1) Anyone can read, re-read, or share yesterday’s Update “Before Canada Votes on Monday” by using this link to the online version.
2) Canadian not-for-profit EPIC (that’s Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation) would love to hear from anyone who would like to help develop and/or participate in something like a working group that will focus on coming up with innovative ways to get more “environmentally-minded” people and organizations aware and active on the electrosmog topic.
To volunteer, give suggestions, or brainstorm please contact:
3) Speaking of the environment EVERYWHERE, here is a recently updated Media Release from Stop 5G International. This is one paragraph in it:
“The 5G/satellite/internet of things/data/AI juggernaut entails the manufacturing, use, and disposal of thousands of satellites in space, millions of new transmitters on Earth, and trillions of IoT gadgets, devices, and “things” that together pose one of the greatest threats of all human-generated health and environmental crises. Though being marketed as a way to address climate change, the gargantuan global technology footprint is itself a major contributor to environmental devastation.”
Full text of the Media Release
The Media Release also refers to “this short but poignant video announcement”:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6fAne5gYhc (less than 4 min.)
4) Does anyone have personal experience in encountering or measuring emissions from Smart Plugs? Below is a link to one product offered, sometimes for free, by Telus (a Canadian telecom company). A featured function of the smart plug is that it acts as a wireless repeater. That can’t be good!
(click on photo to enlarge)

If you have any personal experience with smart plugs, please send email to:
energycanaries@gmail.com with subject line “smart plugs.” Thank you.
Sent from a corded device (with wireless turned off).
I prefer, provide & request corded connections because we need cleaner indoor & outdoor air everywhere.