1) I just got this, so short notice for what could be a very beneficial webinar. On Thursday, February 17th there will be a free webinar that can help anyone send effective advocacy messages in letter-writing and when using Twitter. Register in advance at this link by selecting the text beside “Click to Register”
It doesn’t matter that the theme of the webinar is climate as the skills and tips learned would be applicable to our EMF topics.
WORDS MATTER: How to be an effective Climate Messenger
Thursday, February 17th, 7:00pm ET, 4:00 pm PT
“Etobicoke Climate Action is very fortunate to have two engaging and knowledgeable speakers and climate activists for this event!
- The webinar features guest speaker Cheryl McNamara from Citizens Climate Lobby Canada, who will guide us through the process of writing and sending An Effective Letter To The Editor. Citizens Climate Lobby Canada: canada.citizensclimatelobby.org is an established, volunteer-driven, non-partisan advocacy group for climate issues.
- And our own Tim Ellis who is a driving force of Leadnow, who will show us How to Best Use Twitter to Get the Message Out. Leadnow is a volunteer-based climate champion promoting a just, sustainable and equitable Canada.
So come one, come all. Fire up the computer and make yourself a hot chocolate or beverage of your choice. Learn and listen and you too can be a Climate Messenger and make a difference. There will be time for Q&A.
We look forward to seeing you there.”
2) A major loss in the USA. Homes can now be used as base stations for cell towers in the US. It is truly the wild west now where there are no rules to protect the public,and the telecoms can do what they want. We must expect to see something similar being tried in Canada. Please keep eyes open.
(click on photo to enlarge)

CHD vs FCC – OTARD — The People Lost
Court Allowed Base Station Antennas on Homes Without Regulation
“On Friday 2/11/22, the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled against us in the OTARD case…
A reminder – the case challenges the FCC’s “Over the Air Reception Devices” (OTARD) rule amendment that allows the installation of base station antennas on homes without application, permit or notice and while preempting all state and local regulations.This rule amendment aims to facilitate a massive deployment of 5G networks (mainly broadband – but also voice services)…..
The court gave the FCC a green light to eliminate all our rights to object to such installations – and the court was clear that indeed this is the impact of the rule. During the oral arguments, after an extensive exchange between Judges Randolph and Millet, the FCC’s attorney finally admitted that in fact all states and zoning laws are preempted except building, electric and fire codes. Addressing this elimination of rights, especially of notice, in its decision, the court stated that the FCC is “treading on thin ice in asserting broad authority to preempt any notice requirements.” However, that is a meaningless “slap on the hand.” A right that was taken is not going to be given back.”
3) From the UK, a cry for those concerned for the environment to wake up to the effects of wireless conveniences, like cell phones. It refers to the work of Dr. Timothy Schoechle and his excellent report: “Reinventing Wires“: https://electromagnetichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ReInventing-Wires-1-25-18.pdf and encourages use of wired vs. wireless for many reasons, including RF and increased energy requirements. This is an excellent article with several links to significant reports and studies. A good one to share.
Wireless footprints: the hidden environmental cost of convenience
A call for UK environmentalists to wake up to wireless pollution
“Although its focus was people’s connectivity during recent lockdowns rather than reducing carbon emissions, the UK communications regulator Ofcom has recommended using landlines to ensure more reliable phone connections. It has also advised the public to “try wired rather than wireless” and, for “the best broadband speeds”, to connect computers to routers using Ethernet cables rather than Wi-Fi.
Landlines and wired internet connections also happen to be the most energy-efficient means of communication. Internet access through Wi-Fi already increases energy use, but this soars by 15 times if access is through 3G, and can be 23 times greater through 4G. In a report titled Reinventing Wires commissioned by the US National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy, communications technology expert Timothy Schoechle concluded that wired infrastructure is “inherently more future-proof, more reliable, more sustainable, more energy efficient” than wireless networks. This ‘inconvenient’ truth should give all environmentalists pause for thought.”
4) Important information for those with older wireless devices or systems. AT&T will probably be shutting its 3G network next week, leaving those using 3G without service. Other telecoms will follow suit to concentrate on 5G. I have heard nothing similar occurring in Canada — yet, but will alert you if/when I do.
3G wireless service to end, potentially disabling millions of devices
“On Tuesday, Feb 22. technology giant AT&T is expected to shut down its 3G wireless network with T-Mobile and Verizon expected to follow suit before the end of the year.
The wireless companies say they need to end 3G to better serve their 4G and 5G customers.
Older devices that rely on 3G, including cell phones, home security systems, wearable medic alert devices, automobile SOS systems and some older smartwatches, iPads, and Kindles – will stop working once they no longer have cell service.”
or https://tinyurl.com/99pdc5ds
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.” Abraham Lincoln