1) A study reports that pollinators are suffering effects from LED lighting. What if the LED lights have Wi-Fi transmitters in them? A double whammy for these vital creatures. Might our LED lighting also hold Wi-Fi transmitters?
(click on photos to enlarge)

LED streetlights decimating moth numbers in England
“Eco-friendly” LED streetlights produce even worse light pollution for insects than the traditional sodium bulbs they are replacing, a study has found….
“It’s a really striking result,” said Douglas Boyes, of the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, who led the new research. “We found numbers that you’re not really used to ecology. You usually find maybe 5-10% changes here and there, but we found up to 50% drops in the number of caterpillars in the areas lit by streetlights.”
L.A.’s LED Street Lights that Improve Wifi Coverage…and More Quick Energy Efficiency News for this Week
“Public lighting in the city of Los Angeles is not only energy efficient; soon, it will also improve mobile network performance. LA is deploying 100 Philips SmartPoles: connected LED street lights that includes fully integrated 4G LTE wireless telecomm technology. Each SmartPole is designed to house FCC-licensed wireless mobile network operator equipment, enabling an alternative way to deliver 4G LTE broadband services and connecting each pole through a fiber link to its core network.”
2) The US military is using EMR in war exercises over the Olympic Peninsula in north Washington State. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/more/olympic-peninsula-us-navy-war-games/] We know this because people in the area have been arguing, for years, that the effects on wildlife in the forests, mountains and ocean could be devastating. I wonder if they are practicing taking down aircraft, too.
Advanced Chinese electromagnetic pulse weapon takes down unmanned aircraft with in first known field test of technology
“An advanced Chinese weapon has taken down an unmanned aircraft with a powerful electromagnetic pulse in the first known field test of the Beijing technology.
The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon was fired at the aircraft while it was flying 1,500 metres (4,920ft) above sea level before crashing down….
The experiment, conducted by Chinese defence contractor China Electronics Technology Group (CETC), is thought to be China’s first openly reported field test of an electromagnetic pulse weapon in the race to catch up with the US.
The EMP weapon used in the test operated within a narrow band, meaning the microwave beam it produced was designed to have a longer firing range….
EMPs can range in size from narrowly targeted cannons that could disable an aircraft to massive atmospheric nuclear blasts that could wipe out the entire nation’s electricity grid.”
As an aside, on the same page:
“How EMP works
– EMP, or electromagnetic pulse weapons use missiles equipped with an electromagnetic pulse cannon.
– This uses a super-powerful microwave oven to generate a concentrated beam of energy.
– The energy causes voltage surges in electronic equipment, rendering them useless before surge protectors have the chance to react.
– The aim is to destroy an enemy’s command, control, communication and computing, surveillance and intelligence capabilities without hurting people or infrastructure.”
3) A recent press release from the US FCC regarding potential use of milliwave technology in the 60 GHz and higher ranges for short range radar devices, internet of things uses in the homes, etc. at power levels that are higher than allowed under the current guidelines. These stronger transmitters would be in everyday things that we use, putting people of all ages and vulnerabilities in close range. No research has shown that this technology is safe, yet it’s going to be used in our homes, our cars, our schools….
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2021—The Federal Communications Commission today proposed and sought comment on updated rules for short-range radars in the 60 GHz spectrum band. Cutting edge radar sensing technology has been used to enable in-car radar-based technology to monitor for children left in dangerous, hot cars and touchless control of devices, including to promote accessibility for users with mobility or speech impairments. With their ability to capture motion in a three-dimensional space and capability to be incorporated into phones and other small devices, 60 GHz short-range radars are poised to enable many new health, personal safety, automation, and environment control applications.
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking adopted today proposes expanding the permissible uses for short-range radars in the 57 to 64 GHz band while promoting coexistence with other unlicensed users and not interfering with licensed and authorized users in the band. This item proposes allowing unlicensed field disturbance sensors like radar devices to operate in mobile environments at a higher power level than authorized today….
A wide range of applications could fall under these revised rules, including medical imaging devices and Internet of Things technologies for in-home automation services like environmental control and smart home appliances.“

Please read from the bottom up.
From: Carol Dowe (name given with permission)
Date: Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 7:12 AM
Subject: **Minister Champagne,ISED, andSusan Hart,Direct.Spectrum: Proposed cell tower at 2045 Island Hwy W, Qualicum Beach, BC
To: ISED, Honourable Francois-Phillippe Champagne <ISI.minister-ministre.ISI@canada.ca>, RECEPTION, ISED MINISTER CHAMPAGNE <ic.reception11-mino.ic@canada.ca>, Susan Hart, ISED, Director General, Spectrum Management Operat. <susan.hart2@canada.ca>, Carol Dowe <caroldowe@gmail.com>, Fred Dowe <fred@dowe.ca>
August 27, 2021. [URGENT]
Minister, Honourable Champagne, ISED
Susan Hart, Director General, Spectrum, ISED
We are deeply concerned with the letter from Mr. Fu. He has written us in your absence. We wish to direct our letter to Minister Champagne and Susan Hart.
