1) In the US, the telecoms are telling customers that they will no longer be able to use their 3G cell phones and are offering to replace them with 5G phones. Other wireless devices, even some medical ones, that use the 3G network will be affected, too, all to make room for and to ‘encourage’ people to make the switch to 5G. No doubt ISED will follow suit. This will mean that many people who have an older flip phone, perhaps for emergency use only, will have to “upgrade” to a phone that emits higher levels of RF or else have no phone.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is requiring all carriers (including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and others) to begin shutting down their 3G network in 2022.
“… other devices, such as certain medical devices, tablets, smart watches, vehicle SOS services, home security systems, and other connected products may be using 3G network services. And don’t forget about devices that use cellular connectivity as a back-up when a wired internet connection goes down. If the device is not labeled, contact the monitoring company or other service provider to confirm how the device connects and whether your device may be impacted.
2) In 2014 FortisBC planned to begin installation of ITRON “smart” electric meters for the 124,000 of its customers. https://tinyurl.com/4j9k7nzj Apparently, the program has never been completed but now, after complaints from Nelson Hydro pertaining to service reliability, FortisBC is increasing rates and will be installing smeters as part of its attempt to improve service. This is not mandated by the Clean Energy Act, so people should have a choice to keep their analogs. How is having a smeter going to improve reliability? It seems that this is money that could be better spent elsewhere.
‘Current level of service reliability’ by Nelson Hydro to rural customers not adequate: BCUC report
“The city utility was directed by the BCUC to “escalate its reliability concerns to the senior management of its supplier, FortisBC Inc.” If FortisBC did not deliver a prompt and credible action, Nelson Hydro was to make a formal complaint to the BCUC.
Spencer said Nelson Hydro is working with FortisBC to solve the problem, as the primary cause of Nelson Hydro outages are a result of loss of supply from FortisBC. …
Nelson Hydro was also directed to file with the BCUC a financial analysis of the customer service software upgrade, including the full cost analysis, cost savings to date and expected future cost savings, by June 30, 2022.
Spencer said Nelson Hydro, like all utilities in North America, “has aging infrastructure and is faced with rising costs for new equipment and construction which often outpace inflation.
“New technology is increasingly complex, requiring engineers and other technical resources to specify, source and install.”…
“Finally, we will be initiating an advanced metering infrastructure project that will provide real-time outage information from smart meters and other technology that will allow us to respond to outages more efficiently, reducing customer downtime.””
3) The US Navy is asking sailors to monitor sleep by wearing devices that emit EMF, which scientists have found reduces melatonin production, which affects the amount and quality of sleep. Studies have shown that exposure to even small amounts of low level EMF can impede the production of melatonin.
(click on photo to enlarge)

U.S. Navy Asks Sailors to Wear Smart Watches and Rings for Sleep Monitoring Despite Health Risks from “Wearables”
“The Navy is asking some sailors to wear devices such as smart watches and smart rings to monitor their sleep after exhausted ship crews was found to be a leading cause behind two collisions involving destroyers that left 17 sailors dead, according to the Naval Health Research Center.
The new devices, called “wearables,” are part of a new push to develop a “digital real-time fatigue monitoring and management capability for the fleet” that can be used to optimize watch-bill scheduling and staffing decisions based on sailors’ fatigue risk, said Rachel Markwald, a sleep and human performance research physiologist at NHRC, which studies medical and psychological factors that affect sailors’ performance and readiness….
The devices are worn as a watch or a ring and collect the user’s movement and heart rate data to determine when and for how long the person sleeps, similar to an Apple iWatch.
“(Wearables) are going to get closer to the truth,” he said. “In our other sleep studies that we’ve conducted at NHRC, we see this reoccurring theme where people tend to overestimate the time that they slept or the time in bed that they had.””
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein