Extraordinary individuals and teams to support and applaud! What would we do without them?!
“On February 8, 2022, BBILAN and our close affiliate, The Balance Group, filed two documents with the FCC in response to its Public Notification for Comment on the FCC’s contemplated blanket license to SpaceX for another ~30,000 Starlink Gen2 low orbit non-geostationary satellites.”
BBILAN Letter to FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel
or https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-oOw7PluFNISoVnfKu3HvAE9oNjlEo_O/view
The Balance Group Filing (Comment + attachments)
or https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GS9wmLMPiX0CS7AXvr3BKVynoWme8q8o
Excerpts from The Balance Group message:
– This BALANCE GROUP filing amplified serious concerns noted in ongoing litigation in Federal Court.
– In the ongoing litigation, The BALANCE GROUP raised substantial technical, environmental, human health, national security, cybersecurity and other concerns about a SpaceX proposal to place over 4,000 satellites in low earth orbit (LEO).
– Now, while that litigation remains unresolved, SpaceX seeks approval to deploy nearly 30,000 next generation (Gen2) satellites, and operate them about 200 kilometers closer to earth! The BALANCE GROUP filing opposed authorizing those launches and requested a systemic environmental review, among many other studies, prior to any such massive network deployments being approved.
– In a promising first step, NASA, National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Commerce Department seem to agree or https://cdn.geekwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/NTIA-NASA-and-NSF-Fi.pdf , in part, noting in comments also filed Feb. 8, 2022 that much more coordination and studies need to occur.
– The process is broken and we are in federal court working to restore balance to the decision making processes for large-scale systems in a manner that reflects good stewardship for our health, for flora and fauna, and for the systems upon which we all rely.
(click on photos to enlarge)
More news coverage about effects on wildlife.
Headline: Research Suggests Cell-Tower Radiation Harms Wildlife
Photo caption: “Multiple studies have cited exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cell towers as a factor in the collapse of bee colonies in recent years.”
2-minute audio (mp3): https://www.publicnewsservice.org/cuts/77/rss-77814-1.mp3
Dr. Joel Moskowitz, director of the Center for Family and Community Health in the School of Public Health at the University of California-Berkeley, said the problem is only going to grow.
“The industry is putting up something like 800,000 small cell sites around the country, roughly doubling or tripling the current number of cell towers,” Moskowitz explained. “Our ambient levels of exposure are going to increase dramatically within the next few years.”

Online this weekend! Major U.S. Theatre Film Festival To Feature Wireless & Electrosensitivity
(message from Performer and Theatre Company owner Jonathan Mirin:)
Please take a look at the 2 minute trailer for “Canary” here https://ptco.org/shows/canary/ and if you like what you see, consider watching the full show and forwarding this notice on. And of course please see below. Thanks!
Subject: [EMF] “Canary in a Gold Mine” Premieres Friday: Press coverage and request for sharing
Even before the show premieres this weekend, we have put the safe tech issue in front of tens of thousands of people in Massachusetts.
Radio: https://soundcloud.com/939theriver-1/canary-in-a-goldmine-the-ko-fest-comes-online
In order to encourage more “mainstream” presenters like colleges, theaters, festivals, etc around the world to present “Canary in a Gold Mine”, we need strong ticket sales this weekend. Would you consider buying a ticket and sharing with your network? Thank you!
Post-show Panelists include Dr. David Carpenter, Dr. Magda Havas, Theodora Scarato, Doug and Patti Wood from Americans for Responsible Technology and Dr. Stephanie McCarter
Ticket Link: https://kofest.com/product/piti-theatres-canary-in-a-gold-mine/
best, Jon
Jonathan Mirin
Piti Théâtre Company
Barb for Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Mixing one’s wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.” Bertolt Brecht