1) What, no doubt, will be a most interesting Zoom meeting. Registration is required.
Learn from Leading EMF Experts!
Virtual Event
Monday, March 28, 7 p.m. Eastern. 4 p.m. PT
“Pittsfield, MA resident Courtney Gilardi welcomes all to attend this second Zoom expert forum to learn the effects of wireless radiation from cell towers and other wireless technology.
Courtney will provide a progress report on the Pittsfield Board of Health’s unanimous decision to issue a cease and desist order to Verizon to remove the cell tower that made her neighborhood sick and the pollinators disappear….
This is an incredible opportunity to learn from world-leading experts, and to pose your questions via the chat!”
2) A member has catalogued films and videos about or related to EMF, and has generously shared them with us. They are available on our website under the heading “A/V/PP” where we hold many audios, videos and PowerPoints. Many thanks, Einar.
(scroll down a bit)
3) More cell towers so tourists will come. Want to bet that is part of the thinking, that tourists won’t come if they can’t use their phones? And soon they will miss the scenery because they are busy texting.
11 new cell towers planned for stretch of Highway 3 in B.C.
“On Friday, the Ministry of Citizens’ Services said 11 new cell towers will be placed between Hope and Keremeos, an estimated distance of 92 kilometres.
The province says the project will cost $9.7 million, with B.C. providing $3.1 million and Rogers Communications Canada providing the remainder.”
4) A member sent me the following question. I would appreciate it if you’d let me know if you, too, have seen such disappearance of bumblebees and if there are any transmitters or devices nearby. I will gather the comments and share as a lot.
Email: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “bumblebees” on the subject line.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Studies have shown that wireless devices like cell phones and towers and smeters affect bees, confusing them, causing them to leave their hives or perhaps preventing them from finding their ways back to hives, and this was long before 5G. Scientists expect 5G milliwaves will affect them even more because the short waves of the higher frequencies are about the same length as their bodies.
“Just a question….For the last twenty five years we have had literally thousands of bumblebees every spring, summer and fall. Our wild oregano, heather, lavender etc. has, until two years ago, been a constant humming of pollinators. Last summer, we had only a handful of pollinators and were so puzzled, but wrote it off as a function of the drought. This year, sadly, we have only seen one bumblebee in the winter heather which is at peak bloom at the moment.
This very obvious and sharp decline in pollinators has completely coincided with the activating of Elon Musk’s Starlink, with several folks in our valley subscribing to that internet service (5G). Is this a coincidence? I would love to hear if anyone else has noted such an alarmingly sharp decline.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.” Aristotle