I will be traveling for the next few days, so updates will be more erratic than usual.
1) Important for citizens of the EU, the new effort begins March 1. Please share with friends and family in the EU, ask them to sign and share.
Citizens unite to change EU rules for 5G
“On March 1 the signature collection for 1 million signatures will start in all EU countries. Many countries will arrange kick-off activities. In one way this initiative has already succeeded. It united concerned EU citizens across all EU countries creating the organisation “Europeans for Safe Connections”. “The next goal is to reach 1 million signatures.
“The massive rollout of the 5G technology threatens our health, our environment and our privacy,” says Elisabeth Madsen of the ECI: “We call on the EU to make legislation to protect citizens and the environment from these threats. 5G has never been adequately assessed according to either health, environmental or privacy criteria. We need a halt on the rollout of 5G and ‘Internet of Things’ and we need to have clever technology, which is safe such as cabled internet and fiber lines instead.”“
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) One of our members in Ireland lost power during the storm and was able to have phone service because she still has her landline. I have yet to receive any response from Telus, CRTC, an MP, etc. to my inquiry about access to 911 during a prolonged outage. It appears that no one has considered this to be a priority, making it imperative that we all bring this to the media, and to friends etc. The public needs to understand the ramifications of this new “technology” that is being sold as such an improvement. Below is a letter published in a newspaper in the UK.

Letters: Landline phones that worked during Storm Eunice power cuts won’t work in the future
“SIR – Yesterday in the midst of Storm Eunice the electricity went off. The mobile phone network was down, but the trusty landline stayed up.
But this week I had an email from BT saying my connection to the telephone network would be terminated soon. Apparently this is part of a nationwide disconnection by 2025 of the Public Switched Telephone Network that has served us for over 100 years. BT says that all landlines will work through broadband instead.
But in a power cut we won’t be able use the landline that we held on to for that eventuality. Has anyone thought this switch-off through?
Ivor Coleman
Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe