1) An article by one of our members, Barb Payne, who is the founder and president of EPIC:
She has devoted years of her life to helping to educate people about EHS and ways to reduce their exposure from the wireless devices they control.
August Harvest Vs. 5G: “The Cloud” Is Dark And Stormy On Planet A
“Hundreds of expert scientists and medical authorities have been warning that we need to reduce all types of everyday wireless emissions and exposures. Therefore, increasing the density of wireless emissions is not acceptable, and increasing the number of wireless emission sources is not acceptable. Such increases are not acceptable—regardless if presently deemed legal, and especially considering that modern, non-wireless connectivity for information, communication, and technology is available and can be prioritized.”
August Harvest vs. 5G: “The Cloud” is Dark and Stormy on Planet A
2) The Connecting British Columbia program is helping to fund fibre to the home on several of the Gulf Islands and coastal communities. More information about the program is available in the Auditor General’s report that was just released. I am still trying to get information about the conversion of light from the fiber to electricity and hope to have some information to share soon.
Province says better internet coming to Denman, Hornby Islands
“The upgrade is thanks to two projects supported by the Connecting British Columbia program.
CityWest is getting up to $3.26 million from the program to upgrade services on Denman Island and up to $2.38 million for its work on Hornby Island, with a goal of improving internet in those communities in the future….
People on the two islands will be getting a direct fibre connection to their homes when the Connected Coast network is completed and their community is connected to a proposed landing site….
Investments in high-speed internet access for coastal communities is part of Stronger BC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan.
The Province expanded the Connecting British Columbia program in September 2020 with a $90-million grant to encourage investment in broadband and cellular infrastructure that benefits people in rural and Indigenous communities throughout B.C.”
BC Auditor General’s report on the various plans to provide high speed internet service to under-served rural areas. Pages 11-12 provide examples of projects completed or in the works. They include upgrades to cell towers along highways, new cell towers, fibre along highways for cell towers, wireless “last mile” (to the home) and fibre to homes.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Update on the Connecting British Columbia Program
3) Please see below in Letters, a response by Dr. Joel Moskowitz to a “hit piece” written by an industry-affiliated self-proclaimed “scientific” group attacking the Environmental Working Group for its calling for exposure limits hundreds of times lower than the current, especially for children.
I shared EWG’s report in an earlier update:
3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-07-24-is-fiber-optic-cable-safe/ & https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/2021/07/study-wireless-radiation-exposure-children-should-be-hundreds]
but the link to it is in Dr. Moskowitz’s letter below. Parts 2-4 of the ACSH series are at links at the bottom of Part 1.
The “hit piece” by the American Council on Science and Health
Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
“Concerns have been raised about the radiation emanating from cell phones almost since their inception; after all, cell phone use and wireless devices are everywhere. The word radiation carries a lot of emotional baggage, but in this instance, the radiation is at the low energy portion of the spectrum – radiofrequency radiation that has little power to penetrate anything, including our tissue. And even when it does penetrate, its most common effect is thermal, raising the local temperature. It is not like ionizing, high-energy radiation from X-rays, penetrating tissue more deeply and breaking DNA bonds. Despite the lack of a direct means of causing cell mutation, there has been a recurring concern about cellphones causing cancer – specifically those in the head and neck, the places we most commonly hold cellphones.”
American Council on Science and Health has accepted money from industries, like Monsanto, in return for discounting scientific evidence showing their products to be harmful. The members have and have had ties to the tobacco industry and climate change deniers, just to name a few. We can expect that the telecom industry will use and promote these articles by ACSH and that many who are ignorant about cell phones and EMF will believe them.
The American Council on Science and Health is a Corporate Front Group
“An award-winning investigation by Le Monde into Monsanto’s “war on science” to defend glyphosate named the American Council on Science and Health among the “well known propaganda websites” that played a key role in attacking the scientists who raised cancer concerns. In May 2017, plaintiffs’ attorneys suing Monsanto over glyphosate cancer concerns stated in a brief: “Monsanto quietly funnels money to ‘think tanks’ such as the ‘Genetic Literacy Project’ and the ‘American Council on Science and Health,’ organizations intended to shame scientists and highlight information helpful to Monsanto and other chemical producers.””
From: Joel M. Moskowitz PhD <jmm@berkeley.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 2:53 PM
Subject: Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?: American Council on Science and Health “hit piece” attacks Environmental Working Group
My comments:
EWG, congratulations! Keep up your good work on the health risks from exposure to radio frequency radiation.
The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), an industry-front group, disputes any research that finds exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR) is harmful. ACSH commonly attacks the messenger’s credibility. For example, ACSH has attacked me three times in an attempt to discredit my decade-long work in disseminating research on RFR health effects to scientists, journalists and the general public.
Today’s target for ACSH is the Environmental Working Group because EWG recently published a peer-reviewed paper based upon data from the National Toxicology Program’s cellphone radiation study. That this is the first of a four-part series to be published by ACSH suggests that the telecom industry is threatened by research like EWG’s recent risk assessment which recommends that the U.S. and other governments adopt more stringent RFR exposure guidelines.
For more information on EWG’s ground-breaking study: Study: Wireless radiation exposure for children should be hundreds of times lower than federal limits
Also see:
New review study finds that heavier cell phone use increases tumor risk – https://ehtrust.org/new-review-study-finds-heavier-cell-phone-use-increases-tumor-risk/
Expert report by former U.S. govt. official: High probability RF radiation causes brain tumors – https://www.saferemr.com/2015/05/brain-tumor-rates-are-rising-in-us-role.html
Cell phone and cordless phone use causes brain cancer: New review – https://www.saferemr.com/2017/04/cell-phone-and-cordless-phone-use.html
Long-Term Cell Phone Use Increases Brain Tumor Risk – https://www.saferemr.com/2017/02/long-term-cell-phone-use-increases.html
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A second reason why science cannot replace judgement is the behavior of financial markets.” Martin Feldstein