1) This is an excerpt from a recent press release about an upcoming hearing in the Oregon State Senate. (The full text of the release is below in Letters.)
“Oregon State Senator, Michael Dembrow, Chair of the Education Committee, has scheduled a hearing, September 22, from 2:15-5:00 pm to investigate charges against the Oregon Health Authority of manipulating data in its handling of Senate Bill 283. The final draft report, (released by OHA, Dec. 31, 2020) ignited an international firestorm among scientists, health researchers, medical professionals, parents and advocates. Organizations that include the Environmental Health Trust, Environmental Working Group, Linda S. Birnbaum, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., A.T.S, Former Director National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program signed letters to OHA, invalidating the design, implementation and results of the report.” Speaking at the hearing will be: Dr. David Carpenter, Director for the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany, N.Y., Theodora Scarato, Executive Director, Environmental Health Trust and David Morrison, parent advocate.
2) Excellent new 30-minute video about how Canadians can become better protected from wireless radiation. It’s an excellent video to share pre-election and anytime afterward. (Did I mention it’s an excellent video?!)
English Interview link: https://youtu.be/4LLXdryhW30
Rodney Palmer, 20-year veteran journalist, former CTV foreign correspondent, CBC investigative reporter, interviews Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST) and former President of Microsoft Canada.
Video with French Subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzuUC5vVPsM
Interview de Frank Clegg, PDG de Canadiens pour une technologie sécuritaire (C4ST) et ancien président de Microsoft Canada, réalisée par Rodney Palmer, journaliste canadien chevronné, ancien correspondant à l’étranger de CTV, journaliste d’enquête de la CBC.
3) The September 15th Legal Ethics in the Wireless Age: Time for Change? webinar announced in yesterday’s Update was very interesting. The moderator said that registrants for the Sept. 15th webinar will be notified by email when a link to the recording is available. In the meantime, at this link is a more detailed description of the webinar than was in yesterday’s announcement.
4) That Legal Ethics webinar is part of a free series of monthly legal webinars. The first was in July 2021 and the last in the series will be in December 2021. This is the series:
(click on photos to enlarge)

The New Technologies Legal Forum
Hosted by Attorney Julian Gresser – A series of free webinars for legal professionals, law students and the public
“This series of webinars is designed to present and discuss some of the more pressing legal issues currently found at the nexus of technology and law.”
All the webinars in the list look interesting to me! You can see the list of all six topics at:
You can watch the previous webinars here:
July 2021 – https://www.bbilan.org/blog/2021-07-16-webinar-protecting-the-heavens
August 2021 – https://www.bbilan.org/blog/2021-aug-11-how-to-hold-the-fcc-and-fda-accountable
For the next webinars in the above free series, I think if you subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom at this link, you would be notified when you can register for each month:
Or near the next webinar’s date, the “Register” button at this link will probably lead to it.
The next webinar in the series will be:
Wednesday October 13, 2021
The ADA and new technologies: How are people with disabilities protected by federal law when it comes to exposure to new technologies? What precautions should local governments take in their zoning regulations?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (received September 14, 2021)
Oregon State Senator, Michael Dembrow, Chair of the Education Committee, has scheduled a hearing, September 22, from 2:15-5:00 pm to investigate charges against the Oregon Health Authority of manipulating data in its handling of Senate Bill 283. The final draft report, (released by OHA, Dec. 31, 2020) ignited an international firestorm among scientists, health researchers, medical professionals, parents and advocates. Organizations that include the Environmental Health Trust, Environmental Working Group, Linda S. Birnbaum, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., A.T.S, Former Director National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program signed letters to OHA, invalidating the design, implementation and results of the report. Speaking at the hearing will be: Dr. David Carpenter, Director for the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany, N.Y., Theodora Scarato, Executive Director, Environmental Health Trust and David Morrison, parent advocate.
Wireless devices have been used in schools for some time however over time, some children and teachers have acquired microwave sickness and been forced to leave school or their jobs. Thousands of scientific studies, by all branches of the U.S. Military and N.A.S.A. have confirmed harm from chronic microwave exposure and recent revelations about the so called Havana Syndrome have brought microwave sickness into mainstream news.
Senate Bill 283 required of the OHA a full review of “peer-reviewed, independently funded” scientific studies of the health effects of exposure to microwave radiation, particularly exposure that results from the use of wireless network technologies in schools or similar environments.” The OHA failed to use only independently funded studies and released a heavily redacted final report bearing no resemblance to the first draft documenting harm. OHA also went against their own established protocoland that of the “public health code of ethics” by excluding animal studies which are standard modus operandi in all scientific institutions and agencies.
The final draft, released to the public, drew intense criticism due to shoddy methodology and contradictory results. A first draft, contradicting the final draft, was withheld from a Freedom of Information Request and later obtained from an OHA employee by investigative journalist, DanielForbes, who wrote a disturbing expose published in the Washington Spectator, May 24, 2021. The article revealed behind the scenes manipulation of the results that could potentially cause harm to Oregon’s students and teachers.
The results of the final draft read: OHA found insufficient evidence to indicate a causal relationship between cell phone exposures and cancer (and non-cancer) endpoints.
The first draft of the OHA report contained numerous assertions of radio frequency radiation links to increased risk. In the final draft the following statements were simply crossed out—deleted:
Increased leukemia in children 5 Kilometers from Vatican cell towers.
13% increase in cancer from cell towers in Taiwan.
Other studies– high blood glucose in males, 21 studies showed negative effects on heart function, negative effects on memory, cognitive function, brain structure and function.
Pre natal exposure studies showed spontaneous abortion, altered thyroid function, adverse effects fetal growth and child development, genotoxicity of oral mucosal cells, impact on salivary gland. Other studies showed Negative affects on mental health & depression, as well as 21 studies showing alterations in brain physiology and cerebral blood flow.
Quoting from the first draft:
A large community of scientists, health advocates, medical professionals, parents and advocates are calling for the final draft review to be withdrawn and/or replaced with the first draft.
Instructions for viewing the hearing: “we just received the committee schedule for September committee meetings at last. It will be Wednesday, September 22, 2:15 to 5, and it will be via Microsoft Teams. We’ll probably have around 30-40 minutes for the topic of 5G and the OHA report. This will be an informational hearing ( people are certainly free to submit written testimony). Your point of contact on logistics will be Lisa Gezelter, the committee administrator. She’s at: lisa.gezelter@oregonlegislature.gov.”
for Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
prefer corded connections
provide corded connections
request corded connectionsa