1) Dr. Arazi and his Phonegate team have confronted the Mobi-kids study which, unfortunately, after waiting many years for what was hoped to be a well-researched document, presented misleading information and conclusions. This critique was circulated via a Press Release on January 10. It seems every report that is favorable to the industry gets wide publicity but unfavourable studies do not. Conflicts of interest pay off.
Mobi-Kids: A study with controversial results
“Expected since 2016, the Mobi-kids study has just been published – discreetly – on December 30, 2021, in the scientific journal Environment International. The careful reading we have done leads us to express a critical opinion, both on the methodology of the study itself and on the various conflicts of interest detected with the mobile company Orange – and, consequently, reaching the controversial results described here.
[1/2] First of all, we have summarized this study whose consequences are essential in terms of public health protection, especially for children and young users of mobile phones. It is therefore necessary to make it accessible to as many people as possible.
[2/2] In this second part, we try to highlight the different points which, according to us, cast doubt on this scientific work.”
2) The European Economic and Social Council has released a major document on development of a digital Europe that seems, after a very quick skim, to be inconsistent if not schizophrenic. While it supports 5G and wireless technology, and promotes broadband wireless with no mention that I found about hardwired being safer, more reliable and far more efficient, in one section, page 85, it addresses EHS, even mentioning the risk of microwave-related biological effects. Perhaps a more thorough reading will resolve my confusion, so if anyone can read this and provide some insight I would appreciate it.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Rappoteur: Bernardo Hernández Bataller
“The EU should assist currently affected groups and limit exposure fields in light of the recommendations set out in this opinion, especially with respect to recognising this exposure as a cause of functional disability and environmental illness. The EESC emphasises the need to step up the application of the ALARA principle, bearing in mind the risk of non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic emissions. In addition, it is important to facilitate research in this area. The EESC is in favour of ensuring a high level of health protection for workers by applying the improvements that are available, while this principle should be included in European legislation.”

Hello C4ST Riding Representatives, Riding Members, Community Members and Friends!
C4ST supports Global activities which align with our National goals: to inform Canadians and their policy makers about the dangers of the exposures to unsafe levels of radiation from technology and to work with all levels of government to create healthier communities for children and families.
There are two urgent actions you can support which can strengthen environmental protection acts and recommendations. Each of these petitions have the potential to influence future guidelines which may help reduce wireless exposures in our communities.
The first petition from Prevent Cancer Now, supports CEPA and PCPA.
The second petition from American’s For Responsible Technology calls for stronger guidelines from the FDA and encourages the submission of personal concerns or stories.
Please Consider Taking Action on These Two Petitions. Please sign, share and access media distribution:
1. Action Letter to Ministers and Critics: The Prevent Cancer Now team is advancing stronger science for Canadian Environment Protection Act (CEPA) and the PCPA, with an action letter to ministers and critics here.
Please click on this link to voice your concerns: https://preventcancernow.ca/update-and-strengthen-canadas-key-chemicals-laws/
Thank you for taking a few minutes to add your voice to the Prevent Cancer Now Letter addressed to Ministers and Critics – https://preventcancernow.ca/take-action-now/
2. American’s For Responsible Technology is urgently requesting that you submit your concerns to the FDA. Please consider supporting this initiative for our American neighbours. Together we can move mountains!
If you suffer from microwave sickness, have had cancer from wireless, suffered neurological problems (autism, ADD, Alzheimer’s), reproductive problems, or other health problems from wireless, please submit your story to the FDA about how wireless has harmed you. See email below for link on where to submit.
Since December 22, 2021, the FDA has received about 200 comments on this citizens’ petition:
Thank you kindly for your wonderful, persistent advocacy!
Keep up the great work, everyone!
Shelley Wright
URGENT APPEAL TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA to Suspend the 5G Rollout and to Choose Safe and Reliable Fibre Connections – https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/
afin qu’il suspende le déploiement de la 5G et opte pour des connexions par fibre optique sécuritaires et fiables –
Make a difference.
– Sign the Appeal
– Share it with your network.
– Follow us, like us, share and comment on Facebook. – https://www.facebook.com/C4ST.ORG/videos/173505710669386/
Get involved:
Become a Riding Representative: http://c4st.org/riding-representatives/
The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)
C4ST is a national, not-for-profit, volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein