1) Please see below in Letters for details about what could be a very interesting Zoom meeting on Tuesday at noon PT. It will be recorded for those who are unable to make it and I will share when it is provided.
2) And also in Letters notice that the folks in Qualicum Beach continue to fight against a cell tower that was approved by Council despite Telus’s failure to follow ISED’s protocol and ISED’s failure to hold Telus responsible for said failure.
3) For a long time, cybersecurity experts have warned that wireless devices and the connection to the Internet of Things, especially via the smeters which connect to the internet, are vulnerable to attack which could bring the electrical grid down. This, as much as anything, begs us to move to fiber cable — security.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Australia’s electricity grid increasingly vulnerable to hackers via solar panels, smart devices
“The widespread adoption of rooftop solar panels and smart appliances is increasing the risks of cyber attacks on Australia’s electricity grid.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has heightened fears Moscow could take the war into cyberspace as it seeks to retaliate against the West over massive and unprecedented economic sanctions.
Two of Australia’s top cyber security advisors said the electricity networks of Russia’s adversaries would be firmly in sight as part of any attack and Australia was not immune.“
4) At the 12 min. point, Dr. Sinatra, a well known cardiologist, discusses a-fib and wireless devices‘ role in causing this cardiac problem.
Stephen Sinatra, MD, Cholesterol Myths Part 2

(Do You Know What a SMART METER Really Is?)
Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 1:00 – 3:00 PM MT
Brought To You By A Grass Roots Collaborative Effort
JOIN THE CALL AT: www.smartmetertownhall.com
Replay will be available after the call.
Featured Speakers:
Cece Doucette, MTPW, BA, Director, Massachusetts for Safe Technology – An informative overview on dangers of wireless EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and how this relates to smart meters.
Timothy Schoechle, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy; Author: Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks – Why rolling out smart meters in Longmont may be a waste of residents’ money and much, much more.
Susan Foster, MSW, Medical Writer, Honorary Firefighter with the San Diego Fire Dept. A recent landmark case was won against FCC; Susan will speak on how the FCC was derelict in its duties and what this may mean to Longmont; plus, an overview of smart meter fires.
Prof. Olle Johansson, PhD, Retired, Researcher, Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; Internat’l expert on EMF/EMR and living things How adding more wireless radiation (smart meters, 5G) to our local environs contributes to systemic eco-collapse.

From: “Carol Dowe” <caroldowe@gmail.com>
Sent: March 13, 2022
Subject: Qualicum Beach Mayor Open House, Mon. March 14 at 10:00am
Dear Friends,
The Qualicum Beach Mayor Open House will be tomorrow,Monday, March 14at 10:00am. just google this.
The subject is the Budget, but I have asked if we can have other subjects covered, and I will attempt once again to question why they are not giving acknowledgement of the 10 property owners that did not receive property public consultation process from Telus.
We did meet with MLA Adam Walker who told us to keep on with ISED too.
We hope you can join us….our numbers would show we are still opposing the cell tower.
Kind regards,
Carol and Fred Dowe for the
Concerned citizens opposing the Telus cell tower 12 storeys.
From: “Carol Dowe” <caroldowe@gmail.com>
To: “Brian Wiese, Mayor Qualicum Beach” <bwiese@qualicumbeach.com>, “Anne Skipsey” <arskipseyqb@gmail.com>, “info” <info@photomarcus.com>, “Carol Dowe” <caroldowe@gmail.com>, “Fred Dowe” <fred@dowe.ca>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 11:06:11 AM
Subject: Thank you so very much for hearing us re: cell tower
Dear Mayor Wiese and Anne,
Thank you so very much for hearing our reports. at the QB Mayor Open House today March 14, 2022.
We appreciate the respect and audience you gave us. Thank you for agreeing to read Marcus’ report he will be sending you.
Warmest regards,
Carol and Fred Dowe
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” Alexander Graham Bell