Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. May 2022 be more sane and a year during which we enjoy meaningful achievements in our efforts to make our world a safer place for us and future generations. The next update will be on January 3, 2022.
1) From Dr. Meg Sears of Prevent Cancer Now. Dr. Sears lists many things she and her group have worked on in 2021, one of which is helping Environmental Health Trust (EHT) in their effort to educate the public re. microwave/wireless radiation. High on her list of priorities is the Precautionary Principle regarding all environmental toxins.
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Transforming “Safe” in 2022
Help us make 2021 work pay off in the New Year!
Laws to protect health may prevent “unacceptable risks” or protect against “established, adverse health effects.”
There is a world of difference between these and “safe.”
When governments claim “safe” it should be closer to the truth!
In 2022 the time has come (even as we may feel increasingly unsafe).
2) Dr. Devra Davis outlines EHT’s many accomplishments of 2021. A major highlight for this group and Dr. Davis was the victory in the recent battle with the FCC and the US government.
“The end of the year brings with it the season of giving thanks and giving back. It’s a time to reflect on the ups and downs of this crazy year and to appreciate our ability to endure and overcome the many challenges we’ve faced and to look ahead at the changes that are yet to be made.
This year, Environmental Health Trust hit many major milestones.”
3) Experts from 4 countries are demanding that regulatory bodies stop allowing industry to influence the guidelines that result in dangerous levels of exposure, leaving people unprotected from dangerous levels of EMF.
Nordic Appeal from 11 NGO´s – calling for better protection against wireless technology
“In a joint letter, representatives from 11 Nordic organisations active in the field of health risks from radiation from wireless technology, request that humans and the environment be better protected. People are today completely unprotected from a variety of harmful effects, such as cancer and neurological damage, which the research has repeatedly shown occurs at levels well below current ”safety limits”.
We represent organizations that have been involved in research and/or followed the research in this field for many years. We constantly receive new testimonies from people who have suffered from ill health after base stations for 4G, 5G or smart electricity meters have been installed in their immediate environment. We are deeply concerned about these developments and demand that the following measures be taken as soon as possible:
- New safety limits must be established that protect against the evident health and environmental risks at levels that are far below current guidelines. This must be done by experts who are free from any ties to the industry concerned, and with participation by researchers within the research community, who consider the risks to be considerable even at levels well below the current guidelines.
- Before further deployment, a risk assessment of 5G systems must be carried out, also in this instance by experts who are free from ties to the industry concerned, and with participation by researchers within the research community who point to evidence that the risks are considerable.
- To prevent injuries, education about the risks must be carried out at all levels of society, for example in healthcare, schools, and the general public.
- The best possible technology should be used to protect human health and the environment. Wired technology that minimizes harmful radiation must be a priority.”
Here is the press release of Dec. 16, 2021:
Click to access Press_Release_Nordic_Appeal_from_11-NGOs-2021.pdf
Nordic Appeal on Wireless Technology Calls For Protections for Humans and The Environment
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Oprah Winfrey