1) Sorry for the short notice. Norm Ryder, a long time Coalition member, will be interviewing Meg Sears on Friday morning, 6:15 am PT and 9:15 am ET. I will let you know when the video is available to watch should you miss it live.
Dr. Meg Sears: Electromagnetic Radiation in Canada and the Federal Election
“Friday morning at 6:15 BC time 9:15 Ontario time I will be interviewing Meg Sears on radiation issues and the election.
The live links are:
and twitter https://twitter.com/no_emr
People will be able to comment by text while we are live. Bit short notice but feel free to pass this on to others”
2) US FDA is now officially warning that wireless devices, such as some cell phones and smart watches, can interfere with medical implants. Please share this with friends and relatives who have any medical implants and with doctors.
(click on photos to enlarge)

FDA confirms health risk of interference between cell phones and cardiac implants
“After conducting its own tests, the FDA in a statement published this August 26, 2021 has just confirmed that the risk of interference with implantable medical devices is real and warns that tested models such as the iPhone 12 or the Apple Watch 6 trigger a potentially dangerous situation for those concerned:
“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is advising the public that some newer consumer electronic devices, such as certain cell phones and smartwatches, have high fields strength magnets capable of placing medical devices in their “magnet mode”, the agency wrote. “These magnets can affect normal operations of the medical device until the magnetic field is moved.””
3) Please see below in “Letters” one from C4ST re. the new campaign “Candidates Who Care”, with suggestions that will make communicating with the candidates easier, and a letter from Frank Clegg asking for candidates to support implementation of the 2015 HESA Committee’s recommendations re. wireless radiation. I hope that everyone will consider taking just a few minutes to help with this campaign.
4) In Australia, payphones are now free. This is a wonderful acknowledgement that not all people choose to have or can afford cell phones, or that cell phones may not work during an outage. Too bad that in Canada and the US payphones often are hard to find.
Payphones are now free phones
“Telstra announced earlier this month that charges no longer apply to local or national calls to a fixed line or Australian mobile number from payphones. This means that anyone can now use one of the 15,000 payphones still remaining across Australia for free.
Telstra CEO, Andrew Penn, said that a lot of Australians might not give payphones much thought. Until there’s a natural disaster. Or until they are in vulnerable circumstances, homeless or fleeing domestic violence. SSMA pointed out in 2017, in our response to the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation Inquiry, the folly of relying on wireless infrastructure for voice communications. “

From: X
To: response@ccts-cprst.ca
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:12:12 PM
WHY, oh WHY do we have to fight so very hard for our rights? I would REALLY like a response to that question.
Very large numbers of us do NOT, under ANY circumstances, want to have you substitute our copper lines with fiber – this whether we like it or not.
Autocratic arrogance is a dangerous road for you to follow and I’d advise against it.
I don’t have a cell phone, have NO intention of giving up my landline and INSIST that you respect that and leave my copper lines alone.
I’m an old woman and really should NOT have to go out of my life fighting people like you for my BASIC RIGHTS. It’s exhausting.

From: “Shelley Wright [c4st]” <shelleyw@c4st.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:15:43 AM
Subject: CWC Call To Action – Script & Other Information For Outreach Calls & Emails – Thank You!
Hello C4ST Riding Representatives, Riding Members,Community Members & Friends!
Many of you have volunteered to make phone calls and reach out for the C4ST Candidates Who Care about Canadian’s health (CWC). This email is meant for you, our wonderful volunteers!
Thank you for your help with the follow up of the Candidates Who Care launch.
It takes a dedicated team to accomplish this great work to bring safe technology into our communities. We appreciate all your help.
Please see:
1. Scripts, tips and valuable links which will help you as you reach out to the candidates in your riding.
2. Frank Clegg’s letter to Candidates, which you can send to their office by email if they didn’t receive it.
Our next email for each team will have spreadsheets for you to use to contact candidates.
Thank you kindly for all your help.
Please provide us with feedback.
Kind Regards,
Shelley Wright & Marg Friesen
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” William Arthur Ward