1) Below in Letters is an important letter for those living on Salt Spring Island. The Islands Trust will be voting on the Rogers 5G Cell Tower proposed for Channel Ridge on Tuesday, July 27.
2) Astronomers are very concerned about the interference in the skies caused by the thousands of satellites orbiting the earth. Perhaps the UN will listen to their concerns while they ignore the many petitions regarding the increasing RF levels to which all life is being exposed. We should wish them luck.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Astronomers push for global debate on giant satellite swarms
“Working with the United Nations, scientists hope to establish standards for satellite ‘megaconstellations’ and reduce disruption of astronomical observations….
Aerospace companies have launched about 2,000 Internet satellites into orbit around Earth over the past 2 years, nearly doubling the number of active satellites. This has sparked concerns among astronomers and other skygazers, who worry about interference with observations of the night sky.
Now, in what would be the biggest international step yet towards addressing these concerns, diplomats at a United Nations forum next month might discuss whether humanity has a right to ‘dark and quiet skies’. The debate could initiate a framework for how scientists and the public would deal with the flood of new satellites — with many more expected.”
3) Another major court victory in Italy re. EMF. Others have been against the Vatican’s FM transmitters for causing cancers [https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/11856], and cell phone radiation causes brain tumours [https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/six-italian-courts-have-ruled-that-cell-phones-cause-brain-tumors/].
Sick because of Electromagnetic Fields
“The Court of Appeal, after a CGIL case, recognizes the occupational disease of three former Enel employees. But they are all dead already..
The victim claimed “a disease caused by his previous work. It was micromolecular multiple myeloma, according to him derived from exposure to waves and electromagnetic fields generated by high voltage pylons. In fact, the man had worked for Enel from 1974 to 2005: over the years he had been involved in the installation and maintenance of telephone equipment and infrastructures, power plants, teleoperation and remote control machines, transmission equipment and coupling devices with conveyed waves, VHF radio transmission equipment, UHF radio bridges and SHF radio bridges. The conveyed wave (OCV) apparatuses had been mainly installed in high-voltage power lines, in situations of presence of a strong electromagnetic field. Commissioning, testing and maintenance of the radio bridges had taken place mainly at repeaters, where numerous VHF, UHF and SHF transceivers were installed, which locally cause a strong electromagnetic pollution”.
https://www.lanazione.it/lucca/cronaca/malati-per-colpa-dei-campi-elettromagnetici-1.6601236 The complete article, translated, is below in Letters.

THE TRUST WILL BE VOTING ON THE ROGERS 5G-ENABLED CELL TOWER Proposed for Channel Ridge next Tuesday, July 27
So far, the Trust has received 227 letters opposed to this tower, 72 in favour. We have one last opportunity to ask them to make a decision that truly supports our island’s safety and wellbeing. Numbers matter. If you know in your heart and mind that 5G is not life-enhancing, now is the moment to stop it.
Learn more about this proposed tower here:
- Forward this Email Message to all of your sympathetic Salt Spring contacts
- Take a few moments to Copy, Paste & Send the following message (or your own) BY NOON THIS FRIDAY to:
lpatrick@islandstrust.bc.ca, pgrove@islandstrust.bc.ca, pluckham@islandstrust.bc.ca, ssiinfo@islandstrust.bc.ca
Dear Trust Representatives,
Please write a letter of non-concurrence for the Rogers tower. Planner Kristine Mayes’ Staff Report on this project tells us:
- A copy of the Safety Code 6 assessment referenced by the proponent has not been received.
- The proposed site is of HIGH to MEDIUM value for important natural areas in the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Area. This alone is a justifiable land use reason for opposing this commercial tower.
Let’s find a solution for CREST that separates the business interests of Rogers from the needs of emergency responders. Our current climate crisis demands that we limit our use of wireless technology and curtail all unneeded development that threatens the invaluable natural resources that sustain us.
3. Attend Tuesday July 27th’s Meeting:
. Make a comment at the Town Hall at 12:30 pm
. Let’s find a solution for CREST that separates the business interests of Rogers from the needs of emergency responders. Our current climate crisis demands that we limit our use of wireless technology and curtail all unneeded development that threatens the invaluable natural resources that sustain us.
With Love,
The Team from 5G Free Salt Spring

“Sick because of electromagnetic fields”
The Court of Appeal, after a lawsuit by the CGIL, recognizes the occupational disease of three former Enel employees. But they are all already deceased
The Court of Appeal of Florence has recognized a great victory to the Inca-Cgil of the province of Lucca and to the workers. In a judgment that has so far been unique in its kind, the existence of an occupational disease that has never been recognised before has been established. The assisted, victims of this disease, thus obtain the right to receive compensation proportionate to the degree of impairment, equal to 85% of the arrears in addition to the right to a survivor’s pension granted to the spouse.
“The story – explains the CGIL of Lucca – begins in 2011 when one of our assistants, at the time 62 years old, turned to the Inca CGIL Patronage of Marlia to obtain assistance in recognizing what he considered a disease caused by his previous work. It was micromolecular multiple myeloma, according to him derived from exposure to waves and electromagnetic fields generated by high voltage pylons. In fact, the man had worked for Enel from 1974 to 2005: over the years he had been involved in the installation and maintenance of telephone equipment and infrastructures, power plants, teleoperation and remote control machines, transmission equipment and coupling devices with conveyed waves, VHF radio transmission equipment, UHF radio bridges and SHF radio bridges. The conveyed wave (OCV) apparatuses had been mainly installed in high-voltage power lines, in situations of presence of a strong electromagnetic field. Commissioning, testing and maintenance of the radio bridges had taken place mainly at repeaters, where numerous VHF, UHF and SHF transceivers were installed, which locally cause a strong electromagnetic pollution”.
The former Enel worker had therefore requested, through the help of the then head of the Inca office in Marlia, Patrizia Bertoncini and the medical examiner Dr. Silvia Baldi, the recognition of the aforementioned occupational disease, but saw it rejected. He was thus forced to resort to a judicial action, promoted with the patronage of the lawyer Carla Genovali before the court of Lucca. Here his cause was combined with that of the widows of two colleagues who, like him, had worked for most of their lives for Enel, and who in the meantime had died of similar illnesses.
“Inail, however, continued to challenge the claims of the offended parties and, despite two expert reports (one environmental and the other scientific) favorable to the arguments of the three workers, the Court rejected the application based on a third negative expert opinion (medical examiner). The case was then brought before the Court of Appeal of Florence, after all three cases were closely followed by Dr. Baldi”.
The Court of Appeal of Florence, in front of the documentation filed and above all in the light of the expert reports, both environmental and scientific, previously ignored, has given for granted the existence of the causal link. He then commissioned a new technical consultant to assess the extent of the damage reported by the three workers, who recognized the existence of the occupational diseases reported. The Court of First Instance therefore ordered Inail to pay the compensation due.
“It was the first jurisprudential recognition – concludes the CGIL – inherent in blood diseases caused by exposure to electromagnetic waves. The only bitterness that remains to the operators of the Patronato Inca Cgil, to the medical examiner Silvia Baldi and to the lawyer Carla Genovali, is due to the impossibility of sharing the satisfaction for this result with their historical assistant. Unfortunately, in fact, shortly before the delivery of the sentence, the promoter of the case died due to the occupational disease reported”.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius