1) Further to item in last night’s update [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-12-09-answer-re-5g-interference-with-aviation-more-manual-operations/] about the “solution” to 5G interference with aviation and what it could mean to us.
5G now means some flights won’t be able to land when pilots can’t see the runway
“Landings during periods of low visibility could be limited due to concerns that the 5G signal could interfere with the accuracy of an airplane’s radio altimeter, without other mitigations in place,” an FAA spokesman tells The Verge.
“These limitations could prevent dispatch of flights … and could also result in flight diversions” That likely means flight delays: “These limitations could prevent dispatch of flights to certain locations with low visibility, and could also result in flight diversions,” reads a portion of the FAA’s written explanation.”
2) An article by Dr. David Michaels who has authored such books as “Doubt is their Product”, which addresses companies like Exponent that defend products that are often indefensible. Remember that Exponent has been hired by FortisBC to defend their smeters — first the electric ones several years ago and now the gas ones. This is a long article but well worth reading because we need to understand how governments, panels like BCUC, the media, etc. are persuaded by these “hired guns”, people who often have scientific backgrounds but use them for profit rather than to improve or safeguard lives by sowing doubt, twisting ideas and terms, etc. — and to recognize it. This is a big and very profitable business. Of real significance is that this is published by the American Federation of Teachers in the “American Educator”. If teachers are becoming aware of this deception generally, hopefully, they will consider how this “tobacco-like” campaign is playing out with school boards and trustees re. wireless devices and the very Wi-Fi to which they and their students are exposed hours of each school day.
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A Field Guide to Recognizing Scientific Disinformation
“Big Tobacco’s campaign to manufacture uncertainty to defend a dangerous product is the most well-known of these efforts. That industry’s drive to cause confusion and uncertainty is famously summarized in the memo penned by a tobacco executive: “Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the minds of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy.
The tobacco industry’s success has contributed to the premature deaths of many millions of smokers across the globe. One of the playbook’s chief strategies, paying public relations professionals and scientific experts to question the evidence, is now marketed by “product defense” specialists and used widely by firms eager to avoid addressing the harms caused by their products. Their campaigns are often very sophisticated and go well beyond simple public relations. To convince regulators, jurors, the press, and the public that the science is uncertain, firms often sponsor studies with preordained conclusions and publish them in what appear to be credible scientific journals.

3) I do not have access to the entire article, but good news! The federal government finally decided that China Mobile must stop operating in Canada where it partners with Telus. Now, if they would ban Huawei. I wonder what this means for Telus and its 5G plans.
Federal Court denies request to pause ban on China Mobile
“The Federal Court on Tuesday denied China Mobile’s request to temporarily suspend the federal government’s ban on its operations until the case has run its course. The Mobile Virtual Network Operator, which resold Telus wireless plans, was ordered to cease operating in Canada this summer on national security grounds. The federal government is concerned the company’s ties to the Chinese Communist party will undermine the security of Canadians. China Mobile asked the court to review the decision and, in the meantime, filed a motion to pause the ban until the case can be fully tried. The company…”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” Michelangelo