I am sorry it’s been such a long time between updates. It will take me time to go through all the emails and info but I will do my best to share significant info as I find it. I continue to have problems with my computer and Shaw which require updates to be sent via gmail. With luck and patience on the part of some of my technical friends, I hope to get help and resolve these issues.
1) If you can’t get family members or friends to take precautions because of the harm caused by microwave radiation, perhaps this info about ear infections, etc will result in them using these wireless earbuds/phones less. Why not use head phones that have airtubes and no radiation?
Better earbud habits can prevent needing medical attention
“…wearing earbuds for hours on end can reduce oxygen flow inside the ear canal.
Experts warn obstructions can cause wax to build up and mix with moisture, and that can lead to irritation and infection.
2) The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) is asking for your help in having the federal government amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to include environmental toxins like EMF. We have a right to a healthy environment and need legal protection to ensure it. You can read CELA’s submission which includes such commonsense points as including accumulated exposure from all sources, not just one. Right now, telecoms measure RF from their single device, be it a cell tower, cell phone, smeter, etc. when all and more could be emitting and radiating in the same area.
I hope you will consider taking just a few minutes to add your voice. If you do and would like to let others know, Bcc citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca and I will include in updates without your name, unless you tell me otherwise.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Time to fix amendments to toxic substances law — CEPA
“CELA urges the federal government to substantially improve Bill S-5 by adopting amendments we have drafted that will strengthen CEPA and better protect human health and the environment from toxic substances. We sent these amendments to the federal government, and we are asking you to add your voice.
Send an email to Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault and Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos today, asking them to add CELA’s recommended amendments to Bill S-5 before the Bill goes to Committee. You can use content from the blog post that CELA Counsel Joseph Castrilli recently wrote, outlining the key amendments that are needed to strengthen the Bill. We would be grateful if you would copy CELA (info@cela.ca) on your email so we can track responses.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt
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