1) As companies like FortisBC and BC Hydro, and schools are filled with Wi-Fi from many sources, we must remember and share the fact that major insurers like Lloyd’s of London (which is well-known for insuring risks no other insurer will touch) refuse to cover claims related to RF exposure, and have for years. This report from 2010 should be shared with FortisBC, the BCUC, school boards, etc.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“In 2010, Lloyd’s of London, one of the largest insurance markets in the world, published a report titled, “Electro-magnetic fields from mobile phones: recent developments.” This report compares electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to the asbestos disaster on Page 15 of 26…
While this report is 11 years old, and primarily discusses the adverse health effects associated with EMF exposure in the context of brain cancer, which of course is not the only major health issue correlated with exposure, the comparison between EMFs and asbestos is both striking and highly disturbing. Interestingly, in 2015, Lloyd’s of London created a pollution exclusion from their policies related to risks that may arise due to exposure to EMFs.”
2) As part of the FortisBC gas meter presentation, Exponent has provided 2 reports (cynically, I bet that they use this for each presentation that involves Wi-Fi/smeters of every sort and didn’t prepare it just for Fortis). I must admit, I haven’t read this yet but will attempt to do so in the next day or so. Tomorrow I will provide the link to the second report. It will be interesting to find the many misleading, untrue statements given by these “experts” on EMF. The fact is that the BCUC people who are on the panel know nothing about this topic and rely on information provided to them. To respond, we have to provide information which hopefully they will read, and hopefully we will have experts to refute Exponent.
Status of Research on Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields and Health in Relation to Advanced Metering Infrastructure
3) I realize those of you who do not reside in BC may feel that all of this information about FortisBC’s gas smeter is not that significant, but I hope you find the information that is being presented useful re. Wi-Fi in schools, cell towers, EMF in general. Everything that Exponent says is what industry tells the general public to sell its products and authorities to install 5G, Wi-Fi hot spots, etc.
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
Sent: September-21-21
To: Secretary Commission <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>; gas.regulatory.affairs@fortisbc.com;
Subject: Re: “FEI Application for CPCN for Approval of AMI Project”
Re: FEI Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for Approval of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to provide you with a significant piece of information, since it involves science fraud, and request that it will be added to my previous submissions, in light of the magnitude of this court ruling.
You will notice in Mr. William Bailey’s submissions, that he repeatedly refers to Alexander Lerchl. Obviously Mr. Bailey is unaware that Mr. Lerchl was sentenced last year by German courts for science fraud. As a native German speaker, I have read the detailed documentation on this court case when it was released.
Kind Regards,
Marcus Schluschen
EMF Consultant
= = =
Sept. 20, 2021
To: BCUC – Re: Fortis advanced gas meters
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to provide you with one more piece of vital information, since it involves science fraud, and request that it will be added to my my previous submission, in light of the significance of this court ruling. You will notice in Mr. William Bailey’s submissions, that he repeatedly refers to Alexander Lerchl. Obviously Mr. Bailey is unaware that Mr. Lerchl was sentenced last year by German courts for, science fraud. As a native German speaker, I have read the detailed documentation on this court case when it was released.
Microwave News | German Court Moves To Silence Critic of RF DNA Breaks
A German court of appeals has ordered Alexander Lerchl to stop smearing the authors of two papers which show that mobile phone radiation can break DNA and possibly cause cancer. For more than a decade, Lerchl, a professor of biology at Jacobs University in Bremen, has charged, without evidence, that the experimental data from Hugo Rüdiger’s lab at the Medical University of Vienna (MUV) were fabricated.
In its long-awaited decision, dated December 11, 2020, and released at the end of January, the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Bremen threatened Lerchl with a fine of up to €250,000 (~US$300,000), or six months in prison, if he continues to falsely disparage the Rüdiger papers. The penalties would apply each time Lerchl violates the court order. Lerchl must also pay €20,000 in court costs.
Since 2007, Lerchl has repeatedly called for the two papers showing RF–induced DNA breaks to be retracted. The first, on 2G radiation, was published in Mutation Research in 2005; the second, on 3G radiation, appeared in the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Medicines in 2008. Following extensive investigations beyond the original peer reviews, the editors at both journals refused. The papers remain in the scientific literature.
Rüdiger’s DNA experiments were part of the REFLEX Project, a €3.1 million effort to assess the health risks of cellular phone radiation. Sponsored by the European Commission (EC), it ran from 2000 to 2004. A dozen labs in seven countries participated under the direction of Franz Adlkofer, then at the Verum Foundation in Munich. Over time, REFLEX became all but synonymous with the Rüdiger DNA studies.
Lerchl “failed to meet the required burden of proof that the REFLEX studies were in fact falsified,” the court stated in its 20-page opinion. The new decision cannot be appealed, according to the ruling.
“The allegations of forgery have now been proved to be fictitious,” Adlkofer told Microwave News in an email exchange. “Over the years, Alexander Lerchl never shied away from any kind of lie in order to achieve his goals. The time for consequences has arrived.” Adlkofer is a director of the Pandora Foundation, based outside Berlin. The foundation paid the costs of the litigation.
