1) Time sensitive. Just received, a webinar on Tuesday 1pm EST, 10:00 am PST. It will be in English. It does not appear to require registration. Hopefully, it will be recorded for those who cannot listen live.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Tuesday, August 24th at 1 p.m. EST / 10 a.m. PST
2) Good news for many sensitive people, for those frequent travelers, and for the people working on BC Ferries: Wi-Fi removed from several major routes. The reason is poor quality. Many people over the years have complained that the Wi-Fi makes ferry travel unbearable, and that it is dangerous. But no one cared about health. But poor quality!! No matter the reason, good news.
BC Ferries removes Wi-Fi from major sailing routes
“BC Ferries has removed its Wi-Fi services on vessels sailing along its most popular routes, following numerous complaints about its quality.
The internet service was powered down on July 5 for the following routes: Tsawwassen to Swartz Bay, Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay, and Horseshoe Bay to Langdale.
BC Ferries says the move comes after years of increasing complaints about the poor connection quality, and the lack of a feasible replacement system.”
“BC Ferries will be receiving up to $1.5 million in grant funding through the Ministry of Citizen’s Services’ Connecting British Columbia program to provide Wi-Fi service at 14 additional ferry terminals, bringing the total number of terminals with free Wi-Fi to 21.
This partnership helps meet the provincial government’s goal to keep British Columbians connected by introducing this Wi-Fi at our properties by late Fall 2021….”
3) Many people have asked me how to find how many cell towers are nearby. Industry Canada used to make this information readily available but now other sources are required. This is one of the best I’ve seen and it appears to be maintained. I am able to test because there are so many transmitters on towers across the street from my home. From looking at my location, it appears that 5G microcells are included but AM and FM transmitters are not.
Cell towers in Canada
As of August 6, 2021 there were 56,098 cell towers (624,740 microwave transmitters) in Canada.
4) All wireless devices will soon be interconnected and connected to the IoT for purposes of gathering data as efficiently as possible — data on everyone down to the granular level. Why? We also know that data can be twisted and used, and when used by people in positions of authority or with amazing titles, even the most ridiculous is believed.
Re. Decision-Based Evidence-Making, a prime example occurred at the BCUC hearing a few years ago when FortisBC submitted its application for smeters for its electricity customers.
The Coalition fought this, having 6 experts testify re. dangers of RF. FortisBC brought in one from Navigant, a consulting group that has a record of supporting dangerous products like Agent Orange, pesticides and tobacco. Their representative, Dr. William Bailey, testified that (and I paraphrase) “you would be exposed to more radiation from sleeping with your partner than you would by a smart meter.” And BCUC accepted this testimony and rejected those of our 6 experts. True and ridiculous, and it’s in the transcript. This is decision-based evidence-making.
August Harvest Vx. EMF/RF/5G, Black Swans, Cherry Picking, and Decision-Based Evidence-Making
“As our August Harvest Series continues, we have been looking at the de-evolutionary process of society’s focus on harvesting data vs. harvesting the earth’s abundance, with a lens on EMF/RF/5G.
This brings us to concerns about the weaponization of data as well as science.
Justifications for the urgency in deploying a 5G network worldwide are turning out to be manufactured mirages.
From a sustainability perspective, the environmental footprint of resource and energy consumption, to fuel the infrastructure that provides the backbone for the global spider web negates sustainability claims.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Albert Einstein