1) On Monday, a whistleblower released many documents showing that Facebook puts profits before people. This is no surprise but the testimony could well be about the wireless industry and telecoms. We know that all of them know that RF is dangerous, that their products are addictive, that people’s health and security are threatened by their products. We need a whistleblower.
Facebook whistleblower’s explosive testimony: Company makes ‘disastrous’ choices, prioritizes profit
“The documents Haugen released unearthed several explosive revelations about the company’s tactics in the pursuit of growth, including bids to market its products directly to children, documents underscoring the severity of the platform’s public health misinformation crisis and internal research that found its Instagram platform is destructive to young girls’ mental health.”
2) Wireless devices are hackable, that is one of the many problems that all have. One wireless medical device is being recalled in the USA due to potential hacking problems. Imagine an insulin pump that can be controlled remotely. Good to know that “smart” hospitals are taking this risk with the health of their patients with every device.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Medtronic Recalls Remote Controllers Used with Paradigm and 508 MiniMed Insulin Pumps for Potential Cybersecurity Risks
“The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death.
Medtronic is recalling all remote controllers used with either the MiniMed 508 insulin pump or the MiniMed Paradigm family of insulin pumps due to potential cybersecurity risks. An unauthorized person (someone other than a patient, patient caregiver, or health care provider) could potentially record and replay the wireless communication between the remote and the MiniMed insulin pump. Using specialized equipment, an unauthorized person could instruct the pump to either over-deliver insulin to a patient, leading to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), or stop insulin delivery, leading to high blood sugar and diabetic ketoacidosis, even death.”
And this happened during Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month at the FDA
“Cybersecurity Awareness Month raises awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and ensuring all Americans have access to resources to help be safer and more secure online.
Cybersecurity is also an important part of patient safety when it comes to medical devices. Maintaining strong cybersecurity is critical throughout the lifecycle of medical devices to keep patients safe and better protect the public health….
Continuing to respond to medical device and health care cybersecurity vulnerabilities and incidents including healthcare ransomware incidents, third-party software vulnerabilities, and individual medical device vulnerabilities and incidents.”
3 ) More from the report by Dr. Henry Lai and Blake Levitt which has so much information about the likely effects of 5G’s millimeter waves on all species.
– “To better accommodate 5G’s buildout, all exposure limits at FCC and INCIRP may soon become more lenient. FCC has opened a new docket (Docket #19-226) to target the need for different regulations for 5G [40], even as they have stated their current regulations are adequate for 5G exposures [3].”
– “ICNIRP’s 2020 update [16–19] includes new allowances for 5G that many find disturbing [20, 42–45]. The new guidelines allow higher power densities above 6 GHz that replaced the SAR values, larger temperature increases in localized areas that may exceed thermal thresholds for both short and long periods of time, and divide skin into different types with different allowances.”
– “ICNIRP adheres to a thermal-effects-only model and now indicates assumed safety with increases to 5 °C in skin, the cornea and iris, and bones, as well as a 2 °C increase in brain temperatures on an indefinite basis. Their 1998 guidelines only allowed a 1 °C maximum increase for localized tissue and overall body temperature.”
– “The introduction of 5G broadband using frequencies in the mid-MHz through mid-GHz millimeter wave (MMW) bands—radiating from both land and satellite-based transmitters in urban, suburban, and rural/forested areas —has the ability to impact numerous species at very low intensities based on several mechanisms. These involve a plethora of unique magnetoreception factors in nonhuman species, depending on taxonomy, size, season, and habitat (see Part 2). Some of these include resonance factors and intense heating effects for some insect species as insects do not dissipate heat and therefore have no thermoregulatory compensatory responses; interference with orientation in some insect and bird species based on the presence of natural magnetite and cryptochrome in their physiologies that enable complex interactions with the Earth’s geomagnetic fields and sunlight for all their life’s activities; and adverse die-off effects in flora such as trees in close proximity to infrastructure like small cells, to name but a few (see Parts 1 and 2 and their Supplements for a more thorough analysis). 5G’s effects on insects alone have the ability to create holes in critical food webs affecting all other species, and ultimately humans.”
– “MMW effects to skin have been found to be considerable in glandular tissue with multiple cascading effects throughout the human body even without deep penetration [65]…. Eyes are of particular concern in all species.”
– “This means MMW are capable of resulting in significant damage throughout the biome, including possibly to all flora and fauna present, but effects are not due to wavelength alone. The multiple biological effects from intense energy absorption at very short wavelengths—e.g., in human skin cells or any thin-skinned species, and especially in insects that lack efficient heat dissipation— may cause intense heating with concomitant cellular destruction and organism death. Many of these effects are independent of power density, and therefore not covered by current regulations which are power-density and/or SAR-based. In other words, thermal exposure standards that may protect humans against heating have the ability to cause thermal damage to other species with more extreme consequences.”
– “Betskii et al. [69] pointed out that MMW radiation, unlike other frequencies, is virtually absent from the natural environment due to strong absorption by the atmosphere.”
– “… 5G could destabilize the climate even more than current trends, especially from satellite transmission. Rain, foliage, and other things easily attenuate MMW signals so 5G must operate at higher power density, as well as utilize different modulation characteristics such as phasing to enhance signal propagation’s penetration through physical objects like building walls.”
– “By the time satellite transmissions reach the Earth’s surface, the power density is low (see Part 1) but with 5G’s phased array signals, the biologically active component is in the waveform, not power density alone. There is no research to predict how this will affect wildlife in remote areas but given what is known about extreme sensitivity to EMFs in many species, it is likely that effects will occur and likely go undetected. Even weak signals from satellites using phased array characteristics may be a significant contributor to species effects in remote regions.“
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley