1) Today C4ST had a Zoom meeting to provide an update on the “Candidates Who Care about Canadians’ Health” Campaign. In case you missed it, here is the info that was covered. Please, if you haven’t contacted the candidates in your riding yet, would you? Tips and info to provide to them are included at this website.
Update of C4ST’s campaign “Candidates Who Care About Canadians’ Health”
2) On Salt Spring Island, new voices are being heard re. the Rogers Tower that has already been approved by the Islands Trustees. If they are correct that ISED protocol wasn’t followed, the efforts in Qualicum Beach could provide some great ideas. It’s never too late to fight for your right to not be irradiated.
(click on photo to enlarge)

3) Another very interesting webinar by the “BroadBand International Legal Action Network“. Topics include misleading and false claims made by FDA in the US in which they claim RF radiation is safe. So does Health Canada. I hope some Canadian lawyers will be joining the webinar.
Legal Ethics in the Wireless Age: Time for Change?
Wednesday, September 15, 10:00 am PDT
“The purpose of this Ringside Seat format webinar is to take a hard look at generally unasked questions of attorneys’ professional responsibility to corporate clients and the general public in the Age of 5G, AI, Internet of Things, and the Commercial Space Grab. The dialogue will be illustrated with living cases presenting urgent ethical choices.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It is the weight, not numbers of experiments that is to be regarded.” Isaac Newton