1) More than a coincidence??? A member told me the following re. their landline with Telus, and the exact same thing, the exact same time, occurred at my home. There were some differences which I will add on at the end:
“Our landline phone went dead on December 1st. We do not have a smart phone and used the neighbour’s phone to initiate the call to Telus for a service repair person to come and check it out. We were told someone would be here on Sunday, December 5th between 1 and 3 pm. However, someone in the system also set up an appointment for installation of Fibre Optics, which we do not want. On Saturday, December 4th we received two emails from AECON that they would be out December 12th to do a pre-install for the fibre optics. We replied to AECON stating we did not want this, nor did we authorize it.
On Sunday, December 5th a repairman from Telus arrived. When he went and checked the wires at the pole he said our connection had either been cut or disconnected. He repaired the wires. Then he went to the junction box at the end of our street and when he came back he said the outage was due to corrosion. He said we would have noticed static prior to the phone going dead which we did. He said we would have phone service either that night or early the next morning. Service was returned that afternoon.
Monday morning, December 6th, two Telus contractor trucks arrived in our driveway by 8:00 a.m. They said they were there to do the preliminary work to install our Fibre Optics. We repeated that we did not want the Fibre Optics, nor did we authorize it. One of the contractors said he had to take a picture of our address and give it to the office so they wouldn’t bother us any more. Later that morning our phone was again dead. We have been without phone service December 1 to date except for the few hours from late Sunday afternoon to sometime Monday morning. We do not have a cell phone so have had no phone service at our residence. Thankfully our Internet and TV service is with Shaw so we can communicate this way.”
How very odd but we also lost our landline on Dec. 1, early afternoon. I have skype so I used it to call Telus and was on the phone/chat for hours. They too said they would send someone to check on Sunday, between 1-3. If the problem was due to our equipment the visit would cost $150. I called on Friday and said that because Dennis has had a heart attack (didn’t tell them it occurred many years ago) and our home security system is tied to Telus, we needed priority service. I was told maybe Saturday but most likely Sunday, and, BTW, did I know I was eligible to “migrate” to fiber optics? I said, what I told several people after this one, that I would love fiber optics if they could provide information that I’ve been trying to get.
1. – How will I have 911 service in the event of a prolonged power outage? Fiber depends on electricity. When the power is out, then the fiber draws power from a time-limited (4 hours or so) battery. I was told by CRTC it was up to Telus to handle. Telus said I should buy a generator. That is unsatisfactory, so until Telus can tell me how they will provide the 911 that is required as part of the CRTC licensing, I will not migrate.
2. – What are the harmonics that the conversion from fiber to electricity will create?
I must have told this to a dozen people over the many days, (the last time being today), and they admit they have no info about any of this and some agreed that they must provide 911 service.
So our repairman came Saturday around 3 pm. He checked and found that an apparent short circuit had occurred on our line. He said it was quite unusual, and he could not fix it. We would have to wait until Monday to have it repaired. Someone did come yesterday to fix it and all is well now, but several people have called since yesterday to discuss “migration”.
This cannot be just a coincidence. I suspect Telus is playing games with our security and service to entice us to “migrate” to fiber. Unfortunately, Shaw is not an option because they do not have copper lines and we will have the same problem with their phone service. Also, I wonder if internet will go down if power is lost since it is dependent on the phone being activated. I bet if there is a power outage, we will be without both phone and internet service. Then what???? Is this a way to force everyone to have a cell phone?
Has this occurred to others? If so, please let me know at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “telus” on the subject line.
2) I am sorry but I didn’t see this email in time for you to listen to the court hearing, but I have asked Dafna if there is a recording. Just as Health Canada is doing everything to benefit 5G by doubling the Safety CodeA 6 limits for millimeter frequencies, in the US FCC maneuvered to allow antennas and transmitters to be put just about anywhere, even on homes. Imagine having an antenna that is emitting 2,000 microwatts/cm2 on the home next to yours.
Listen Live 12/7: Court Hearing in Case Challenging FCC’s OTARD Rule Allowing 5G Antennas on Homes
“As part of its unwavering commitment to fastrack 5G and wireless deployment, on January 7, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the US federal agency entrusted with regulating telecommunications, adopted an amendment to its “Over The Air Reception Devices” rule (OTARD).
The OTARD rule was never intended to regulate transmitting antennas, but via the rule amendment it is now used by the FCC to allow the installation of fixed wireless base station antennas on private property (including homes) in order to provide wireless service to other properties.
With the adoption of this amendment, the FCC has gone further than with any previous regulation in removing “barriers for deployment” while continuing to deny and disregard the health and safety impact of wireless radiation on the public.
The amendment provides for unprecedented and sweeping preemptions, including all state and local laws and zoning regulations such as the requirements of notice, application and permit. It preempts Homeowners Association rules and deed restrictions and civil rights laws including disability accommodation laws. The rule amendment is enabling a ‘Wireless Wild West’ and transforming neighborhoods into radiation-saturated industrial zones.“
3) The increase in the number of children with autism seems to parallel the increase in the level of EMF in our environment, with estimates of 1 in 2500 being afflicted in 1997 compared with 1 in 44 now. Granted part could be attributed to better diagnosis but something else is happening .
(click on photos to enlarge)

Report Reveals “devastating new prevalence”: More American Children with Autism than in 2016
“California Surpasses New Jersey for Highest Rates, with 6.4% of the State’s Boys Holding a Diagnosis
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its latest prevalence estimates for autism. The center reports that 1 in 44 or 2.27% of American 8-year-olds have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This rate is a 23% increase from two years ago, when the figure was 1 in 54 children. The new prevalence reflects a 3.39 fold jump in numbers since the CDC began collecting data in 2000.

From: “Shelley Wright (c4st)” <shelleyw@c4st.org>
Sent: December 6, 2021
Subject: C4ST Riding Rep-Member Meetings Moved to Tuesdays – Are Tuesdays or Mondays Better for Community Meetings?
Hello Everyone!
Starting Tuesday January 11th, 2022, our meetings for Riding Reps and Riding members will be held on Tuesdays (moved from Wednesdays); one meeting a month, the second Tuesday of the month. This decision is based on the Survey Monkey results and C4ST team members’/availability.
QUESTION FOR YOU: Do you prefer Mondays or Tuesdays for Community Member meetings? These meetings are open to everyone and will usually cover topics with speakers and discussion.
Community Meetings will be once a month, probably the 4th Monday or Tuesday of the month.
Please let us know if one of these days does not work for you. You are welcome to provide us with some additional feedback.
Our Community Meetings are for a broader audience, open to everyone. Please help us consider your needs regarding the best day of the week to host our Community Meetings.
Thank you kindly for helping us consider your needs so we can support the important safe technology volunteer work that you do in your community!
Kind Regards,
Shelley Wright
URGENT APPEAL TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA to Suspend the 5G Rollout and to Choose Safe and Reliable Fibre Connections https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/
afin qu’il suspende le déploiement de la 5G et opte pour des connexions par fibre optique sécuritaires et fiables
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The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)
C4ST is a national, not-for-profit, volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts.
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)
The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha