1) Today in a webinar I learned that there is a Fiber Broadband Association.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Established in 2001, and the only all-fiber trade association in the Americas, the Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) provides advocacy, education and resources to companies, organizations and communities who want to deploy the best networks through fiber to the home, fiber to the business and fiber everywhere. Our member-led association collaborates with industry allies to propel fiber deployment forward for a better broadband future here and around the world.”
On Friday, there is a Zoom meeting with the head of this association, but I know nothing else about it at this point. This appears to be a group from which we can learn a lot.
National Conference Call — President and CEO of the Fiber Broadband Association Gary Bolton at this Friday’s National Call for Safe Technology.
You can register for the April 22nd call at 1pm EST / 10am PST here:
2) Below is a letter from someone who has been involved with electronics for many years, and speaks to 5G, 6G and more. He wrote it in response to comments in another group’s discussion and graciously agreed to allow me to share.
3) Over the years, many of you have visited www.emrabc.ca to see the detailed information about meters and transmitters, and the amazing photos that have been gathered. Among the valuable information are some comments that are typical of the problems many people are experiencing today and there will be more tomorrow if we do not stop the proliferation of EMF in our environment.
– “I have had 3 5G boxes installed right next to my 3rd story apt recently. Ever since I’ve been having extreme heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, my brain feels like its being cooked, my skin is burning from the inside, I’m nauseated all the time with very loud ringing in my ears. I’ve also had seizures. I HAVE TO MOVE BECAUSE OF THIS MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY OR IT’S GOING TO KILL ME.”
– “It’s bad enough with a 4G tower very close to our home without the 5G. Since they put the tower in we have had problems with our goats having their babies early and dieting [dying ?], now they are having them late and refuse them. Have lost a lot of goats since they put this tower up. Before we lost only ONE. We’ve been raising them since 2015. Plus my health has gone downhill. And when we have family over they get headaches.”
4) Again, sorry for the short notice. The activities that are taking place in the USA, especially in the New England area, are very significant and may very well set precedents from which we can benefit. This will be recorded, posted on EHTrust.org website.
A Conversation With Pittsfield Families About the Emergency Cease and Desist for Verizon Cell Tower by the Pittsfield Board of Health
“Soon after a large cell tower was powered up in the City of Pittsfield Massachusetts, residents living near the tower reported health issues. They took the issue to the Board of Health. The Board investigated the issue for over a year and determined that there was credible evidence that the radiation emission from the cell tower was linked to the health effects in the residents.
Join us for a live conversation with several Pittsfield residents to discuss the order and next steps for the community. We will record the event.
Event: The Pittsfield MA Cell Tower Order
Time: Thursday at 10 a.m Eastern
Registration link https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gc6DaBXRSLCPjy43LhUrDg
Read the emergency order for the Pittsfield cell tower here.”
From: “Todd Berran” (name given with permission )
Sent: April 19, 2022
Subject: RE: 5G microwave emissions study and analysis in a US urban setting (Columbia SC) – Hardell et al
I’m a Component Engineer currently working in the Railway industry in Toronto. The company I work at now designs and builds the signaling and communications electronics Urban Rail Systems (people-mover trains). I’ve been in this industry for 12 years. Prior to that was in military/aerospace for 10 years and underwater acoustics research (military) for 5 years. All told, I’ve been in the Electronics Industry for 35 years.
As X well knows, I’ve done residential electromagnetic surveys here in the Toronto area for a number of years. It was only a part-time gig and wasn’t a formal business, but rather, an “as time permits” endeavour. I haven’t done any of these surveys in several years. The reason I stopped is because by the time people found me, they were already quite ill. They would ask me to come to their house and tell them what they already knew – that their house was swimming in microwave radiation. OK, now what? I had/have no means of helping them recover and even if they agreed to shut off their WiFi and go back to a wired connection (you’d be amazed how many didn’t!), go back to a landline phone, and get rid of any other RF toys, they couldn’t stop the external microwave intrusion from their neighbours who were all swimming in it also. Go live in a [literal] cave? Sure, that’ll solve it, but not many willing to do that and not many caves that can be purchased. The only thing I could ultimately recommend was “prudent avoidance” (i.e., you can lead the horse to water…).
The content of your paper that really resonated with me was this “Stop 5G” movement. As you pointed out, this is often being advanced by zealots who have little passion for detail and understanding the whole picture, but I would add, have no background whatsoever in electronics and no awareness of the Electronics Industry. 5G is “le vilain du jour”, but what people don’t understand is that 6G chips have already been prototyped and testing and refinement has begun. Further to that 7G thru 11G are already on the drawing table, so if we think 5G is bad, wait. There’s a lot more where that came from. The notion that grassroots petition-signing is going to stop any of this is simply unrealistic. There are quite a number of electronic component manufacturers with dedicated 5G chip production lines. This isn’t just about stopping antennas from being installed. When you drill down from the end-product of that antenna, the reality of shutting down production lines of the entire industry will suddenly come to light. It is a very big web of collaboration to get to that end-product. I think you can see why people, scientists, engineers, etc., are unwilling to go against it.
One doesn’t need to look much further than to some of the publications of the Electronics Industry to get a bigger picture of how far-reaching this wireless/nanotechnology has gone. Here’s a sample from the International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies (pay particular attention to the last article):

Here’s one from Nature magazine:
There is a very deep, vested interest in all of this. In the Railway Industry, the suits are completely sold on this and there’s no changing their mind. 5G is already on some trains and there is a mad rush to get it on as many other trains as possible. So much for the pleasure of riding trains (which I really enjoyed also).
What I’m trying to say here is that I don’t think wireless is going away any time soon. However, it’s not the only villain. One of the most overlooked realities of peoples’ poor health is their very poor diet which is largely enabled by Big Pharma and the atrocious quality of our food supply. People today are nutrient-starved and I don’t know of any studies that have been done on healthy people who eat proper, clean food and are exposed to microwave radiation vs. the typical nutrition-starved diet whilst exposed to microwave. Wireless is only a slice of the pie. There are many other factors that need to be considered.
Thanks for indulging my two cents!
Todd Berran
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein