1) Next C4ST Community Member Meeting Tomorrow (Wed.) Evening 7:30 PM EST, 4:30 PM PT.
Main Topic: Energy Consumption – Wireless Vs. Wired, brief presentation and discussion
We had a few requests for our zoom meeting link for this evening’s meeting.
FYI: It’s the same link for all of our meetings. (This is a keeper for your files)
We look forward to seeing you!
Join Zoom Meeting, using one of these three methods:
https://zoom.us/j/97250411732?pwd=YU9kZlE5S291anpkOVI3VzVaQ2hGQT09 (No password required).
Go to Zoom & use Meeting ID: 972 5041 1732 Passcode: C4STRR
To call in by phone, find your local phone number: https://zoom.us/u/adqLEcepOB
Landline call in Meeting ID: 972 5041 1732#, #, Passcode: 481062#
Use *69 to unmute
Please see “Letters” for the complete agenda.
2) The telecoms snuck wording into the major US infrastructure bill to get money for 5G and to ensure priority over wired internet access. The Americans for Responsible Technology are asking for help in stopping this by asking for Americans to write their legislators. If you have family or friends in the USA who are concerned by EMF and the environment, please share this with them.
Help us fix Congress’s 5G mistake!
A little-noticed phrase in the new infrastructure bill hands the wireless industry a giant holiday gift!
Lobbyists for the wireless industry have quietly inserted language into the new infrastructure bill that requires any new priority broadband project to “support the deployment of 5G…” (See Section 60102 (a) (2) I (ii) (II) on page 756.)…
The technology is slow, expensive, unnecessary, unreliable, subject to hacking, and will need to be updated in the very near future to keep pace with the superior service and speed offered by wired broadband….
The intent of the lobbyists who inserted this phrase into the bill is clearly to (1) help their employers “hook” unsuspecting customers on their unregulated service, binding them to a costly wireless future, whether they want it or not, and (2) prevent federal funding for wired broadband projects.”
3) Telecoms in India are having trouble finding ways to use expensive 5G spectrum despite consultation with some major companies such as Google, Nokia, and Ericsson. I wonder what Canada’s “clear use case” is.
India Delays 5G Spectrum Auction; High Price is “quite unrealistic right now” Says Telecom Expert
“Recent developments in India indicate that the 5G spectrum auction is likely to be held only in the second half of 2022….
“Nobody is really complaining about the delay in 5G spectrum auction,” said Mahesh Uppal, a telecom expert and director of Comfirst, a telecom consultancy firm. “There are several reasons for this. To begin with, the telcos see 5G as an opportunity area, but they are not in a position to exploit it because of the lack of a clear use case. There is some evidence of 5G’s relevance in niche industries, but this is not a network that they can scale. Then there is the question of the high price of the 5G spectrum. It is quite unrealistic right now.”
4) A technical analyst agrees with the FAA that there is no justification for taking a risk by allowing 5G to use spectrum bands that could interfere with aviation safety. Many 1,000s of planes use radar altimeters to determine altitude and each is vulnerable to 5G. Why take the risk? Why allow use of those bands for commercial purposes? It makes no sense.
(click on photos to enlarge)

5G Aviation Risks: “mobile industry should make allowances for any aircraft that will be impacted” Says Industry Expert

From: “Shelley Wright (c4st)” <shelleyw@c4st.org>
Sent: November 23, 2021
Subject: C4ST Community Member Meeting Tomorrow Evening 7:30 EST, 4:30 PT
Hello Community Members!
We look forward to seeing you at tomorrow evening’s meeting, 7:30 EST, 4:30 PT.
From our SurveyMonkey results, Tuesday looks like the best day for many of our C4ST group members.
If you can’t make Tuesday, please let us know what other nights can you attend.
Thank you kindly for your feedback.
1. Welcome and Announcements
2. Main Topic: Energy Consumption – Wireless Vs. Wired, brief presentation and discussion
3. Parliament back in session, reaching out to MP’s – Discussion
4. CEPA Update
5. Survey Monkey Results
6. Open discussion/sharing
Kind Regards,
Shelley Wright
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier