1) The video of the last webinar presented by Americans for Responsible Technology is now available. It dealt with Wi-Fi in school rooms and is well worth watching. There is no reason for Wi-Fi in schools, especially since it is potentially so harmful. But also people need to tell school boards — the group responsible in each district for deciding to use Wi-Fi — that fiber optic cable is better: it is faster, provides more data more efficiently, is more secure from hacking, and doesn’t emit RF radiation.
Videos of other webinars in the series are also available at this link.
Creating the Resilient and Healthy Classroom
https://www.bbilan.org/ (video 90 min.)
2) The author of this article asks, “Between the power needs of 5G itself and the power needed to store vast amounts of new data, will Canadian ratepayers and municipalities be left holding the bag?“ A good question to ask Premier Horgan — will we, BC tax payers, pay for Site C for data centres in addition to frackers? And how many more after Site C?
(click on photo to enlarge)

5G and the Canadian Data Centre Rush
“Ishai writes a blog for The Times of Israel, and on April 3, 2021, he wrote: “We had 29 4G sites for complete coverage. That meant a power consumption of 29 x 6 [kilowatts, kW] = 174 kW. That is a massive amount. But we need 100 sites for 5G and each station is 18 kW, not 6 kW. That means our new 5G network [in the 36-block area] is going to need 1,800 kW, or an increase of 1000%”.
BC Hydro’s business development manager Dina Matterson told a December 2018 audience of energy professionals that in the previous year, BC Hydro had received “new load” inquiries for about 10,000 megawatts, with potential new customers including LNG producers, cannabis growers, data centres, and crypto-mining….
So it has to be asked: Is bitcoin one of the reasons why the BC government refused to cancel Site C?
With the double-whammy of 5G’s electricity usage and data storage about to wallop provinces and cities, it looks like the winners will be data centres that secure long-term contracts for cheap power while negotiating tax benefits and real estate deals from local governments hit by 17 months of pandemic expenses and desperate for income.”
3) Non EMF but very important. A free streaming of a film about lead in the water in the US, but no doubt Canada is not free of this problem.
EHT Is Screening “MisLEAD: America’s Secret Epidemic” Childhood Lead Poisoning in America
October 23-28, 2021
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Edward Everett Hale