1) C4ST began their “Candidates Who Care” campaign late last night. Attached is a copy of the email they sent to the C4ST email list. C4ST is asking for your help to make wireless radiation an important election issue. Please take a few minutes to read the attachment and a few more to contact those running in your area. C4ST has provided all the information to make this an easy process. A true grassroots effort, with the help of many, could get attention during this period.
“Subject line: C4ST’s Call to Action – Ask Candidates in your federal riding to sign up for “Candidates Who Care About Canadians’ Health”
On August 31, 2021, C4ST launched the campaign “Candidates Who Care About Canadians’ Health”.
We ask you to take a few minutes to ask each of the Candidates in your riding to sign on so Candidates will take action to protect us from the harmful effects of wireless radiation when elected to be a Member of Parliament on September 20th, 2021.
The goal of our campaign is to identify Candidates who will commit to take actions, when elected as a Member of Parliament (MP), that can result in full implementation of the HESA recommendations. In our letter [below] to each Candidate we list examples of actions an MP can take.”
Subject line: C4ST’s Call to Action – Ask Candidates in your federal riding to sign up for “Candidates Who Care About Canadians’ Health”
On August 31, 2021, C4ST launched the campaign “Candidates Who Care About Canadians’Health”.
We ask you to take a few minutes to ask each of the Candidates in your riding to sign on so Candidates will take action to protect us from the harmful effects of wireless radiation when elected to be a Member of Parliament on September 20th, 2021.
In 2015, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) published a report entitled Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians. The report received all-party support and was tabled by the Conservative (2015) and Liberal (2016) majority governments. None of the recommendations in the report have been fully implemented.
The goal of our campaign is to identify Candidates who will commit to take actions, when elected as a Member of Parliament (MP), that can result in full implementation of the HESA recommendations. In our letter to each Candidate we list examples of actions an MP can take.
The list is at the end of this email message, or can be found at:
To find who your Candidates are, go to https://www.elections.ca/Home.aspx and enter your postal code and then click on the box “Who are the candidates in my electoral district”. Not all candidates have email addresses and phone numbers listed. You may have to go to their Party website to find them.
Green Party: https://www.greenparty.ca/en/candidates
Liberals: https://liberal.ca/your-liberal-candidates/
Conservatives: https://www.conservative.ca/candidates/
People’s Party: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/our_candidates
BQ: Bloc Québécois (blocquebecois.org)
We ask that you call or email every candidate in your riding. See below for a sample message.
It is important that this grassroots approach is taken with individuals in the riding contacting the Candidates directly. Please encourage others in your riding to do the same. Candidates are focused on many important issues and this should be one of them.
The dramatically escalating levels of wireless radiation pose risks to public and environmental health. The tens of thousands of cell tower and small cell antennas being installed close to our homes to support 5G technologies, and the many times higher number of wireless devices within homes, workplaces and schools is of great concern. As we have witnessed with recent events, a delayed reaction significantly increases both the risks to Canadians’ health and the costs of solutions. We are concerned that our government is not acting as it should.
Please take the time out of your busy schedule to reach out to your Candidates.
The science is clear that wireless radiation is harmful to humans and the environment. What we need now, urgently, is political will and action in Parliament to bring about the change needed. Fully implementing the 12 HESA recommendations will be a big step in the right direction.
If you have questions or would like to volunteer to do more, please email Shelley (for Ontario and eastward), shelleyw@c4st.org or Marg (for Manitoba and westward), marg.c4st@gmail.com.
Thank you for supporting our “Candidates Who Care” campaign.
Frank Clegg
CEO C4ST, Canadians for Safe Technology
Example of a message (script) you can use when contacting a Candidate in your riding:
“My name is xxx, I live in your riding and I am concerned that Health Canada is not protecting me (and my family) from the harmful effects of wireless radiation. You should have received an email from C4ST —that’s the volunteer organization Canadians For Safe Technology – – asking you to sign up on “Candidates Who Care About Canadians’ Health”. Please read C4ST’s letter or go to its website https://c4st.org/candidateswhocare/ My decision on which Candidate I support in this election will be based on who commits to supporting a safer Canada from the effects of wireless radiation and signs up as a ”Candidate Who Cares”.
If the Candidate’s response is neutral or they have not read the letter, we suggest that you follow up with that Candidate after a few days.
Examples of initiatives a Member of Parliament can take to support the implementation of the HESA report recommendations. Being a member of the HESA or Industry committees is not required to take action.
2) I have heard from a couple of reliable sources that Telus is causing problems for its internet customers. Each person said, independently, that Telus internet stopped working and he received this page which says Telus is now powered by Google.
He soon had trouble with his Microsoft Outlook program and was forced to use Telus Gmail. What about Telus customers who do not want to use Google? There have been many reports of Google gathering and sharing personal data, causing many to use other programs.
3) The aviation industry keeps warning that areas of the spectrum used by 5G could interfere with safety, but the telecoms and FCC seem to believe the warnings are not credible or are overly conservative. Shouldn’t aviation safety be considered more important than wireless communication?
