1) You may recall that FortisBC has submitted an application to the BCUC for replacing our current analog gas meters with “smart” (Sonix IQ) meters. These meters, according to the information provided by Sonix itself, will emit extremely high levels of RF. There is no provincial mandate for us to be forced to have a gas smeter, as there is/was with Hydro’s electric smeters so we should fight hard to not have to have yet another RF emitter on our homes.

(click on photos to enlarge)

Anyone can be an “interested party” simply by completing this form. It will indicate to BCUC that you are concerned and want to be kept informed. You won’t have to speak or submit more information. It is vital that BCUC know there are many people who do not want this on their homes so please consider registering as an “interested party.“
As of now, it is too late for people to become interveners and actively participate. FortisBC failed to have notices in newspapers across BC, as is required, and BCUC seems unwilling to require them to do so. An initial appeal to extend the deadline and make FortisBC tell their customers that this is happening was refused, but another appeal has been made. Why should FortisBC be allowed this exemption? Why didn’t they place notices in every major newspaper across the province?
Should you wish to read FortisBC’s application or any of the submitted information, see:
Should anyone wish to join a group being represented by a lawyer (no cost is involved), please let me know and I will connect you. Email me at:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Fortis legal group“.
Please remember that silence is taken as agreement. If you don’t want another smeter on your home, please let BCUC know.
2) More information that should cause concern for BCUC panelists, FortisBC as well as FortisBC’s customers. FortisBC, just as they did to defend electric smeters, has hired one of the most corrupt (and expensive) companies in the business of “product defense” to defend their smeters: Exponent and probably one of its most “profitable” members, Dr. Wm. Bailey. See Appendix F of their application:
If FortisBC honestly believes its smeters are safe, why stoop to hiring this organization and person?
I dug up info on Bailey during the FortisBC smeter hearing; Bailey and/or Exponent also defended agent orange.
David Michael’s “Doubt is their product“ in 2008 provided all sorts of dirt on Exponent, and look at the list of “clients” on the left hand side of this article. The corporations love this corrupt “defender”. Unfortunately, and bewilderingly, the BCUC panel decided that the paid Bailey was more credible than the experts who volunteered to testify on our behalf. I guess FortisBC believes the panel will do so again.
FortisBC should be shamed for using someone and a company like this to manipulate the BCUC into approving its application. Perhaps a letter writing campaign to FortisBC’s head office and PR people, of course, cc’d to BCUC and perhaps some local newspapers would get some attention. I will see if I can find the right people to write and will have in tomorrow’s update.
3) An article in the IEEE Microwave Magazine. IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This article explains some of the physical harm that a microwave weapon can do and describes weapons currently being developed or in place for the US military. Note: no heating by the microwave pulses is necessary to do significant harm.
The Havana Syndrome and Microwave Weapons
“If the microwave auditory effect is weaponized at sufficiently high powers, in addition for the microwave pulses causing nonlethal primary auditory pathway injury, it is likely to produce lethal and/or nonlethal damages to brain tissues by the reverberating sonic shock waves. It would not be by microwave pulse-induced hyperthermia through excessive temperature elevation in the brain, nor by dielectric breakdown of brain, muscle, or skin tissues.”
Dear Cell Tower Team,
re: Zoom, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021 at 7:00pm Urgent, Strategies
You all have probably seen the PQB News article below! Just awful!
Fred and I have worked on opposing the cell tower along with many of you for the past 18 months and We need you to come to a Zoom meeting and to know how many are opposing the cell tower, and strategize. This could happen any time! Your appearance will show how strong our numbers are. You can come for a short time, but please come.
Thank you so very much,
Carol and Fred Dowe for the
Concerned Citizens opposing the 12 Storey 5G cell tower at 2045 W. Island Highway, Qualicum Beach in the middle of 5 Daycares, 2 elementary schools, vulnerable senior citizens.
250-752-2104. caroldowe@gmail.com
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 371 148 8708
Passcode: 777
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When you don’t take a stand against corruption you tacitly support it.” Kamal Haasan