1) Dozens of flights have been cancelled from smaller airports, like Paine Field in Everett, Washington, due to fog and the lack of confidence in ability for planes to fly safely thanks to 5G.
5G concerns, fog lead to more cancellations at Paine Field
“More Alaska Airlines flights out of Paine Field were cancelled Thursday, citing issues created by the combination of 5G signals and fog.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5sWctxyb0w&t=24s (3:08 min.)
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) Yet another study that confirms that male fertility is endangered by having any wireless device on or near the pelvic area. How many more studies are needed before the public is alerted by labels, at the minimum?
Cell Phone Danger for Fertility
“A new Korean study confirms the link between the use of cell phones and the danger for fertility. Researchers have found a decline in the quality of spermatozoa in men: smartphones degrade the quality of sperm by reducing their motility, viability and concentration. This meta-analysis was published in the scientific journal Environmental Research after a peer-reviewed publication.…
As part of our action to warn about overexposure to the thermal effects of smartphone waves (microwave-type heating effect), which are particularly risky for spermatozoa, our NGO Phonegate Alert advises users to avoid contact of cell phones or any other connected object (tablet, laptop, etc…) with the pelvic area. Never carry a cell phone in your pants pocket!”
3) The FCC voted to require labels telling users about costs and service information but, of course, nothing about RF or how to use the device more safely. Comments are being solicited, but there probably will be a requirement of “relevancy” which excludes RF.
FCC approves internet ‘nutrition label’ proposal
“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted unanimously Thursday to proceed with a proposal that would require internet service providers to display certain cost and service information in easy-to-understand labels for consumers.
The FCC was directed to take action on a “Broadband Nutrition Label” as part of the infrastructure law signed in November. The label is modeled after the Food and Drug Administration’s nutrition labels for food products and aims to help consumers compare options for better deals and boost competition.”
4) Cece Doucette is asking for support of her efforts to establish protocol to reduce exposure to RF especially in schools. Please consider sending a short email to help our colleague who has achieved so much to raise awareness.

Smart Meter & School Wi-Fi Bills
February 2 is the deadline
for the first committees to report out on the bills this session
We are grateful the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure has advanced Senator Cyr’s Resolve S. 186 to form a Commission to investigate wireless radiation risks, as New Hampshire has already done.
S. 186 is now with Senate Ways and Means.
There are two other bills, however, that cannot wait for the years it will take a commission to complete its work. Our children and citizens are being harmed right now:
S. 2204 gives ratepayers a choice, without fee, to have a non-radiation emitting utility meter for electric, solar, water and gas services. Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
H. 115 requires the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to investigate wireless risks and establish risk management protocols. Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity
Send Brief Email ASAP
To: Mike.Barrett@masenate.gov; Jeffrey.Roy@mahouse.gov; Michael.Moore@masenate.gov; Barry.Finegold@masenate.gov; Linda.Campbell@mahouse.gov; Carolyn.Dykema@mahouse.gov; ma4safetech@gmail.com
(Also use this opportunity to cc: your own legislators; if you’re from MA ask them to please advocate on your behalf, especially if they serve on the Committees.)
Subject: Support S. 2204 (Smart Meter Opt-Out) and H. 115 (Address Wi-Fi Risks in Schools)
Salutation: Esteemed Chairs of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy and the Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity
Body: In your own words, include a very brief statement indicating why you care about wireless risks, and that you look to their leadership to protect our citizens, especially our vulnerable children, with safe technology solutions. Please be respectful of their time, they have many bills to get through.
Signature: In MA, it is required to include your name, address and phone number.
Note: We have selected the above three bills as they have the best track record from prior sessions. There are other bills in Massachusetts that also address responsible technology. Feel free to include testimony on those as you deem appropriate.
There is a dark bill too. Senate Bill S. 54 o ould strip local control and force toxic close-range 5G antennas into our neighborhoods, penalizing municipalities financially if they fail to comply. We hope, after the new Advanced Technology Committee listened to testimonies at the public hearing, that they see this industry bill is not in the best interest of the citizens of Massachusetts. We don’t need 5G to work remotely. We need safe, fast, secure fiber-to-and-through-the-premises, not more hazardous wireless infrastructure.
Thank you for taking a moment to send in your statement. Please let us know if you have any questions, and please share.
Kind regards,
Cece & the MA for Safe Technology Team
Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, MTPW, BA
Technology Safety Educator
Director, Massachusetts for Safe Technology
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Theodore Roosevelt
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