1) Federal budget to include $25 million to research how to better get our data and analyze it. Wonder what the other projects are.
Burnaby researchers get $842,000 in funding for four projects
“This project is researching new ways to visualize and understand data, and empowering people by developing comprehensible and inclusive technologies. Data-driven technologies affect our everyday lives in our homes, work, classrooms, and healthcare. This funding will support the latest in display and interactive equipment to support the very latest in data visualization research….
The provincial government says the funds for SFU are part of $25 million to support 34 post-secondary projects at five universities across B.C.”
2) First, Wi-Fi is removed from ferries because of poor quality and now the government is expanding Wi-Fi in terminals, most likely where people will be exposed for significant periods of time while waiting in line. Can’t seem to escape the exposure while traveling in BC.
Expanding Wi-Fi to Additional Terminals
“BC Ferries will be receiving up to $1.5 million in grant funding through the Ministry of Citizen’s Services’ Connecting British Columbia program to provide Wi-Fi service at 14 additional ferry terminals, bringing the total number of terminals with free Wi-Fi to 21.
This partnership helps meet the provincial government’s goal to keep British Columbians connected by introducing this Wi-Fi at our properties by late Fall 2021.”
3) The Science and Technology Options Assessment Committee of the European Parliament, based upon current scientific evidence, is calling for a halt to 5G, calling it an experiment on the human population. The report covers a wide range of studies but states that there is no available data to study for higher frequencies, the milliwave frequencies that 5G relies on. How can this be considered safe when evidence clearly shows biological effects at lower frequencies? No studies, no evidence of harm seems to be ICNIRP’s and the industry’s approach. I don’t know what authority, if any, this committee has over the EU Parliament, but hopefully this will set a major precedent.
(click on photo to enlarge)

EC’s STOA Committee issues new report which calls for a halt to the expansion of 5G
“Health impact of 5G. Current state of knowledge of 5G-related carcinogenic and reproductive/developmental hazards as they emerge from epidemiological studies and in vivo experimental studies”
Of the evidence on the risks of 5G and non-ionising radiation in June 2021. The study calls for a halt to the expansion of 5G. This study (review) was written by a working group of the Ramazzini Institute (Bologna) led by Fiorella Belpoggi. It is a review of the state of research on 5G, both the low and higher (gigahertz) frequencies used in 5G, and is thereby also an assessment of mobile communications as a whole….
From this, the STOA report derives political demands for a precautionary policy. Decision-makers must now face up to STOA’s statement:
“Implementing MMW 5G technology without further preventive studies would mean conducting an ‘experiment’ on the human population in complete uncertainty as to the consequences.“ (p. VII)
EC’s STOA Committee issues new report which calls for a halt to the expansion of 5G
The report is about 150 pages long (plus references). If nothing else, read the conclusion starting on page 150.
Current state of knowledge of 5G-related carcinogenic and reproductive/developmental hazards as they emerge from epidemiological studies and in vivo experimental studies
“6.2 Telecommunication frequencies FR2: 24 to 100 GHz
6.2.1 Cancer in humans The few inadequate data available do not allow any evaluation.
6.2.2 Cancer in experimental animals No available data.
6.2.3 Reproductive/developmental effects in humans No available data.
6.2.4 Reproductive/developmental effects in experimental animals No available data”
Click to access EPRS_STU(2021)690012_EN.pdf
3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-06-03-health-environmental-impacts-of-5g/
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” Isaac Newton