1] The John Woods letter….written by Telus Sitepath to him at Eaglecrest Res. Assoc. encouraging them to get proactive against us, as our numbers were large. Is Sitepath not an independent agency, or are they working for Telus? This was very unfair and unethical. Trust was broken and so we wrote our letters to the Town of Qualicum Beach.
2] And most important, is that upon contacting each property owner under the proposed cell tower (47 owners according to the map and instructions from Luke Sales, Planning approving officer for Town of Qualicum Beach), we found 10 property owners that had not received the Telus mail-out package. You should have those 10 individual letters signed by the owners in the original 26 page package we sent you. Sitepath states they sent the letters, but the property owners adamantly write they did not receive the letters. Are you acknowledging these property owners first? according to the ISED Default process?
From the letter Mr. Fu wrote to us, we question who are you working for at ISED as Minister and Director of General Spectrum? Who are you working for? for the safety and welfare of the citizens of Canada?
Or are you working with Telus? That seems to be the tone of Mr. Fu’s letter.
What is your mission statement?
Are you following the requirements of the ISED Default process? There is a real question as to the Sitepath method of informing the public, especially around the proposed cell tower at 2045 W. Island Highway, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. 1,422 letters and signatored petitions are speaking!
Also, you should know, there is a Day Care in the church location, the first option turned down at 835 Village Way, Qualicum Beach, Christian Fellowship Church, and public meetings from all over the Town are held here often. This building is located inside 200 feet from the proposed cell tower.
We need to confirm the Day Care owner was notified as well about this tower.
There is a recent FCC Court of Appeals ruling questioning the harmful effects of EMF radiation. Are you aware of this ruling?
We look forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Dr. Fred and Carol Dowe for the
1400 letters and petitions of Concerned Citizens opposing the 12 storey, 145 foot cell tower at 2045 W. Island Highway, Qualicum Beach, in the middle of 5 Day Care, 2 elementary schools, several churches, 4 major senior nursing homes.
We already have 3 cell towers here.
512 Hawthorne Drive
Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1A5
caroldowe@gmail.com (All of this personal information is provided at the request of Carol Dowe)
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Fu, Michael (ISED/ISDE) <Michael.Fu@ised-isde.gc.ca>
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 11:44 AM
Subject: Proposed cell tower at 2045 Island Hwy W, Qualicum Beach, BC
To: caroldowe@gmail.com <caroldowe@gmail.com>
Cc: lsales@qualicumbeach.com <lsales@qualicumbeach.com>, Ries, Bernie (ISED/ISDE) <bernie.ries@ised-isde.gc.ca>, Hart2, Susan (ISED/ISDE) <susan.hart2@ised-isde.gc.ca>
Dear Ms. Dowe:
Subject: Proposed cell tower at 2045 Island Hwy W, Qualicum Beach, BC
On behalf of Susan Hart, Director General, Spectrum Management Operations Branch Spectrum and Telecommunications Sector, thank you for your e-mails of August 6 and August 10, 2021 regarding your concerns with the public consultation process and the Letter of Apology from the Chief Administrative Officer of Qualicum Beach.
As you know, with respect to this consultation process, SitePath Consulting Ltd. (SitePath), on behalf of TELUS, followed Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)’s public consultation process for antenna systems as outlined in our document entitled CPC-2-0-03 Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems (CPC). The public was invited to comment on the proposed tower, to which you did, and all reasonable and relevant concerns were addressed by SitePath.
At the conclusion of the consultation process all the information, including documented comments, were submitted to the township for consideration. Subsequently, the township was satisfied with the results of the consultation and issued their concurrence on October 14, 2020.
As mentioned in previous correspondence to you, ISED has thoroughly reviewed the public consultation process conducted by SitePath/TELUS and found it was conducted in compliance with the CPC. The in-depth review included scrutinizing the consultation package mailing list, the number of households addressed, the actual tower height and other pertinent details. ISED has determined that SitePath/TELUS took extra steps to ensure the integrity of the consultation process and is satisfied that all conditions have been met and now considers this matter closed.
In regards to the Ombudsman report and the Letter of Apology issued by the township this matter is independent of ISED’s consultation process. The opportunity for anyone to speak at a council meeting is not a stipulated requirement in the public consultation process as described in the CPC. Notwithstanding, your submitted concerns were considered via the consultation process.
Lastly, the decision to allow or concur with TELUS’ tower proposal rests with the township. As their position has not changed, the concurrence issued is still valid.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with the Department.
Please accept my best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Fu M.Sc. LL.B.
Regional Director – Western Region
Spectrum Management Operations Branch
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada
Cell: 778-389-7906
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” William James