1) C4ST Meeting — All invited. Full details below.
TUESDAY February 22, 7:30 pm Eastern Time (ET)
Public-Community Meeting – All Welcome
Zoom link – see below.
1. Global EMF Project: Part 2- Dr. Magda Havas & Electrosensitivity: Part 2- Sheena Symington, Director
2. Opposing cell towers in Eastern Ontario and elsewhere: Marg Friesen
3. Dolly Parton has much to learn about cell phone safety – Open letter from Dr. Devra Davis, Theodora Scarato of Environment Health Trust.
4. Next C4ST Riding Representative and Members Meeting: March 8th: “Stop Wireless 5G (with millimetre waves) Until Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 Is Fixed. A Guide to Why and How”. C4ST’s April and Frank
5. Upcoming guest speaker, Lyn McLean of EMR Austral
2) In last night’s update I shared an article about Apple’s AirTags that can track people and things. Only smart phones can identify them, apparently, but an RF meter could detect them. Coincidentally, in Andre Fauteux’s last newsletter, there is info about a new micro RF detector that sounds perfect for this.
New Safe and Sound Micro RF Detector (Estimated release date is Feb. 25th)
I am unable to open the link to Dr. Havas’s recent study but will ask her to provide the report and will share when I get it.
3) Update re. the premiere of the movie “Canary in a Gold Mine” last week. If you missed it, it will be available “on demand” soon.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“Thanks to everyone who attended/shared news about Canary in a Gold Mine‘s premiere last weekend! We had 250+ people tune in from all over the world. The Ko Festival (a major US theater festival) has decided to extend the run. It will be available “on demand” on their website later this week. The first in-person public screening will be at the University of Albany School of Public Health on March 3rd at 6 pm followed by a projected Zoom panel discussion with David Carpenter, MD and others. Reviews and new trailer up at www.ptco.org/canary”.
Jonathan Mirin
Piti Théâtre Company
Hilltown Health
4) A book that has been recommended highly by a member. Understanding the role that military and industry interests play in bending scientists, deceiving and harming the public, as well as the environment, is vital if we are ever going to succeed in reducing EMF, among other things. Special interest groups, like the Cancer Society, are adept at getting donations but why do they misrepresent/hide honest scientific evidence about things like EMF which has been proven to be associated with cancers? Money?? Dr. Marino is an expert in EMF and has testified about smeters.
Going Somewhere: Truth about a Life in Science
“Going Somewhere is a dynamic autobiographical narrative about Andrew Marino’s career in science. With a depth and drama that arise from personal involvement, the book explores an exceptionally wide range of science-related matters: the relation between electrical energy and life; the influence of corporate and military power on science; the role of self-interest on the part of federal and state agencies that deal with human health, especially the NIH and the FDA; the importance of cross-examining scientific experts in legal hearings;…”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“To mistrust science and deny the validity of scientific method is to resign your job as a human. You’d better go look for work as a plant or wild animal.” P. J. O’Rourke