1) An article by Katie Singer drawing attention to the fact that the world we live in has no easy answers. We all know fossil fuels are bad, that all cars, EVs or not, are filled with computers relying on chips and materials that are hazardous, that do not bio-degrade. Just about everything we use today, even down to the paper (sometimes chipped) diapers are not environmentally friendly. What to do when whatever choice we make has serious consequences, many of which are not good.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Looking for due diligence with electric vehicles
“I’m looking for due diligence. I know we can’t snap our fingers and stop ravaging the Earth. But could we commit to slowing it down?
Rather than buy into a new technology with invisible, unaccounted for eco hazards, could we train mechanics to keep the vehicles we have in good repair? Could we drive less? Could neighbors share cars? Could we redesign communities to support walking and biking?
While marketers greenwash the fossil fuels, extractions, toxic waste, shipping and worker hazards involved in manufacturing EVs—and the roads, chargers and power plants required to operate them—and the shipping and dumpsites required at the end of their usable lives—calling these vehicles “sustainable,” “carbon neutral,” “net-zero emitters” perpetuates the illusion that consumptive living can continue.”
2) The U.S. DoD is beginning a joint project with private industry to expand and increase use of 5G using the 3-3.45 GHz frequencies and both private and public wireless networks.
DoD kicks off 5G DSS experimentation at Hill Air Force Base
“The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) officially announced the deployment of a private 5G cellular network at Hill Air Force Base, Utah….
“DoD is seeking to promote 5G technology development by becoming an early adopter of 5G networks and applications, as well as by contributing to 5G technology innovation and maturation,” DoD’s 5G plan stated. “U.S. industry excels in its ability to deliver leading edge services and applications based on wireless network connectivity. DoD is becoming an early adopter of 5G applications and services by hosting 5G experiments and demonstrations at numerous DoD facilities. This will ensure that DoD has the ability to use the latest 5G-enabled technology solutions, while also providing early technology validation opportunities that will help U.S industry to continue to lead at the high end of the value chain.””
3) The perfect video to share with people new to the topic of EMFs. A simple, short (10 min.) introduction, comparing levels of manmade EMF with natural, and encouraging use of the Precautionary Principle. Ideally every parent, teacher, school board trustee and council member should watch this.
The Untold Story of Our Wireless World – A new understanding of how EMFs affect us
4) A reminder for a webinar re. OTARD legal case.
Register for Our Dec. 15 OTARD Case Webinar
A short reminder to register to the upcoming OTARD case webinar and Q&A session in which attorneys Scott McCollough and Dafna Tachover (who led this case) discuss the December 7 hearing and the case. The Webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec 15 at 3 pm ET, 12 pm PT
Registration is required. Please help us promote this webinar on social media by sharing the meme below and/or this article.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and myth frame our response.” Arthur M. Schlesinger