1) A member sent me an email about the horrible level of electrosmog on cruise ships. And to make things worse, ships are metal containers, the rooms are Faraday cages with the RF reflecting off the sides, increasing the exposure levels. Her email is below with a lot of specific documentation.
Electrosmog on Cruise Ships
“The Diamond Princess, along with many other advanced cruise ships, does seem to have been an absolute nightmare for electrosmog though, and most of us know to behave way more cautiously with our home gateways and mobile devices than this Carnival operator. They subject their passengers to multiple powerful transmissions from their golf ball masts, and then internally to 2G and 5G access point signals, plus all the client device energy. It’s not pretty, and I’ve summarized it here….
Cruise ships are nightmare Wi-Fi environments with metal shells that require high power levels to penetrate all areas, 1,000+ Wi-Fi surveillance cameras, 5 clashing SSIDs with partially overlapping frequencies, all crew and 6,000 passengers using mobile telephony.”
Click to access Electrosmog-on-Cruise-Ships-August-19-2021.pdf
2) A video with statements by several experts speaking to topics ranging from Russia’s nuking the American embassy to ICNIRP. Well worth the hour.
An Invisible Threat: The Possible Link Between Microwave Technology and Health
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCpXMmD3kWs&t=981s (1:11 hr.)
& https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/aninvisiblethreat
3) From Cece Doucette and Massachusetts for Safe Technology. Some sample letters to send about the FCC court decision that will be easy to adjust to make relevant to Canada. With a federal election looming and politicians at least appearing to listen to us, now is the best time to send this information to remind the politicians [https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search] that Health Canada is just as dangerously negligent as the FCC.
“The message came across loud and clear in the press conferences that we should not wait for public policy to catch up to the science. It’s up to each of us to take action right now to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities — even if it makes us uncomfortable to do so.
Bottom line: nobody is going to protect your town if you and your neighbors don’t speak up. The industry is frantically pushing in toxic 5G small cells and more big cell towers at close range before they’re made to stop. Utility companies are swapping out safe analog utility meters with toxic digital meters. Our schools have unwittingly given our kids toxic tablets with no safety instructions.
The message is not “no technology” but rather “safe technology” and we can help transition there.”
4) We all need to begin to get involved with the BCUC’s review of FortisBC’s application for a “smart” gas meter. I have learned a few things about them which I will share next week. In the meantime, the letter below provides information we all need to know if we are going to prevent having a meter with a lithium battery on our gas line.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Read from bottom up.
From: Commission, Secretary <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
Date: Aug 19, 2021
Subject: RE: FortisBC Energy Inc. CPCN for AMI Project
To: Hans Karow (name given with permission)
Dear Mr. Karow,
Thank you for your email regarding intervention in the current review of FortisBC’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure application. As you may remember from previously participating in BCUC proceedings, all interveners must be approved by the panel of Commissioners adjudicating the application. At this point, the regulatory timetable for the review of this application includes Intervener registration, BCUC and Intervener information requests, FortisBC responses to information requests and then submissions on further process. No pre-hearing workshops or procedural hearings have been planned to date. This is currently a written hearing process and the timetable does not currently include an oral hearing or filing of intervener evidence.
Generally speaking, if the regulatory process includes submissions of intervener evidence, an intervener may retain any expert they wish to provide evidence within the scope identified by the panel (including those from a foreign country). A panel will consider the credentials and experience of all experts when determining how much weight will be given to their evidence. With regards to FortisBC experts testifying, as previously noted, an oral hearing is not part of the current regulatory timetable.
In accordance with the PACA guidelines, the BCUC may limit awards for individual participants to foregone earnings, childcare and disbursements (section 7.11). For more information about eligibility and criteria considered for PACA please review the guidelines available here:
Click to access G-97-17_BCUC_PACA-Guidelines.pdf
It is also important to note that interveners with similar interests may be required to coordinate with other interveners who represent similar interests. (Rules of Practice and Procedure section 10.02 and 10.03). For more information please review our rules of practice and procedure available here:
The BCUC does not provide hard copies of applications. We recommend that the application be reviewed on our website as it is very large. It is available here, along with all other documents related to this proceeding:
Patrick Wruck
Commission Secretary and Manager, Regulatory Services
British Columbia Utilities Commission
P: 604.660.4700 BC Toll Free: 1.800.663.1385 F: 604.660.1102
From: Hans Karow
Sent: August 11, 2021
To: Commission, Secretary <Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com>
Subject: FortisBC Energy Inc. CPCN for AMI Project
British Columbia Utilities Commission
Suite 410,
900 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2N3
Attention: Mr. Patrick Wruck, Commission Secretary
Dear Mr. Wruck,
I am planning to take part as registered intervener in subject Fortis AMI Application.
I still have to decide whether as a single intervenor or join in a group with a hired lawyer.
In the meantime I’d like to undertake some preparations, also finding experts to testify.
Please inform:
- Are there any limitations of experts that can be not invited to testify on behalf of concerned intervenors?
- Those experts, can they also be from foreign countries, and do they need certain accredited qualifications; if so , which ones?
- Will all invited experts be compensated under PACA guidelines; if not, please explain.
- To BCUC’s knowledge, who will be the experts testifying for Fortis?
- The official BCUC notification and timetable does not state any pre-hearing workshops and procedural hearing, are there any plans about those?
- For best preparation for the hearing, I kindly ask for a hard copy of the Fortis Application to be sent to my below stated address.
Thank you very much,
Hans Karow
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” Arthur Conan Doyle