1) Unfortunately, due to timing, I was not able to share in advance an event that took place yesterday. Please see full information below in “Letters“. I have not seen the documentary film, Ubiquity, but have heard from members that it is excellent.
Fortunately, the event was recorded. Here’s where the recording is right now; apparently, it might not reside there permanently. Anyone can watch it (a facebook account is not necessary to see this link).
JCI Europe Diversity & Inclusion Committee
https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=3062513590679288 (video 1:06 hr.)
2) Reminder that there will be another webinar by ART on Wed. 10 am PT. Registration is required but can be done at the time of the webinar. If you are unable to watch live, a recording will be made available at the ART website shortly thereafter. The past webinars have been very informative and I would encourage everyone to watch all of them.
The Shadow of Surveillance in a Wireless World
“Please join us tomorrow for another in our series of informational webinars, presented by Americans for Responsible Technology and the Broadband International Lawyers Action Network.”
3) From Dr. Arazi and the Phonegate team, sent a press release about a recent study re. headsets. The testing included wireless and an airtube. The airtube headset was found to have the lowest SAR. A couple of months ago, the French Parliament relieved the telecoms from having to provide a headset with each “smart” phone — unfortunately, this was done before this study was released.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Dear supporter,
We denounce with the highest force the irresponsible attitude of French parliamentarians and industry who have knowingly decided to remove the free headset kits that come with smartphones. A new study by the French National Agency for Frequencies (ANFR) shows that the headset reduces by 10 the exposure of the head. But beware, it is not without any danger.
Yet Apple is going to remove them in silence today…
Thank you in advance to relay widely !
Best regards,
The Team”
Headsets: beware! Not without danger!
“This study shows that the use of headsets, whether wired or wireless, can very significantly reduce the level of exposure to waves compared to a phone pressed against the ear. Indeed, the level of exposure of the head is then reduced by a factor of 10 on average. The study also shows that the SAR of wireless kits is slightly higher than that of wired kits, the latter depending on the power emitted by the phone to which it is connected.”

From: “Yael Stein” <yael.stein1@mail.huji.ac.il>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2022 12:27:43 AM
Subject: EHS awareness Europe event – the JCI Europe D&I Committees – free Online event
Dear all,
Please see this event tomorrow 24th Jan 2021 – organized by my friend & colleague Dr. Judith Rommel from Germany (physicist, herself EHS).
On Monday, 1/24/22 at 8:00 PM I am holding an event for the JCI Europe D&I Committees as Vice Chair together with my colleague Diane (Committee Chair) from the Netherlands. https://europe.jci.cc/committees/diversity-inclusion/
JCI stands for Junior Chamber of Commerce International, a network of leaders and company owners who want to make positive impact in the world.
The topic is high sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. We will interview filmmaker Bregtje van den Haag, who makes very good documentaries for the Dutch public television VPRO, about her film “Ubiquity” [https://www.baldrfilm.nl/film/ubiquity/] . We will also watch scenes from her film and talk to the protagonist Anouk. Anouk is electrosensitive, has 3 children and lives in the Netherlands.
The audience can ask questions directly. The event will be streamed on social media and you can also join live via Zoom.
Registration is here via Eventbrite.
We are looking forward to as many participants as possible. The more the better to give weight to the topic of EHS.
On Facebook you can find the event here
and on LinkedIn here:
We are sharing the invitation all over Europe. And I am very grateful that so many young people support the topic by making it known. A team of 18 people is currently working with me on the preparation. My goal is to have as many participants as possible to show appreciation to their work. Therefore, I am asking you whether you could please forward the invitation to your business and private network.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” Leonardo da Vinci