1) A member did some great sleuthing and found info regarding the NG911 planning, none of which includes, at least I couldn’t find anything, 911 service during prolonged outages. Here is one such document:
I had never heard of the CRTC Emergency Services Working Group but hoped these people would have anticipated this problem and could provide some answers. My letter to the Chair and responses are below in Letters. If all of us write to various people, including MLAs and MPs, we might be able to find out what will happen once our phone service is based entirely on internet access. People must be told they will be without 911 service after just a few hours and that they must take measures to protect themselves. It seems the telecoms are saving money at our expense.
MLAs – https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members
MPs – https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search
Local Government – https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/people
2) In a US group, there has been a lot of discussion about people being bothered by LED and CFL light bulbs, especially people who are sensitive. Incandescent bulbs are not available as they once were, but some people in this group found sources for incandescent bulbs that last a long time and give a very natural light. I believe the costs are in US$. If anyone orders or gets info relevant to Canadian sources, please share.
3) Animals are just as susceptible to EMF as we are.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Pet Health Concerns: Electronic Devices
“One often-overlooked cause of tachycardia (rapid heart rate) in animals, as well as of other heart arrhythmias and high blood pressure, is wireless radiation in the environment — or attached to an animal’s body, like GPS trackers. This is because the voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in cell membranes are affected by these human-made frequencies….
Pet parents should make sure their animal’s beds or resting areas aren’t anywhere near routers (people shouldn’t be, either). If people aren’t willing to simply use ethernet cords to connect to the internet, they should at least turn routers off when not in use. Don’t use or keep cellphones and tablets near animals (or children).”
From: “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
To: “chris kellett” <chris.kellett@eswg9-1-1.ca>
Cc: “mitzi dean MLA” <mitzi.dean.MLA@leg.bc.ca>, “Office PREM OfficeofthePremier, EX” <premier@gov.bc.ca>, “randall garrison” <randall.garrison@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: Sunday, November 7, 2021 4:08:56 PM
Subject: NG911 service
Chris Kellett, Chair CRTC Emergency Services [9-1-1] Working Group
Dear Mr. Kellett,
I am writing to you hoping that you can answer a very basic question which, surprisingly, neither Telus nor the CRTC has been able to do.
With the elimination of the copper-line landline and the use of internet based communications instead, how is 911 service being handled?
Telus, the carrier providing copper-based landlines in BC, is installing fiber optic cable which connects to the internet for home phone service. The modem will have a battery with a 2-3 hour backup. Of course, fiber requires electricity to fuel it which means when there is a power outage, after the 2-3 hour outage (assuming the battery was fully charged prior to the outage), there will be no phone service. Both Telus and CRTC said that this is our problem, not theirs.
I was told that I would then use my cell phone. What if I don’t have a cell phone, or what if the cell phone had not been fully charged? What if the cell towers are down due to storms or are without power due to lack of generators? When I asked this question, CRTC said I should invest in a generator.
Since when is provision of 911 service up to the customer rather than the telephone company? Has CRTC amended the policy that requires 911 service as a prerequisite for being licensed to provide telephone service?
Outages occur frequently in BC due to high winds, wild fires, and heavy rains. As the climate becomes warmer, storms will increase with frequency and strength, resulting in more and longer power outages. What are we to do? But this issue is not limited to BC because the elimination of copper-based home service is happening across Canada. Certainly your working group has anticipated this and, hopefully, can answer my questions.
Sharon Noble
Victoria, BC
From: “Chris Kellett 9-1-1” <Chris.Kellett@ESWG9-1-1.ca>
To: “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
Sent: Monday, November 8, 2021 1:14:20 PM
Subject: RE: NG911 service
Hello Sharon, thanks for reaching out. To be clear, the ESWG is a ‘volunteer’ advisory body that provides input to the CRTC based on direction and/or approval of our activities. Unfortunately, the question you have asked is outside the scope of our work, so I cannot provide an answer from ESWG.
On a personal note, I understand the concerns you have detailed below, having recently made a move and being faced with the noted issues. In my case, I mitigated the issues by installing the Shaw telephone service which has a 8 hour battery backup, plus I purchased two spare batteries and a charger to ensure I have at least 24 hours of service. The other interesting fact, is the new place I moved into in Kelowna has NO telephone lines, which is becoming more and more common; so even if I wanted a copper landline, that was not possible.
These are important concerns and I wish you well with your continued follow-up.
Chris Kellett
Chair – CRTC Emergency Services [E9-1-1] Working Group (ESWG)
Phone: 778-477-1911
Email: chris.kellett@eswg9-1-1.ca
From: “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
To: “Chris Kellett 9-1-1” <Chris.Kellett@ESWG9-1-1.ca>
Sent: Monday, November 8, 2021 10:22:26 PM
Subject: Re: NG911 service
Hi, Chris,
Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly. What a state of affairs that we have to provide for ourselves. You and I can afford extra batteries and a charger but what about those who can’t or don’t know they should have them? This is an issue that those of us who know about the problem must make public. Most people have no awareness of the fact that their phone service may be non-existent after just a few hours.
Your 8 hr. battery must be fully charged when the outage occurs for it to last that long. And what will you do after 24 hours?
Yes, a new home without wires means you have no choice but to use wireless. That is exactly what the industry is promoting despite all the known health problems associated with wireless radiation.
Truly, a sad state of affairs. Might you have any suggestions as to who might be able to provide help with this situation?
All the best –
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe