1) A must read!! This order is significant in many ways, among which is acknowledgement of the science presented to the Board. Another is recognition that the “expert” provided by Verizon was not qualified by education or experience and was a paid consultant working, like Exponent is working for FortisBC, as a “hired gun” (see pages 10-11). The Board holds both Verizon and the owner of the property, on which the tower is erected, responsible. An amazing precedent that, hopefully, will stand. And our Provincial Health Officers shamefully do nothing, say that they follow Health Canada.
The final cell tower cease and desist emergency order sent to Verizon by the Pittsfield Board of Health
- “Whereas, the Health Board does not administer disability laws, but the foregoing authority strongly confirms that RF/EMF – even if emitted at levels within the FCC emissions guidelines – can be injurious to health or cause common injury to that significant portion of the public who are electromagnetic sensitive. Stated differently, pulsed and modulated RF can constitute a “public nuisance” or a “cause of sickness,” and can constitute a trade which may result in a nuisance or be dangerous to the public health for purposes of G.L. ch. 111 ss 122-125, 127B, 127C, 143-150, and 152.”
- “Whereas, the Health Board has been presented with credible, independent, and peer-reviewed scientific and medical studies and reports that provide convincing evidence that pulsed and modulated RFR is bio-active and affects all living things over the long term. RFR can and does also cause more immediate harm and injury to human beings. The Health Board has also received strong evidence that the Verizon Wireless 877 South Street wireless facility is presently causing such harm and injury to numerous residents in the adjacent neighborhood.”
(click on photo to enlarge)

More details at EHT website showing how things are happening.
“A cell tower was removed in Tarrytown New York after residents protested placement near a public housing complex and playground. In Dewey Beach, Delaware Verizon agreed to relocate beachfront cell towers after residents filed a lawsuit and founded the Save Dewey Beach Foundation. Ocean City Maryland and Montego Bay are in lawsuits regarding their restrictions on small cell tower installations. EHT has a list of communities enacting ordinances to limit wireless facilities in and near residential areas and prohibit cell towers near schools.”
Stay tuned as EHS will be hosting a live event next week.
2) Dr. Goldberg has provided testimony before many boards in an effort to educate Councils, Boards of Health, etc. Here are several YouTubes, one of which pertains to Pittsfield.
3) 5 groups, including Phonegate and Environmental Health Trust, are accusing ANSES (the French equivalent to Health Canada) of bias for ignoring and not publishing comments given as part of public consultation regarding an ANSES report “Population exposure to electromagnetic fields associated with the deployment of 5G communication technology and the related health effects” while including statements by the industry.
Collective action against the ANSES public consultation on 5G
“Five associations* that participated in the public consultation opened by ANSES on the expert report and the associated opinion published on April 20, 2021 on “Population exposure to electromagnetic fields associated with the deployment of 5G communication technology and the related health effects” have sent an informal appeal to Mr. Roger Genet, Director General of the agency on April 12, 2022.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” Leonardo da Vinci