1) In last night’s update [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-09-03-the-battle-against-a-cell-tower-in-qualicum-beach-continues/], I should have given you a direct link to register as an intervener in the FortisBC application for a gas “smart” meter. The page is at:
and the application for which you’re registering is the FEI CPCN for the AMI Project.
2) Re. intervention of the Ombudsperson and confirmation that the Qualicum Beach Council was guilty of misconduct, here is the letter written by the Ombudsperson to the complainant, Carol Dowe. Please do consider sending the QB Council your concerns about cell towers. Unfortunately even though health is my/the major concern because of radiation, ISED will not allow a decision to refuse a cell tower to be based on health. But remember that RF damages the environment, harms pollinators, wireless uses more energy than wired, etc. There are so many reasons against more cell towers, especially in a residential neighbourhood, near schools, daycare centres, nursing homes, etc. Please see letter below.
3) In the EU, just a few tech companies, all names we know well, spend more than any other industry, even telecoms and pharmaceuticals, to influence governments, universities, etc. to ensure that the regulations are few and that the ones that exist are biased toward them and the digital economy. They also ensure that their interests in AI, surveillance, and misinformation are not hindered.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Tech sector spends nearly €100m a year lobbying the EU
“Study on technology firms’ lobbying efforts in the European Union shows the sector spends more than any other in trying to influence policies and legislation.
The aim of Big Tech and its intermediaries seems to make sure there are as few hard regulations as possible – for example those that tackle issues around privacy, disinformation, and market distortion – to preserve their profit margins and business model,” said the report….
The report found that despite a wide variety of active players, the tech sector’s lobbying efforts are dominated by just a handful of firms, with just 10 companies responsible for almost a third of the total tech lobby spend. This includes, in ascending order, Vodafone, Qualcomm, Intel, IBM, Amazon, Huawei, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Google; which collectively spent more than €32m to get their voices heard in the EU.”
4) Thanks to Teresa Hitch for providing (see letter below) this great article that explains so much about fiber optic cable and compares it with cable, DSL and wireless.
A Complete Guide to Fiber Optic Internet
“Fiber optic Internet is the future of broadband. It uses fiber-optic technology to reach the fastest speeds available today, as fast as 1000 Mbps (1Gpbs). Broadband is essential to the modern world we live in. Powered by fiber optic technology, fiber Internet is blowing its competitors out of the water. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about fiber Internet, including how it works and the challenges associated with it.”
From: “Teresa Hitch” (name given with permission)
To: “Chief Admin Officer, Town of QB” <dsailland@qualicumbeach.com>, hsvensen@qualicumbeach.com, “Luke Sales” <LSales@qualicumbeach.com>, mayor@qualicumbeach.com, bweir@qualicumbeach.com, twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com, sharrison@qualicumbeach.com, rfilmer@qualicumbeach.com, “Ann Skipsey” <askipsey@qualicumbeach.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 11:45:34 AM
To Whom It May Concern:
Thanks to the hard work and determination of Carol and Fred Dowe, and many others, Dr. Faulkner and a delegation will be presenting to Council. This was previously repeatedly denied by QB Administration and QB Council, as you probably know. I am thankful to the Ombudsman for recognizing the wrongs of QB Administration and QB Council (at that time).
Unfortunately, the ten minutes allowed to present is insufficent. Therefore, I wish to tell you, in this email, about a much better option to cell towers, Fibre Optics to the Premises, abbreviated FTTP. FTTP was recently installed on Judge’s Row. (My friend, who lives on Judge’s Row, is most impressed with his FTTP).

The vast majority of people are naive about the dangers of wireless, and are not informed about THE PREFERRED OPTION OF FIBRE OPTICS TO THE PREMISES (FTTP). I have to wonder if Brian Gregg intentionally withheld this important information, and Council, Administration and the public only knew what Brian Gregg told them. It appears to me that those who were in favour of the cell tower may have been naive, felt very vulnerable not having reliable cell phone service and did not have the information they needed to be able to make informed judgements on how to improve their emergency services.
Cell phones/cell towers are now being recognized to be unreliable in some emergency situations. For example, very recently, there was a power outage on the Island. Cell phone service was largely unavailable, as a result of the outage. This is not a unique situation. CELL PHONES ARE NOT RELIABLE IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, contrary to what Brian Gregg told the concerned public. FTTP is a significantly more reliable option.
There are many more advantages to fibre optics to the premises (FTTP). They may be a more expensive option, short-term, but are much longer lasting, and a much better investment, long-term. As well, they are not detrimental to the quality of life we experience in QB, as cell towers and their emissions are. I would be pleased to share more with you about FTTP in the future.
For now, I am resending the email I wrote to you, February 1, 2021, as the information is current. PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION ON FIBRE OPTICS. (see item 4 above) I invite you to share any questions you may have on this topic with me. .
For the health, safety, and future of all in Qualicum Beach and surrounding area,
Teresa Hitch
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” Winston Churchill