1) China Mobile International is appealing a government decision that, for security reasons, it was to quit operating in Canada. CMI is one of Telus’s Chinese partners, along with Huawei. Much of the infrastructure has been made by, installed by and/or operated by Chinese companies, meaning Telus is putting our grid and our data at risk.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Chinese telecom firm seeks stay of federal divestment order security concerns
“In January, the government informed CMI Canada of a review on security grounds, saying the business could be leveraged by the Chinese state for foreign interference and the compromise of critical infrastructure….
CMI Canada provides mobile communication services, including prepaid call plans, but does not itself own or operate any telecommunications network facilities. Instead, it has partnered with Telus Communications Inc. for provision of wireless services through the Telus network….
China Mobile is a state-owned enterprise of China — “a country that poses a significant threat to Canada and Canadians through its espionage and foreign interference operations,” the submission adds.”
2) The ORSAA ( Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association) is a group of scientists and other experts who have created an extremely large database of research on EMF and biological effects. Its website is: https://www.orsaa.org/
A few days ago there was a webinar, hosted by Andre Fauteux, which was devoted to informing people about the material that has been gathered and how to access it. The initial webinar lasted more than 2 hours, but it has been edited to this shorter version. I believe you will find this database an invaluable source of information.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WewHnGDdU3I_PkBTWYMGXrayxCqlcAMF/view (1hr. 17 min.) (click on video to enlarge)
3) Below in Letters is one written by Cece Doucette, head of Massachusetts for Safe Technology, thanking legislators in her state for supporting a resolution, S186, which can be found at:
The text can be read by clicking on “View Text“. It begins:
“Resolved, Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, there shall be a special commission to research the impact of electromagnetic (EMR) and radiofrequency (RFR) radiation on consumer protection, public health, and technology in the Commonwealth.”
Thanks to Cece’s and many others’ efforts, a second State Commission will, hopefully, conclude that the scientific evidence warrants the Precautionary Principle, and that the various agencies and telecoms are hiding the truth from the general public for the sake of profit. Perhaps, one day, a Canadian province will show the same fortitude.

SUBJECT: Thank You for Advancing Technology Safety Resolve S.186!
Dear Esteemed Legislators,
Thank you for advancing Massachusetts S. 186 Resolve relative to disclosure of radio frequency notifications. (https://malegislature.gov/Bills/192/S186 )
As you may know, New Hampshire is the first legislature in the nation to complete an independent investigation of the health and environmental impact of today’s wireless technology.
Their groundbreaking report (http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/statstudcomm/committees/1474/reports/5G%20final%20report.pdf ) documents conflicts of interest with the FDA, FCC and the wireless industry. They also make 15 common sense recommendations to transition to hard-wired technology.
Advancement of S. 186 gives us hope that Massachusetts will soon follow suit!
Broadband Funding: Skip Wireless
As federal funding becomes available to close the digital divide, please ensure it is used only for fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) solutions, and not for toxic 4G/5G wireless infrastructure in our towns.
As the public record indicates, the FCC is being sued for ignoring 11,000 pages of science and other evidence that today’s wireless radiation is very harmful to adults, children, pollinators and the planet.
It would be unwise to invest further in wireless technology, especially when FTTP is far superior in safety, speed, reliability, data security, privacy and energy consumption.
Thank you again for advancing S. 186. Feel free to contact me or Massachusetts for Safe Technology for additional information, MA4SafeTech@gmail.com.
Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving,
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” Aldous Huxley