Lerchl has been the best funded lab researcher on RF health effects in Germany — and in all of Europe— over the last 20 years. (See Rich Rewards for Bad Behaviour/ David Michaels) Now there are calls for his most recent government contract to be canceled and that he be removed from an international advisory panel.
Lerchl did not respond to a request for comment. – – Microwave News
Alexander Lerchl, to whom Exponent’s, Mr. William Bailey, makes numerous references to in his submissions, was charged and convicted of science fraud! Obviously, Mr. Bailey has still not learned that his idol has fallen into disgrace, for science fraud. The German Courts added that there is no chance of an appeal for Lerchl.
In 2005, Mr. Bailey defended the telecom industry in Osoyoos, and 2008 in Penticton, as Mr, Hans Karow, of Penticton, can attest to. Working for Exponent, Mr. Bailey made a career out of defending the indefensible, just like Mr. Lerchl has done in Germany. Both, Bailey and Lerchl are biased industry influence peddlers, who do the bidding of those who sign their pay cheques. The consequences of their influence is grim!
Bill Bailey. He’s Unbelievable! | The Law is my Oyster (the-law-is-my-oyster.com)
Dr. Denis Henshaw, a retired professor of Human Radiation Effects at the University of Bristol in England, called Bailey a “professional denialist” after reviewing his testimony that is posted on the state Site Evaluation Committee’s website.
“The public is being completely hoodwinked about this, completely hoodwinked”
“The truth is EMF (electromagnetic fields) are bad for you. That’s what the evidence says”
“It’s like getting in a time machine and going back 20 years when knowledge was very primitive.”
Henshaw also brought up a scholarly paper that was published in April in which Bailey is listed as an author. It asks the contributors to disclose outside interests, but doesn’t show Bailey disclosed any interests.
“Bailey actually gives his address as Exponent. I find that incredible,” Henshaw said. “His address is Exponent which specializes in representing industry.”
“Bailey’s been a hired gun ever since I can remember,” Slesin said. “He’s there to protect the interests of the client. I’ve seen him in action many times.”
Dr. Stanton Glantz of the UC San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, has followed the work of Exponent, Inc.
“(Exponent experts) have worked for tobacco companies, chemical companies, just about anybody you can imagine. They basically specialize in coming up with scientific looking reports that serve the needs of their clients,” Glantz said. “They did a lot of work for the tobacco industry contesting the evidence that second-hand smoke was dangerous.”
There’s a small number of firms that specialize in science denialism and obfuscation, Glantz said. “They are one of the bigger ones,” he said of Exponent, Inc.
For people in your position, this book of industry influence peddling should be mandatory literature:
– How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates Harvard University – Center for Ethics
capturedagency_alster.pdf (harvard.edu)
Click to access capturedagency_alster.pdf
Captured agency.
That‘s a term that comes up time and time again with the FCC. Captured agencies are essentially controlled by the industries they are supposed to regulate. A detailed look at FCC actions—and non-actions—shows that over the years the FCC has granted the wireless industry pretty much what it has wanted. Until very recently it has also granted cable what it wants. More broadly, the FCC has again and again echoed the lobbying points of major technology interests. Money—and lots of it—has played a part. The National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) and CTIA have annually been among Washington‘s top lobbying spenders. CTIA alone lobbied on at least 35 different Congressional bills through the first half of 2014. Wireless market leaders AT&T and Verizon work through CTIA. But they also do their own lobbying, spending nearly $15 million through June of 2014, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). In all, CTIA, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile USA, and Sprint spent roughly $45 million lobbying in 2013. Overall, the Communications/Electronics sector is one of Washington‘s super heavyweight lobbyists, spending nearly $800 million in 2013-2014, according to CRP data.
I do hope that BCUC will consider the complete lack of ethics, which Exponent representatives like Mr. Bailey have shown in the past. To me, as a father and grandparent, defending the tobacco and chemical industry, regardless of consequence, is unfathomable, and reflects a complete lack of moral conscience.
Kind regards,
Marcus Schluschen
EMF Consultant
= = =
From: X
To: “roger dall’amtonia” <roger.dall’amtonia@fortisbc.com>
Cc: “dawn mehrer” <dawn.mehrer@fortisbc.com>, “monic pratch” <monic.pratch@fortisbc.com>
Sent: October 17, 2021
Subject: Exponent
Mr. Dall’Amtonia
Is it true Fortis has hired Exponent to represent Fortis in your application for gas smart meters?
I have already notified Fortis I do not want a smart meter and will cut service if you install one. Exponent is not going to change my mind regardless of the tactics.
If it is true you have hired Exponent, I would like to understand how Fortis, with a reasonably good reputation, could stoop to the level of hiring an organization that Business Ethics describes as “science for hire” and David Michaels, now assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health in the US, also criticized Exponent as science for hire. He wrote, “While some might exist, I have yet to see an Exponent study that does not support the conclusion needed by the corporation or trade association that is paying the bill.”
If you have nothing to hide, why hire science for hire? Why not let the facts speak for themselves? And if the facts indicate you are proceeding down the wrong path, find a better path.
The very fact you have hired Exponent, if you did hire Exponent, sullies your reputation IMHO.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe