1) A reminder that the deadline for registering as an intervener re. the FortisBC “smart” gas meter application before BCUC is Sept. 9. The general public has the right to ask questions, obtain information, and raise concerns about this wireless meter that FortisBC wants to put on our homes but it is necessary to register to do so.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Here is some info on the Sensus Sonix IQ meter:
I have learned that the levels of the RF emissions will be very high and that there will be a lithium battery in the meter. Both of these should raise alarm bells.

The project is “FEI CPCN for the AMI Project” on the registration page: https://www.bcuc.com/Registration-Intervener-2.aspx
In case you want to read the application, it is item B-1 at: https://www.bcuc.com/ApplicationView.aspx?ApplicationId=88
2) 5G is increasing dramatically each month in France, with most 5G transmitters on already existing cell sites. It is logical that 5G transmitters are being installed on current cell towers here in Canada, too. This website itself seems to have a lot of very interesting information related to the wireless industry and we might find some about what is happening here.
France ends August with 28,821 authorized cell sites for 5G
“France had a total of 28,821 5G authorized sites as of September 1, of which 17,559 were declared technically operational by the local mobile operators, according to the latest information provided by France’s spectrum agency ANFR.
ANFR said that the number of authorized 5G sites during August increased by 2.8% compared to the previous month.
The agency said that almost all of the 5G sites have been authorized on existing cellular sites, already used by 2G, 3G or 4G technologies.
In France, mobile carriers are already providing 5G services through the 700 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 3.5 GHz spectrum bands.”
3) Someone sent me the following about the apparent disconnection of landlines in Nanaimo. Does anyone know anything about this or has this happened elsewhere? If you have any info please email me at:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Lost landlines” on the subject line.
Might Telus be disconnecting phones for people who refuse to accept the fiber system?
“Do you have any information on the telecommunication companies trying to eliminate land lines? Apparently there were some problems with them in Nanaimo and I couldn’t reach several numbers which were readily available using land line. Text come back as a message failed notice. Phone just gives out of service. Anyone in Nanaimo should be able to verify this.”

From: “citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca”
To: twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com, sharrison@qualicumbeach.com, rfilmer@qualicumbeach.com, “Ann Skipsey” <askipsey@qualicumbeach.com>, bwiese@qualicumbeach.com, dsailland@qualicumbeach.com
Sent: Monday, September 6, 2021 8:52:20 AM
Subject: 4th cell tower for Qualicum Beach
Please place in Qualicum Beach Correspondence Log
Dear Councillors and Mayor of Qualicum Beach,
During this protracted effort to approve the siting of a cell tower near schools, daycare centres, senior residential and nursing homes, you no doubt have received information regarding the many studies done by independent researchers showing health effects ranging from sleep disturbances and brain fog to exacerbation of cardiac and neurological problems, to cancer in those living within 300-500 meters of cell towers. Experts warn that children are especially vulnerable to microwave radiation emitted by cell transmitters due to their developing bodies, thin bones, etc.
You should be aware that firefighters and their unions oppose cell towers being near fire stations due to increasing health concerns. https://ehtrust.org/firefighter-unions-opposing-cell-towers/ If strong, healthy firefighters worry about their exposure to cell tower radiation, should children in schools and daycare centres be exposed?
Are you aware that, for years, major insurers have refused to cover claims associated with microwave radiation? Here is wording from one city’s insurance policy.
“The electromagnetic radiation exclusion not only excludes mitigation and harm from electromagnetic radiation but also excludes paying for the defense of “any supervision, instruction, recommendation, warning or advice given or which should have been given in connection with bodily injury, property damage, abatement and/or mitigation etc.” –City of Ann Arbor Michigan Insurance Policy
Have you considered that when, not if, someone becomes ill as a consequence of living or attending school close to this tower that the City could be sued? Telus is indemnified by the government so long as its RF emission levels are within Safety Code 6 limits, but the owner of the land (the City) upon which the cell tower is sited is not. That means the City would face expensive litigation and any costs, without any insurance to cover the risk.
Another insurance related issue is more personal. Directors Insurance provides protection against any lawsuit that is brought against someone for performance related to his mandated duties so long as that person is acting in good faith. Under the Community Charter, a municipal councillor must consider the well-being and interests of the municipality and its community. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/local-governments/governance-powers/councils-boards/municipal-council-organization/mayor-councillors If a councillor or mayor has been warned that something is dangerous and yet allows it, endangering their constituents but also putting the city in a position where it could face litigation and potential financial penalties, it is possible that this councillor would be liable, personally, as well for failure to act in good faith.
There are many reasons to issue a letter of non-concurrence for this unnecessary additional cell tower for the health, safety and financial well-being of the community which you serve.
Yours truly,
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” Henry David Thoreau