1) A lot is happening in Massachusetts and Cece Doucette has shared it in this press release. More is on their agenda including Wi-Fi in schools. I would like very much to get something going about notices on consumer products, such as cell phones, laptops, etc. re. Wi-Fi and EMR. Read through the press release and you will find many ideas we should be pursuing as well as links to testimonies given by individuals, some of which are quite emotional.
Massachusetts Legislators Hear from Citizens Harmed by Wireless Radiation and Public Servants at a Loss to Help Them; Experts Sue the FCC Mass Legislation Aims to Investigate the Impact of Today’s Radiofrequency Radiation on Consumer Protection, Public Health and Technology
“On Monday, October 4, citizens, municipal servants and legislators provided public comment to the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, chaired by Senator Susan Moran and Representative Tackey Chan, on two technology safety bills:
• Resolve S. 186: Forms a commission to investigate the wireless radiation issue as a New Hampshire commission has already done.
• S. 187: Puts point of sale notices in place to especially protect children from the radiation emitted by electronic devices.”
Click to access MA+Technology+Safety+Bills+News+Release+100721.pdf
2) Below, in Letters, is a newsletter from Americans for Responsible Technology (ART) about several recent “victories”. There is some confusion about Gov. Newsom having vetoed the bill which would increase telecoms’ rights over municipalities’. Initially, ART sent this as a separate press release, but shortly thereafter people in California said the opposite is true: Gov. Newsom did not veto this bill but instead signed a bill which reduced municipal rights over their property and involvement in cell tower siting. Now they’ve sent it again — Take it for what it is and perhaps there is something we can use in our battles. A consistent recommendation is to have an Antenna Siting Policy in each community. If yours doesn’t have one, please work to get one accepted by your Council and implemented.
3) I came across this article from 2018 about EMF and study of an autism cluster. If the entire article doesn’t show, click on the pdf to download it. It is 13 pages long and well worth reading. According to this article, prior to 1980, the number of autistic children was 5 /10,000. In 2012 it was 1/88 and “more recent” to 2018, it was 1/68. The CDC numbers are even higher, 1/54 in 2016.:
No doubt this number has increased since 2016.
Many factors could contribute to this horrendous increase, including better diagnosing and reporting, but how many of us knew an autistic child 30 years ago? Now teachers report having at least one autistic child in every classroom. Dr. Martha Herbert and others have reported on the EMF/autism relationship.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Evidence for increased autism due to electromagnetic pollution from high power high gain microwave antennas

Plus 4 more exciting victories to report…
After months of non-stop lobbying, letter writing campaigns, op-ed submissions, testifying at public hearings, and so, so much more…
…on Monday, October 4th, Governor Newsom VETOED SB-556.
556 was a telecom-industry sponsored bill that would have removed significant local control over the deployment of 5G antennas in communities across the entire State of California.
The telecoms thought they had this one in the bag…until they didn’t.
We want to reiterate our sincere thanks to all of the individuals and groups in California and beyond who helped make this victory possible. We are proud to have played a part in this great, collective success.
Excerpt from Governor Gavin Newsom’s Veto Statement for SB-556:
“I am returning Senate Bill 556 without my signature.
This bill would restrict the ability of local governments and publicly-owned electric utilities to regulate the placement of small cell wireless facilities on public infrastructure and limit the compensation that may be collected for use of these public assets.”
-Governor Gavin Newsom
Read Governor Newsom’s Full Veto Statement Here
Four states. Four more wins.
What’s the winning strategy for cell towers?
1. Sylvania, OH – In a 6-0 vote, Sylvania, OH City Council unanimously denies construction of 140-foot Tarpon Towers/Verizon cell tower at Northview High School. (To our knowledge, the City Council has not yet issued a written decision on this matter. However, you can view a recording of the final vote on the tower beginning at minute 15:10 of this video.) Note: We were happy to assist Sylvania residents defeat this ill-sited facility.
2. Lakeland, FL – Lakeland wins lawsuit over proposed cell tower near historic Dixieland. Read the news here. Forward the court’s written decision to your local elected officials (mayor, city council members, city attorney, etc.). Let them know that they can legally fight towers on the basis of aesthetics and historic preservation!Note: This news is from July, 2021.
3. Brawley, CA – City Council unanimously rejects proposed installation of cell tower in heart of residential area, adjacent to playing fields. Read the news here. Note: We were happy to assist Brawley residents defeat this ill-sited facility.
4. Loudon County, VA – Loudoun County Board of Supervisors denies proposed AT&T cell tower facility atop Short Hill Mountain ridgeline due to aesthetic concerns and community backlash. Read the news here.
(click on photo to enlarge)

PRO-TIP #1: In our experience, the most consistent winning strategy for fighting unwanted cell towers is arguing that the tower will impose an eyesore on your community, devalue nearby properties, and/or have a detrimental visual impact on surrounding historic areas.
PRO-TIP #2: Ensure that your local telecommunications ordinance is up-to-date and contains specific language to protect residents of your community from ill-sited 5G “small cell” antennas.
PRO-TIP #3: Want to stay ahead of the curve on wireless antenna installations in your area? File a FOIL request (or your state’s equivalent) on your locality’s website. Ask to review all pending applications for wireless telecommunications facilities within a one-mile radius of your home. Contact your local clerk if you have questions or concerns about how to do this.
*Please email us if you need assistance!
Again, thank you to all of the organizations and individuals who have helped implement our political strategy in California and around the country. Our movement is growing rapidly, with a “reach” now exceeding over 600,000 individuals a month.
Please consider making a contribution to support our expanding non-profit efforts today! We can’t continue this critical work without you.
-The ART Team
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition To Stop Smart Meters
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds. It will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” Charles Mackay