1) Dr. Arazi and his Phonegate team have found yet another scientist who participated in the Mobi-kids study had major conflicts of interest. Because of this and the many failures in the testing process, this report must be withdrawn. You can be sure that the industry will use its biased results which were: No association between RF and brain cancers.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Mobi-kids: Korean expert Ae-Kyoung Lee’s conflicts of interest revealed
«Three authors caught red-handed in conflicts of interest with mobile phone manufacturers, four Orange employees involved in the procedures for measuring the exposure of children with brain cancer… All these elements were hidden by the whole Mobi-kids team, and speak volumes about the total lack of scientific ethics of this study paid for by the European taxpayer. Our investigations will therefore continue. »
2) Physicists are not usually educated in biology or medicine and are therefore unaware of the biological effects associated with EMF. Dr. Vriens has studied the scientific material and has become outspoken about the dangers. In this interview (transcript and video), he provides historical information and explanations from his view point as a physicist.
Electromagnetic Fields/Radiation and Health; Leendert Vriens interviewed by EMR Australia
“Dr Vriens provides a summary of the evidence showing that wireless radiation is linked with cancer, oxidative stress (and related health problems), fertility, leakage of the blood-brain-barrier and cognitive performance and that current standards don’t protect us.”
3) From Cece Doucette re. Pittsfield — please see her email below which accompanied this video of an excellent presentation by Dr. Paul Heroux and Dr. Kent Chamberlin. The example of this community fighting a cell tower, of a Council backing the concerned citizens, is one we need to understand and be able to follow because, like Verizon, Telus, Bell, Rogers, etc. will be inundating our towns with 5G.
Please share this. As Cece says, we must educate the general public to overcome the deliberate misinformation / lies pushed by the industry and their bent scientists.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZLbcOHpns8&t=62s (1:37 hr.)
Verizon: We’re Flooding the Zones With 5G
“Verizon commits to covering 92% of the population of 46 regions of the US with C-band 5G by the end of 2022, a bold promise to be sure.”

The Industry is Moving Fast — Please Share with Your Towns and Loved Ones
As we’ve learned, there is no cavalry coming to protect
our towns from wireless radiation. Indeed, there are excellent
inroads being made in the courts and with public policy, but
it may take years for them to catch up to the science and
actually require safe technology.
In the meantime, the wireless industry is not slowing down.
This week’s PC Magazine article indicates Verizon is planning to
cover 190 million people with 5G radiation this year.
This includes cell towers right outside our homes
and on our schools.
We cannot wait for someone else to fix this.
What Can We Do?
It’s up to each of us to bring the facts to our town leaders,
schools, legislators and loved ones.
The industry has provided them with disinformation
for years and it’s time to set the record straight.
We are so grateful to Courtney Gilardi, Pam Krupp
and others for organizing an expert forum so all of our towns
and loved ones can learn exactly what the facts are directly from
world leading scientists, doctors, engineers and attorneys.
Please learn from the video below, share it with your
public servants, neighbors and loved ones.
As Pittsfield has taught us, it’s up to citizens to band together
and keep the ball rolling at every turn. When good public servants learn the facts, they can find the courage and legal standing to
protect the public over corporate intimidations.
Thank you Pittsfield Board of Health, City Councilors,
Mayor, City Solicitor and Legislators for your leadership!
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” George Bernard Shaw