1) A free webinar will be held on Dec. 21, 5:00 pm PT to discuss the effect of the “smart” ocean on marine life, especially marine mammals. These wonderful creatures have suffered gravely from military operations and commercial shipping, but the IoUT could make the ocean uninhabitable for them. Registration is required.
Solstice 2021: Say Yes To Protecting Oceans; Reclaiming Our Healing Relationship With Nature
“Marsha Green fell in love with whales on a vacation in Hawaii. Her love for these gentle giants sent her into battle against High-Intensity Active Sonar testing which can induce a range of adverse effects in marine mammals. These effects include death and serious injury caused by brain hemorrhages or other tissue trauma; strandings; temporary and permanent hearing loss or impairment; displacement from preferred habitat and disruption of feeding, breeding, nursing, communication, sensing, and other behaviors vital to the survival of these species.
Say ‘YES’ to Protecting Whales and Marine Life from the new “Smart” Ocean
Tues 21st December 2021 – 5PM PST/8PM EST
December 21 Solstice Event: An Ocean of Consciousness.
Information and Registration here.
“Our Healing Relationship with Nature” by Dr. Marsha Green
Reprinted with permission, Ocean Mammal Institute
Solstice 2021: Say Yes to Protecting Oceans; Reclaiming Our Healing Relationship with Nature
This solstice event is an awareness-raising program introducing the topic of safety for whales and marine life who will be impacted by the military and commercial expansion of technology into the ocean via the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT).
You may not know about new ocean sonar that is flying under the radar: if approved, it will soon be bombarding millions of whales and dolphins around the world with artificial man-made frequencies. You may have heard about the Internet of Things, but not the “Smart Ocean” Internet of Underwater Things.
Here’s the problem: A “Smart” Ocean, aka the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT), will reportedly rely largely on sonar for underwater wireless communications.
2) More on the effects of sonar on whales.
EMF/RF/5G, IOUT, Bahamas Whale Beachings, Kenneth Balcomb: Autopsies Point To Severe Hemorrhaging Due To Acoustic Resonance
“What is so alarming to individuals concerned about the planned expansion of the Internet of Underwater Things is that we haven’t been able to manage telecommunications technologies skillfully and ethically on Earth. We have humans, on land, who can accurately describe the impact of radio frequencies on their physiology. We are not investigating civilian harm, despite attention to diplomatic personnel….
Did the whales tell us, decades ago, that resonance between an organ and a wavelength would render life intolerable for a portion of the population, even without a deep dive? As noted by microwave weapons expert Barrie Trower? Here is a transcript of a 2010 interview with Mr. Trower:
The smart meter rollout, like the naval exercises, created carnage. Why are we still using sonar? Skewed science.
3) Isn’t this bizarre?? Shaw’s and Telus’s digital phones will not provide 911 access during prolonged outages, yet Shaw is complaining to CRTC about another company’s practices. CRTC told me, when I complained about Telus, that it did not have jurisdiction over companies’ practices or equipment. I wonder if CRTC will tell Shaw the same thing.
Freedom Mobile needs proper 911 access in northern B.C. city, Shaw tells CRTC
“Shaw Communications Inc. says its Freedom Mobile wireless division needs access to a modern 911 service. The comment came in a Dec. 6 intervention about CityWest Cable & Telephone Corp’s Part 1 application to the CRTC.”
Freedom Mobile needs proper 911 access in northern B.C. city, Shaw tells CRTC
4) From a member recommending this video of a lecture given in November at the University of Victoria. I have not had a chance to watch it yet.
“I thought you’d appreciate this excellent and timely presentation by Canadian journalist, Andrew Nikiforuk. (He has been quite possibly my favourite journalist for decades.) He is very concerned about the growing dominance of the “technosphere” and has coined a description for contemporary humankind: We are “inmates of the technosphere.”“
Energy Dead-Ends: Green Lies, Climate Change and Chaotic Transitions
“As an author, journalist and contributing editor for The Tyee, Andrew Nikiforuk has written about the use—and abuse—of natural resources and wild landscapes in Canada for more than 30 years. The University of Victoria Department of Writing is proud to have him as their latest Harvey S. Southam Lecturer.”
https://youtu.be/p2ePYyMvodU (1:19 hrs.)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We’re entering a new world in which data may be more important than software.” Tim O’Reilly