1) The recent “compromise” between the FAA and FCC is far from adequate according to many involved in aviation. The restrictions are minimal, and few will protect Medevac helicopters, for example, which fly close to the ground and are not limited to airports. This entire 5G scenario is a tragedy waiting to happen, it seems.
Medevac Helicopter Flights Could Be Grounded by New 5G Rollout
“We have a lot of trepidation over the potential impacts,” said Clayton, who relayed details of the Saturday flight.
Wireless carriers point to research they say shows helicopters and 5G co-existing safely in other countries. But the Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday restricted helicopter operations in regions in which hundreds of hospitals are located unless manufacturers can demonstrate their aircraft can withstand 5G interference. The new limits are among 1,462 imposed on flight operations that rely on radar altimeters the agency posted on Thursday.
Unlike jets, helicopters operate close to the ground — where cell towers are located — almost all of the time. They also land frequently away from airports, making them one of the most difficult aviation issues to resolve with 5G….
The six-month restriction on locating 5G cell towers near runways at those 50 airports only protect the last 20 seconds before landing, the FAA said on a website detailing its actions.”
or https://ca.news.yahoo.com/medevac-helicopter-flights-could-grounded-192949239.html
2) After having been refused several times, the application for electrical smeters in Virginia has been approved, along with a huge amount for “informing” the customers. An expensive sales pitch that is likely geared, to a large degree, to the 5G grid. The pitch seems to be that time-of-use billing will save customers money when, in fact, there is a significant chance that those who can least afford to pay more will. Often, the higher rates occur during the day, with incentives to use electricity during times of least demand. That means those who are home during the day — young families, the elderly, the infirm — will pay higher amounts for heating, cooking, etc.
(click on photos to enlarge)

1.1 Million More Utility “Smart” Meters to Be Deployed in Virginia; $203.9M to Be Spent on “Customer Information Platform”
- “Deploying the advanced meter infrastructure will cost $198.3 million, according to the plan, which also includes $203.9 million for a customer information platform. The spending approved last week is the second part of Dominion’s 10-year plan to add more renewable energy and increase energy efficiency in the state.
- The SCC had previously rejected Dominion’s smart meter installation proposal twice, citing the high cost and speculative nature of the plan. The smart meter rollout was approved in part because of a new proposal for a time-varying rate and experimental time-of-use rate, which the commission said could reduce the cost impact on ratepayers.
3) A member has suggested that this great documentary be shared again. With so many new members and new information, I think it’s a great idea. Please share — it has been removed from the internet several times.
5G APOCALYPSE — The Extinction Event
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX4yclXvcts (1:17 hrs.)

MA for Safe Technology Monthly Meeting
Thursday, January 27, 12:00 Eastern
Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcodOmorzwuGty9PJWJJH8f3flR0N_g4f5L
New Hampshire HB1644 Hearing with House Science, Technology and Energy Committee 1/18/22:
Wireless Setback and State-wide Registry of Harm
What an Honor to Testify!
Thank you to everyone sending in brief statements of support, and to those who went in person today to testify!
This was the first time many members of the House Committee
on Science, Technology and Energy were hearing
wireless radiation is dangerous. We are so grateful
they asked a lot of really good questions.
You will hear about the science, risks and harm.
You will also hear the industry denying the harm.
We hope you will watch and decide for yourself. See also the NH Commission Report and the science contained within,
the result of a year-long investigation of EMF harm to
health and the environment that lead to the current bill.
If you agree we have a major problem, please share this ASAP with your own legislators, town leaders and schools too.
Time ran out, so they issued a continuance of the hearing, date TBD.
We look forward to this next opportunity to help
move the needle to safe technology!
Bill Sponsor Rep. Patrick Abrami,
a true public servant interested in doing the right thing.
– New Hampshire House Bill 1644 is relative to the placement of telecommunication antennae and establishing a registry for residents who are experiencing biological symptoms from wireless radiation exposure.
– Dr. Kent Chamberlin, who served on the Commission, has prepared a 20-minute video explaining the reasons for the setback and the registry.
Please Send in a Statement of Support
It’s not too late! Your testimony is needed to help the NH House Committee on Science, Technology and Energy understand the wireless radiation issue. A statement in your own words is most effective, even a very brief one.
To: Patrick Abrami <abrami.nhrep@gmail.com>, Gary Woods <Gary.Woods@leg.state.nh.us>, Denise Ricciardi <Denise.Ricciardi@leg.state.nh.us>, HouseScienceTechnologyandEnergy@leg.state.nh.us; MA4SafeTech@gmail.com
Subject: Please Support HB1644 for Wireless Setbacks and Registry of Harm
Write a brief (they don’t have staff) collaborative statement for the record, including your credentials where applicable. Address it to NH House Committee on Science, Technology and Energy. Attach any relevant documents.
Thanks for sending in testimony and being part of this historic hearing! Please let us know if you have any questions at MA4SafeTech@gmail.com. Note, we will be unplugged January 19-27, apologies in advance for any delayed communication.
Kind regards,
Cece & the MA for Safe Technology Team
Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, MTPW, BA
Technology Safety Educator
Director, Massachusetts for Safe Technology
Founder, Understanding EMFs
Education Services Director, Wireless Education
EMF Medical Conference 2021
TechSafe Schools
NH Legislative Commission Report
City of Boston Legal Comment to FCC
HiBR Conference @ NIH
Expert Forum on Wi-fi in Schools
Municipal Presentation on 5G & EMFs
Additional YouTube EMF Talks
Generation Zapped Award-Winning Film
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” Martin Luther King, Jr.