below to our elected officials listed.
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Minister Champagne, ISED <ministerofisi-ministredeisi@ised-isde.gc.ca>
MP Gord Johns <gord.johns@parl.gc.ca>
MLA Adam Walker <adam.walker.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Mayor and Council: <bwiese@qualicumbeach.com>, <askipsey@qualicumbeach.com>,
<twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com>, <rfilmer@qualicumbeach.com>, <sharrison@qualicumbeach.com>
bcc: <caroldowe@gmail.com>
We OPPOSE the 160-foot 5G cell tower at 2045 W. Island Highway, Qualicum Beach in the middle of 5 daycares, 2 elementary schools, and in the town of Canada with the most senior population.
It has come to light that there were serious breaches in the federal government default public consultation process, not giving proper notice to citizens.
Thank you everyone for your help! We have been doing everything possible to stop this 5G 160 foot cell tower. We appreciate you!
Carol and Fred Dowe <caroldowe@gmail.com> 250-752-2104
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Here is the letter Carol and Fred Dowe sent Minister Champagne on April 25:
**We urge Mayor and Council to retract their consent of the cell tower by sending a letter of Non-Concurrence to Sitepath Consulting/Telus with a copy to ISED Minister Champagne, in view of this new information.
Sign your name address and bcc: <caroldowe@gmail.com>
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe