1) Broadband International Legal Action Network is warning about what appears to be an attempt to bypass constitutional rights of individuals in the Los Angeles County while granting immense (and perhaps illegal) power to the telecoms. A very dangerous precedent that could spread like a cancer.
Constitutional Rubicon Crossed in Los Angeles County
“Los Angeles County Office of Regional Planning is recommending amendments to two County Codes, Title 16 and Title 22, that will dramatically accelerate the densification of small cell and macro tower wireless facilities in the County. The proposed amendments are designed to codify post hoc illegal practices that are already being implemented in the County. If the L.A. County Board of Supervisors passes the ordinance amendments in its July 2022 meeting, the consequences for Los Angeles County and throughout California by this negative precedent will be disastrous:”
2) From Olle Johansson re a streamed discussion that is now available online.
“Time for a new Loving Life TV episode, from the recent Tuesday, March 29, 2022, this time focussed on the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity. Meet the host, Scott Balson, and his guests Tracy-Lee Dorny, Alwyn Lewies, Mandy Benecke, and myself. (I promise you nearly two hours of very important reflections and discussions, also touching on more general adverse health and biological effects of artificial electromagnetic fields, such as from cell phone systems, WiFi, and other wireless [or wired] gadgets.)”
3) Ericsson, which is a major player in the 5G network building effort in both the USA and Canada, is accused of using unscrupulous and dangerous tactics to get its network built in Iraq years ago. Should Rogers be partnering with a company like this?
(click on photo to enlarge)

Telecom Accused of “stuffing cash into the pockets of ISIS militants” while developing 5G in Middle East
“5G Giant Ericsson ‘Uninvestible,’ Riddled With Corruption
Report: Corruption, fraud, and gross mismanagement risked employee lives”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJuriPfcSfw (video 02:04)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The corporations don’t have to lobby the government anymore. They are the government.” Jim Hightower