1) The residents near Channel Ridge (Salt Spring Island) are not prepared to accept the decision to allow Rogers to proceed with its cell tower, arguing that Rogers did not follow protocol for notifications.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Trust urges Rogers to meet with Residents

2) Just admitted that Canadians’ cell phones are being used to track them and their activities, supposedly for “public health” reasons. This is to be permanent. Another reason not to have a cell phone.

Feds spied on Canadians during lockdowns
“The feds secretly tracked 33 million Canadians through their mobile devices by using cell towers locators to “understand the public’s responsiveness during lockdown measures,” says Blacklock’s Reporter.
“Due to the urgency of the pandemic, the agency collected and used mobility data such as cell tower location data throughout the COVID-19 response,” said Mark Johnson, spokesman for the Public Health Agency (PHA)
“It was to help understand possible links between the movement of populations within Canada and COVID.”
The program was disclosed Monday as part of an effort “to be open and transparent,” said Johnson.
The admission followed a federal contractors’ notice indicating the PHA will permanently introduce cell tower tracking.”
3) As 5G rolls out, more antennas closer to people will be needed for the milliwaves to reach the devices. Telus is predicting a million wireless devices per square kilometer! Not only will this be a horror for those with EHS, it will create so many more EHS victims.
5G rollout could bring clutter of antennas
Smart won’t be pretty in some commercial buildings
“Making buildings smarter could force some aesthetic trade-offs as the 5G rollout gets underway in commercial real estate. Mid-band and high-band spectrum carrying the next generation of digital telecommunications will need a boost from a proliferation of new antennas to infiltrate the dense structure and floorplan configurations of typical office and multi-residential towers….
Leathley affirmed that Telus is ensuring DAS are 5G-ready where they are newly installed. As mid-band spectrum becomes available, small-cell antennas can be added to meet system requirements, and they won’t necessarily look like the 4G-related antennas that Andonovsky likens to the size and shape of pizza boxes.
“We’re talking about an increased number of antennas, closer to people, as you get into that mid and high band,” Leathley said. “This will be done with equipment that is smaller and integrates more seamlessly into existing space.”…
“Owners embrace technology when they understand the impact to net operating income, the value improvement to the property and that the risks have all been addressed,” she said.”
4) Devra Davis has been interviewed by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in an attempt to educate many who might be new to the harmful effects of microwave radiation. Please see the information she sent out today, and the link for the video, below in Letters. I did not see the initial interview but so look forward to seeing the video tomorrow.
5) A new website for Prevent Cancer Now. Dr. Meg Sears has been, and continues to be, very involved with promotion of the Precautionary Principle with regard to environmental hazards, including EMF.

Dear Sharon,
We wanted to share some exciting news. Today FOX National News will air a segment on prime time featuring an interview with Dr. Devra Davis, founder of Environmental Health Trust, on cell phone and 5G radiation.
Watch Today
Fox Nation streaming at 4:00 p.m. ET. The full one hour interview will be available to stream anytime on “Tucker Carlson Today” at Fox Nation www.nation.foxnews.com
Tucker Carlson Tonight on FOX News at 8:00 p.m. ET. Check your local listings for FOX News to watch the segment LIVE tonight. (Dec. 27)
As you know, our mission is to educate the public on the dangers of wireless radiation. Carlson reaches an audience of more than 3 million nationally.
Key Takeaways From Devra Davis’ Hour-Long Interview With Tucker Carlson:
- Wireless is a major environmental health threat.
- The Internet of Things depends on 5G/4G cell towers in front of homes.
- The FCC and FDA have ignored the science for decades.
- The telecom industry has war-gamed the science — creating doubt — for decades.
- Credible published science indicates adverse biological effects.
The full episode should be available tomorrow at:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Albert Einstein