1) Message from Kate Kheel of Stop 5G International. The article below is important and I hope you will share it. The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) will destroy much of the marine life that helps to reduce carbon and increase oxygen in the atmosphere. Will this irresponsible use of technology never end? Must every living thing suffer from the effects?
“Techno-ecocide has now reached the oceans.
We need to become informed about “smart oceans” and the “Internet of Underwater Things”, and add this messaging to future counter 5G outreach and messaging.
The technology revolution has now expanded to the ocean in the form of the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT), aka a Smart Ocean. Plans are underway for the ocean to become an integral part of a worldwide network of “smart” interconnected infrastructure and objects that will complement satellites in the skies, and 4G/5G cell towers and satellite dishes on land. Money is being poured into research and development of new applications and infrastructure to enable seamless connectivity throughout the ocean, Earth, and heavens.
And yet…
Earth can no longer sustain our violent, competitive, extractive way of life. We must open to a shift of consciousness if we are to survive. Perhaps it is time we pivot from an ocean of technology to an ocean of consciousness focused on embracing our interdependence on one another and to all living beings in this intricate and awe-filled sacred Web of Life.”
“The technology revolution has now expanded to the ocean in the form of the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT), aka a Smart Ocean. Plans are underway for the ocean to become an integral part of a worldwide network of “smart” interconnected infrastructure and objects that will complement satellites in the skies, and 4G/5G cell towers and satellite dishes on land. Money is being poured into research and development of new applications and infrastructure to enable seamless connectivity throughout the ocean, Earth, and heavens.
Commercial interests and the armed forces view an internet-connected ocean as essential for their operations. But the impacts on marine life are not being considered. In addition to the noise, pollution, and debris from an ocean bustling with anthropogenic activities, the Internet of Underwater Things will rely primarily on sonar which for decades has been known to adversely impact whales and other marine animals. Recently, scientists have discovered the role that whales play in ocean ecology and how they help mitigate climate change.”
2) The second in a series of 3 articles by Patricia Burke about the effect of the military, wargames and a “smart” ocean on marine life, especially mammals.
EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonization, Our Militarized Present, And The Future Underwater Internet Of Things? Part 2 Of 3
“In 2018, the Center for Biological Diversity reported,
“U.S. Navy training exercises in the Pacific Ocean could kill, injure, or harass whales, dolphins and other marine mammals 12.5 million times over the next five years. That’s according to Marine Mammal Protection Act permits and final regulations issued today by the Trump administration.
Explosions, sonar and ship strikes during Navy exercises could harm blue whales 9,248 times over the next five years and the short-beaked common dolphin 6.8 million times under the incidental take permit issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service….
In September of 2021, the National Resources Defense Council reported “House Passes Important New Protections for Whales.” NRDC thanks these Representatives for their leadership to address the high rates of mortality suffered by whales due to vessel collisions and to advance solutions to reduce the impacts of vessel traffic, disturbance, and noise on imperiled marine mammals.”
Underwater Sonar, Radar, Laser?
Why does the bill only specify whales in US waters? It promotes experimental underwater technologies for “Smart Oceans” and the Internet of Underwater Things, as well as drones, that have militarized potentials. It focuses on the protection of “Economic Opportunity Zones” that surround the mainland US. Not Guam?”
3) If only our BC government were as responsible as Saskatchewan’s. Several years ago, smeters were removed after only 8 fires associated with them. Remember, I documented far more fires and never got so much as a response from any member of our government to my report. Sask. promised that no smeters would be installed unless/until they met the highest safety standard possible. After much testing over several years, a smeter has been found that exceeds industry standards. But equally important, people will be given the choice to OPT IN.
(click on photo to enlarge)

SaskPower set to put smart meters in homes across the province
“The Crown corporation’s pilot project saw 17,000 volunteers receive a smart meter. The meter records how much electricity people are using so they will be charged an exact amount and eliminates the need for billing estimates.
The province previously had to order SaskPower to remove 105,000 smart meters from homes after eight fires related to the devices….
Mike Marsh, the president of SaskPower, said the new meters go above the industry’s safety standard….
The switch will not be mandatory. Customers will have a choice as to whether they want to opt in.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Wishing our American friends and colleagues a very Happy Thanksgiving.