(click on photos to enlarge)

Aviation, wireless industries clash over C-band interference
“C-band spectrum between 3.7-3.98 GHz was auctioned by the Federal Communications Commission, with Verizon and AT&T spending over $45 billion and $23 billion, respectively (plus billions more for clearing costs and payments). These mid-band frequencies are key for 5G coverage and capacity.
This month, ex parte (PDF) filings (first spotted by Light Reading) show that 19 groups and companies representing the aerospace and aviation industry met with FCC officials urging the agency to grant a pending petition to reconsider part of the 2020 C-band order and put carrier-initiated steps in place by December 5, 2021, “to ensure aviation and public safety by protecting radio altimeters from harmful interference from 3.7 GHz licensed operations.”…
Radio altimeters are key safety-of-life systems used to measure the height of an aircraft above the ground, up to 2,500 feet depending on aircraft, where harmful interference could cause issues in various landings and approaches.
For example, the aviation groups recently told the FCC that “such harmful interference could lead to an escalation of negative outcomes, from missed approaches, delays, diversions, and flight cancellations, to the shutting down of runways on an indefinite basis.””
4) Another FCC auction is planned for October. The range will have to be shared with the US military. This seems like an invitation to hack, but apparently the profit is worth the risk.
What to expect from the upcoming 3.45GHz auction for 5G
“The FCC is scheduled to conduct yet another 5G spectrum auction, for around 100MHz in the 3.45GHz to 3.55GHz band, in October.
It’s dubbed Auction 110, and it’s scheduled to start October 5.
One other caveat in the Andromeda auction: The US military has carved out dozens of Cooperative Planning Areas (CPAs) and Periodic Use Areas (PUAs) where soldiers will still be using the 3.45GHz-3.55GHz band well into the future. These areas include Camp Pendleton in California, the Joint Readiness Training Center in Louisiana, Camp Lejeune in North Carolina and White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Companies that win licenses in these locations will need to share them with soldiers when the Defense Department needs them.”

From: “Sharon Noble” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
To: “CRTC DONOTRESPOND/NEPASREPONDRE” <crtcdonotrespond@crtc.gc.ca>
Cc: “hon steven guilbeault” <hon.steven.guilbeault@canada.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 1:25:39 PM
Subject: Re: CRTC Reference: 85460
Dear Ms. Gilloots,
I have spoken with Telus and when I asked about access to 911 during a power outage after the battery fails, I was told I would have to use a cell phone.
First, I do not have, do not want and should not have to have a cell phone.
Second, cell phones cannot be relied upon because their batteries may have died.
Third, many (in fact most) cell towers do not have back up generators and would also be dead.
I have asked Telus to allow me to keep my copper line phone service and was told that was not an option. There is no other carrier in BC that has access to copper lines — Telus has a monopoly.
I am not the only one this concerns. CRTC is supposed to ensure all Canadians have access to 911. Shouldn’t CRTC be investigating the larger picture and not just addressing the issues I, as an individual, raise? The fact is that most people are not aware that they will be unable to request emergency service during an outage. This is not something that Telus includes in its advertisements about its “pure fiber” upgrade. Who will be responsible when someone is unable to get an ambulance, police or a fire truck because their phone isn’t working? This is not a rhetorical, hypothetical question because this will happen under Telus’s current policy.
I look forward to receiving your responses.
= = =
From: “CRTC DONOTRESPOND/NEPASREPONDRE” <crtcdonotrespond@crtc.gc.ca>
To: “Sharon Noble”
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 7:56:21 AM
Subject: CRTC Reference: 85460
Dear Sharon Noble:
Thank you for contacting us about your telephone service with TELUS Communications Inc.
Canadian carriers, such as TELUS, don’t need CRTC’s approval to upgrade their telecommunications’ infrastructures, i.e. Fiber upgrades. Phone service can be provided over copper, cable, fiber, etc. depending on customer’s choice and service provider’s infrastructure. The CRTC generally takes a technology neutral approach with respect to Canadian carriers’ choice of infrastructures. Fiber has been considered an alternative solution to copper lines as the underlying technology to access the public switch telephone network; and the upgrade from copper to fibre facilities throughout municipalities remains a carrier’s business decision.
With respect to your concern about TELUS’s fiber upgrade at your premises, including how it could affect the reliability of your services, the CRTC has mandated all service providers to provide 9-1-1 service whenever they provide telephone service to consumers, in areas where 9-1-1 service is available. We therefore suggest that you request additional information from TELUS as well as how to stay connected during outages. We also suggest that you could ask them if you could maintain a copper landline as part of their services with the company.
If competition is available in your area, you may consider contacting other providers to enquire about their services and whether they could better meet your requirements.
Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.
If you are unable to click on this link, please copy and paste it in your browser.
Valentine Gilloots
Services à la clientèle | Client Services
Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes | Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N2
Téléphone | Telephone 1-877-249-2782 / ATS | TTY 1-877-909-CRTC (2782)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” William James