1) I hope you will help spread the word, and to write to your Senators if you haven’t already. We need to do everything possible to get the Canadian Environmental Protection Act updated to include EMF as an environmental toxin so that we and future generations have a right to a healthy environment. The Act is being amended now and we need to act now.
Included in this update are updated versions of similar items I included in the April 4 update.
- A Call to Action for Canadians ... includes information that Senators need to know, email contacts for each Senator, plus those on the Senate’s Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (ENEV) Committee —please write to each one individually, not via a group email. Individual emails carry much more weight.
Special Appeal to Canadians: Act Now for the Right To A Healthy Environment!
“Please contact Canada’s Senators to have wireless radiation, such as that emitted from cell tower antennas and other wireless infrastructure, included in Canada’s top legislation for protecting environmental health.”
- Please note that the updated April 2022 white paper by Prevent Cancer Now and Canadians for Safe Technology includes, on page 2, the proposed wording that a Senator could use for a motion for this amendment. This was drafted by an environmental lawyer. Please include this in your email to the Senators.
Anthropogenic Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation in Canadian Environmental Protection Act AMENDMENTS White Paper updated April 2022
If we all take just a few minutes to answer the “call to action” we can make a difference.
2) The Audubon Society has been a caretaker for birds, trying to educate the public about their importance and how to take care of them. But now this Society needs to be educated about what harm they might be encouraging. A member sent me a newsletter (see Letters) from this Society in Florida (Sarasota Audubon Society <gardens@sarasotaaudubon.org>) in which they were promoting a Wi-Fi box in backyards to record and identify birds’ songs. I don’t know for sure if this box just records or whether there are any RF emissions, but it wouldn’t hurt for Audubon members (https://naturecanada.ca/tag/national-audubon/) to inquire and to educate about Wi-Fi. The box only works if there is a strong Wi-Fi signal which, alone, has immense potential to cause harm to birds and insects.
(click on photos to enlarge)
3) The US military’s use of land within, and airspace over, the Olympic Peninsula and the adjacent Juan de Fuca Strait for EMF wargames has been banned by a Superior Court Judge in Washington state. Hopefully his ruling doesn’t get overruled because wildlife, including sea life, as well as humans, were vulnerable to the EMF from the wargames. So many of us have written to both our provincial and federal governments asking for them to protest these wargames which likely could affect those of us on the islands or in southern BC as well as the marine life that lives in our waters. As far as I know, neither government has responded or communicated with the US government about these EMF wargames.
A Big Win to Protect WA State Parks
“Judge James Dixon of the Thurston County Superior Court ruled that Washington State Parks Commissioners were arbitrary and capricious when they allowed the military to use our state parks for military training. He agreed with Bricklin and Neuman, attorneys for the appellants, that there was no better word than “creepy” that citizens would feel in parks with military around. He cited the RCWs under which the Parks Commission is allowed to operate and that Parks’ decision was clearly erroneous and violated its purpose in this case; they violated provisions set forth in the SEPA Act.”
4) I have no information about if or how Google’s plan for laying fiber optic cable from Vancouver to western Vancouver Island could affect Connected Coast’s project which is laying fiber optic to communities on the coasts of Vancouver Island, among other places. If I find out anything, I will share.

https://connectedcoast.ca/ & https://connectedcoast.ca/map/
Google installing first-of-its-kind undersea cable connecting Vancouver Island and Japan for faster service
“The cable, which is called Topaz, will run from Vancouver to Port Alberni and then across the Pacific Ocean to the prefectures of Mie and Ibaraki in Japan.
Google is spearheading the construction of the project but will also be linking up with a number of local partners on either side of the Pacific Ocean in order to complete the task. Once finished, the tech giant says that other network and internet service providers will be able to benefit from the additional capacity of Topaz, whether for their own use or to provide to third parties.”

From: Sarasota Audubon Society <gardens@sarasotaaudubon.org>
Date: April 6, 2022
To: Z
Subject: Sarasota Audubon Previews in April – Monday Meeting via Zoom
Reply-To: gardens@sarasotaaudubon.org
Who: Haikubox was developed by local entrepreneur Dr. David Mann with extensive experience in bioacoustics and instrumentation development. He studied Biology at Cornell and earned his PhD in Biological Oceanography from MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
What: Haikubox identifies birds using their songs, chirps and peeps.
Where: Right in your backyard! Plug it in, connect to your home’s WiFi, and Haikubox will continuously listen for and identify the birds in your yard.

Why: Through a scientific collaboration with the Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the information collected from your Haikubox will inform future research.
How: With the smartphone app or a computer browser, you can learn when and which birds visit, see trends over time, view spectrograms and listen to recordings of your birds’ songs, and easily learn more from eBird and All About Birds.
You can learn more about Haikubox, which was developed in Sarasota, at https://haikubox.com/
Use promo code SRQAUDUBONFIRST for a $75 discount.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” Margaret Mead