1) A member suggested that complaints re. loss of phone service during emergencies, if we lose our copper line phone service, should be made to the Federal Safety Minister. There is a form for submission of such complaints at:
Truly, as the climate changes and we experience more bizarre weather and stronger storms, longer outages will become the norm. Now is not the time for us to be without emergency phone service. Please consider lodging complaints with as many agencies as possible even if Telus or your provider hasn’t yet given you an ultimatum.
2) A sharp-eyed member saw a notice in the Nanaimo Bulletin that FortisBC Gas, on May 5, submitted an application to BCUC for smeters. Look at pg. 29 of the July 28 edition [https://www.nanaimobulletin.com/e-editions/?iid=i20210728020004372&&headline=TmFuYWltbyBOZXdzIEJ1bGxldGluLCBKdWx5IDI4LCAyMDIx&&doc_id=210728090914-70eed57cf530f4c24a25d279092e05af] under “We want to hear from you”. Important deadline of Sept. 9 to register as an intervener.
(click on photo to enlarge)

The application and more information is on BCUC’s website. General information is at:
and the application is at:
Long and complicated. We need a team with the time and knowledge to go through it. Any volunteers?
https://www.nanaimobulletin.com/e-editions/ see pg. 29
3) In the July 15 update [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-07-15-cortes-to-be-the-first-connected-coast-community-with-foc/], there was information about ISED selling 5G spectrum for $8 billion.
Details are now available about who bought what, for how much and where it will be implemented. It appears that few areas of Canada will escape. It’s important to know which company is putting 5G into each community in order to be able to fight it. It will mean more cell towers/transmitters and most likely microcells, and higher RF throughout the area. Get your Antenna Siting policies before your City Councils now.
3500 MHz Auction — Provisional Results
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.” Isaac Asimov