1) This open U.S. FDA docket is a very handy place to read all kinds of excellent submissions made by our EMF scientists, expert organizations, and persons who know firsthand the experience of electromagnetic illness(es). Here is the link to one submission on February 14, 2022 that is a set of seven documents that tell the story of some very unique aspects. After you select the “Download” button beside each document, you can either read it there online or download to your computer.
2) Here is something we don’t see every day: a published review of the scientific literature specifically about Dirty Electricity. For those who might not know, “Dirty Electricity” is a technical term for one of the types of electrosmog:
“‘Clean’ electricity enters buildings at a frequency of 50-60 Hz. ‘Dirty electricity’ refers to electromagnetic energy that flows along a conductor and deviates from a pure 50-60-Hz sine wave.”
This shows how to reference the publication:
And here is the full publication:
3) Hmm. I wonder how electrosmoggy this will (or will not) be?
(click on photo to enlarge)

Toronto is getting the largest solar power generating wall in North America
It’s the outside wall of a building in an industrial area of northwest Toronto (near the airport):
“Though it’s still in its infancy, the technology is taking a big leap right here in Toronto, where an enormous 7,000-square-foot wall — the largest BIPV wall in North America to date — is being installed.”
4) Grrr. Does EVERYTHING have to be about satellites?!?! “Tipping Point” indeed — how many communities and people on Earth could we protect from satellite emissions if we had $200 Million?!?! This is an excerpt from a NASA announcement via email today:
February 15, 2022
NASA Offers Up to $200 Million to Help Push New Technologies to Market
“Companies with technologies that may advance exploration but need a little extra push to finalize development have two new opportunities to partner with NASA to make it over the finish line.
Through Tipping Point, NASA seeks to support space technologies that can foster the growth of commercial space capabilities and benefit future agency missions. NASA is also offering businesses a chance to work with agency experts or use facilities to complete their work through a separate Announcement of Collaboration Opportunity.
These opportunities focus on technology development for space infrastructure and capabilities for the Moon and near-Earth space. Selected proposals for working on and near the Moon could include infrastructure for power distribution on the lunar surface, solutions for using lunar resources, or autonomous construction – key components for long-term lunar exploration under Artemis. NASA will also consider proposals for infrastructure and capabilities in Earth orbit – which could range from climate research tools to in-space manufacturing and advanced propulsion.
More than half a billion dollars have been awarded to 50 projects since NASA announced the first Tipping Point opportunity in 2015. Space technologies advanced through this funding are now part of current and future mission plans. They include:
- Maxar’s Space Infrastructure Dexterous Robot aboard NASA’s On-orbit Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing Mission-1 mission will demonstrate in-space assembly to form a communications antenna following OSAM-1’s launch
- Tethers Unlimited’s Hydros thruster flew on NASA’s first Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator CubeSat mission to demonstrate the use of liquid water as fuel in space
- Two technologies will be aboard the second Intuitive Machines flight to the Moon under the Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative: Nokia of America Corporation’s lunar LTE/4G communications system and Intuitive Machines’ hopper robot”
Barb for Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters